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h_m_winter February 28 2008, 19:33:37 UTC
No, he didn't spend time with them--even with Charles tied up with someone else, Henry still didn't want to be around him. He didn't share Camilla's bizarre extrapolation of why Charles would be unhappy, though; involvement with Susan notwithstanding, Charles wasn't ever going to be happy so long as his sister was with someone else. Henry had thought before now that his relationship with Susan, whatever it might actually be, was probably calculated in part by a wish to make Camilla jealous. Why else would he settle on Camilla's best female friend? Henry had no way of knowing that Charles intentionally sought out women who looked and acted nothing like Camilla, but even if he had known, there were plenty of other women at Hogwarts who were absolutely nothing like Camilla.

"She's not making him unhappy, either," he said. "Come to that, Susan herself isn't what you'd call happy, either, but she's a great deal more content than I've seen her since last spring." Part of him really hated to have to push her like this, but he knew this was the only chance he'd ever have to address the issue. "And you are jealous," he said. "You wouldn't be so unhappy about the idea yourself, if you weren't. I've seen it in you since they started spending time together without you. Perhaps--" and he didn't like to even think about this possibility "--perhaps it's just made you lonely." Which was Henry-speak for 'maybe I'm not enough for you.'


c_macaulay February 28 2008, 21:15:27 UTC
Camilla shrugged the suggestion away, an angry little movement that for once involved both her shoulders. Still in coat and boots, she might have leapt up and run out at any moment, ready for action or pursuit or evasion. "I never minded," she claimed. "I never minded when he was with anyone else. Why should I mind now? Of course I don't mind."

These were things they never, ever talked about, she and Henry.

Even through her consternation and upset, she remained attuned to his signals; she understood he felt uneasy about something, even if she didn't understand what or why; she understood he'd been watching her for signs of something, some malady, some malaise, and that he hadn't liked what he'd seen. "I can't just forget," she said, in a very small voice. That remark covered a multitude of meanings. She couldn't forget what Charles had meant to her once. She couldn't forget the things he'd done since. She could never, ever go back to him.

She didn't want to go back to him. She just didn't want anyone else to have him either, not in any way that mattered.


h_m_winter February 29 2008, 23:52:02 UTC
"I know you can't," Henry said, with some difficulty--he didn't like the fact that she couldn't, but he accepted it was there. Unlike the Macaulay twins, Henry did not have the luxury of selective blindness. "But you have to accept the fact that Charles is allowed to move on, too. He's let go of you--" nominally, at least "--and you've got to let him go in return. Be honest with yourself--you wouldn't want to see him with anyone else, no matter who that 'anyone else' was. Not in any kind of real relationship." And that, perhaps, was part of what was bothering her; that even if Charles wasn't necessarily knee-deep in love, it was always possible Susan was (though Henry did not think this at all likely). In any case, Charles was spending much more time with Susan than Camilla, and contrary to Camilla's opinions, he seemed at least content, if not really happy.


c_macaulay March 1 2008, 12:49:40 UTC
Charles is allowed to move on. What was that supposed to mean?

"He already did. 'Move on.' He left a few months after you died. I didn't see him for years until Hogwarts brought him back. You know that." Camilla had known Charles had set up something of a household for himself with a woman he'd met in rehab. She'd known it thanks to the private investigator the woman's family had hired; Charles's paramour had left behind a husband and a small child, and they'd wanted her back. Camilla had been at once jealous and thoroughly disgusted. Her disgust, in that case, had far outweighed her jealousy. Here, it could not. Susan wasn't a bad choice. A weird one, maybe, but hardly beneath Charles's notice or interest. She was even a duchess where she came from.

"And he did let go. He's been very, very good. He gave me away at our wedding. He volunteered to do that! And I said yes. We both let go." Everything was true except for that last brief sentence. We both let go. Obviously, they hadn't.

"Why do you keep saying these things?" She was frustrated, close to tears.


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