You know what I want ((Closed RP))

Feb 23, 2008 21:48

With a parting admonishment and a vote, Claire had been set loose on the halls of Hogwarts. Outside the small stone room there were stone hallways, stone stairs, and even more stone rooms. She felt lost in a maze of hard slabs and blocks. When she noticed a tiny maiden in a picture waving to her, she waved back, and asked for directions. That was how she found herself in Hufflepuff, in an empty room, sitting on a mattress that was now hers.

The detachment that she'd worn around herself like her jacket was beginning to wear off, and now she was cold, lonely, and confused. She hadn't been whisked away to endless delights or damnations. She wasn't at the mercy of forces beyond her control. Everything was back in her hands, now, and with no parties, no pills, and no entertainment, she found the idea of being in charge of this life as uncomfortable as it had been in her last one.

She tried sleeping, but was as unsuccessful at it now as she'd always had been. It was late, and the hallway was quiet outside of her door. If this was her new life, Claire wanted to start it with something. She wanted to be numb again, rushing from one experience to the next. But if she had to feel something, it wasn't going to be this restlessness and helplessness that she felt as she tossed and turned on the bed.

There was a card in the pocket of her jacket. Claire read it over once again, then left it and the jacket on her bed. She wandered the hallways, but it was too late for dinner, maybe even too late for drinks. The ambient light from the torches gleamed on her bare shoulders and gold dress. The portrait people were very helpful again, directing her down to the dungeons. A few more questions, and she found herself at the right door. Without hesitation, she knocked and waited for it to open. She had always slept better in somebody else's bed.

claire tourneur, sidney reilly, rp

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