Bored like a very bored clone (Open RP!)

Jan 30, 2008 17:18

OK, so lazing around and doing nothing did get old. Who knew? At the moment, Superboy knew. Boy, did he ever know.

So, even though it was the end of January and freezing and the middle of England or Scotland or wherever so it would probably rain even though it was freezing (Kon-El: Superhero Meteorologist!), he was outside. He'd flown around ( Read more... )

pearl fey, jaime reyes, rp, kon-el

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bantersucks February 2 2008, 02:51:48 UTC
((Sorry for the spam, but I just remembered some canon and could not resist.))

Not boring at all. As was evidenced by the swearing in both English and Spanish that could be heard from the other end of the greenhouse. Had Jaime known about the man-eating plants, he wouldn't have set foot in there. One would think that alien superpowers would make that a non-issue, but when the symbiote that caused them balked at "hurting nature" even when said nature was trying to smash him into a pulp... well, the problem was fairly evident.

The Scarab, by now, had at least grasped the need to protect Jaime from the chlorophyll mandibles of death. It still didn't like the idea of hurting the plants.

So he was currently engaged in a Mexican standoff of sorts. To the outside observer, it appeared that a plant that looked like the bastard child of the plant from Little Shop of Horrors had grabbed his arm and was about to rip it off since its "mouth" had engulfed his arm up to the shoulder ( ... )


tktactile February 2 2008, 03:03:09 UTC
Kon, like any teenager who was also a superhero, followed the swearing. And hey hey, it was a face he recognized: that guy Jaime from when Kon had been covered in butter!

Being eaten by a plant.

And also talking to himself.

Oh-Kay. "Need a hand, man?"


bantersucks February 2 2008, 03:19:52 UTC
Jaime was getting a little bit irritated. "Okay, that's it, I'm gonna -" Hearing Kon's voice, he looked up."- shut the hell up because there's somebody else here which somebody should have warned me about."

Oh, this was just getting better and better. On the one hand, it could have been somebody worse. Like Maia or that Richard guy. "Uh. More like a crowbar." The plant actually tried to tug at his arm. "Hey!" His armored fingertips (still hidden by the plant) inside it sparked a tiny bit, and it froze. He flinched at the internal bitching that produced, and sighed. "Could you, uh...?" If Kon could pry it open just a bit, he might be able to get himself out without having to resort to lasers.

Resorting to lasers never seemed to end well.


tktactile February 2 2008, 20:00:00 UTC
"You bet. Hold still!" Kon needed no crowbar! The S on his chest didn't stand for Crowbar, after all! And not only because crowbar didn't start with S!

He took hold of the plant's mouth above and below, then started pulling its mouth open. "You'd think nobody feeds these thingies."


bantersucks February 3 2008, 04:05:20 UTC
((Kon is allowed to notice something odd and call Jaime on it. Jaime doesn't care about the secret identity as much as he just doesn't want an explanation to lead to Kon finding out what happens to him.))

Jaime snorted. "Maybe nobody wants to feed 'em. This only happened 'cause I was trying to avoid the bigger one over there." There was another one three times its size just around the corner. He'd have been just one bite for it, easy ( ... )


tktactile February 3 2008, 04:13:22 UTC
Carnivorous plant with acid spit. Kon resolved to owl whatever professor was in charge of the greenhouses and ask him/her WHAT THE HELL FOR SERIOUS. At least Jaime was okay.

....why was Jaime okay? He'd been in the plant up to the shoulder. And his arm had been blue, hadn't it, when he'd been thrown into the bushes. That was a little weird.

For all his posturing and occasional genuine idiocy, Kon wasn't stupid. "Can I ask about the blue arm, or d'you want me to pretend I didn't see it?" The secret identity stuff wasn't new to him. He was the only YJer who didn't have one even a little, after all.


bantersucks February 3 2008, 04:41:36 UTC
Yeah, that was bothering Jaime as well. No-kill spell or not, if he hadn't been able to armor up... it would not have been pretty. Geez, what if a kid wandered in here?

He stuck his head up and grimaced at the question. "Um." The secret identity stuff wasn't new to him either, but he still utterly failed at it. Part of it was because of the Scarab, and part of it was because he was never comfortable with pretending to be someone he wasn't. In short, nothing like Tim.

Sighing, he sat up, rubbing the back of his head with his now-normal hand. "You can, but... it's a long and kinda messed-up story." He glared at the plant. "But maybe not as messed-up as whoever just decided to leave the Audrey II rejects here to chew on anyone who walks in." Who did that? This was actually worse than La Dama and the damn Mother Box.


tktactile February 3 2008, 04:45:46 UTC
"Yeah, I'm gonna write to somebody." And maybe punch them a little if they needed it. But mostly write, because... somebody had to be in charge of the evil plants. And carnivorous plants didn't attack if they'd been fed, so something was up, right? "So okay, what's up with the blue arm? I mean, yay for still having your arm, but I'm curious. And this is school, so I've got time."


bantersucks February 3 2008, 05:19:11 UTC
"You and me both. There are kids here - my little sister would've been one bite for that thing." Maybe he could get the Scarab to weld the door shut in the meantime so nobody could just walk in and get snacked on. He could blame it on magic later.

Jaime snorted. "Yeah, I kind of like having both my arms intact too. Hang on a sec." He grabbed a nearby branch (which didn't fight back, yay) and pulled himself to his feet, brushing himself off as best as he could, looking around. Scarab wasn't picking up anybody in the vicinity. "Short version? Picked up a weird-looking rock one day and took it home, and found out the hard way that you don't wanna do that with stuff from outer space. 'Course, by the time I knew about the outer space part it was too late to do anything about it."


tktactile February 3 2008, 05:42:00 UTC
"Yeeeeah, I can see that being a hindsight is 20/20 deal." No cracks about taking stuff from outer space home and his luck with girls - Kon was taking this seriously! "So you're...." Ah! That Tomo chick had mentioned the Blue Beetle being at school. Not a hero Kon had ever met, but Blue Beetle, blue arm...? Valid deduction or just a coincidence? "Blue Beetle?"


bantersucks February 3 2008, 06:19:14 UTC
Jaime shrugged. "Eh. I'm stuck with it now. No point in thinking about what I should've done if I'd known." He was past the why me? thing already.

He blinked, surprised. "Yeah, how did you... oh." Great. Tomo and her big mouth. "Didn't pick it - that's what the news started calling me. Wasn't really trying to do the superhero thing, but stuff happened and I didn't notice the news crew til after it was over." And he'd promptly gotten the hell out of there, not that it had stopped the media blitz. El Paso didn't get a lot of superheroes.


tktactile February 3 2008, 06:25:16 UTC
"For what it's worth, I think that's kinda how it happens for a lot of us." Not for Kon, of course. Or Robin. Or Cassie. Or Bart. Or Cissie, before she retired. Okay, so he was inadvertently lying. SUPERHERO SOLIDARITY, MAN.

...hang on. He knew about the Blue Beetle, but Jaime wasn't... honestly Kon was from the past, so Jaime probably wasn't old enough to have been the Blue Beetle in 2002. At least not without the JLA jumping on him being all 'won't somebody think of the children??' "So... are you a different one than the one I don't know from five years ago, or is there more than one and I just don't know?" Names and things got handed down all the time, after all.


bantersucks February 3 2008, 06:34:24 UTC
That would have been news to Jaime - the JLA had (accidentally) left him to die in space, after all. "Um, a different one. The rock I found - it belonged to the other Blue Beetle. Stuff happened and he lost it, and I couldn't exactly give it back."


tktactile February 3 2008, 06:42:49 UTC
"Huh. Well, nice to meet you. I mean, I already have, but... just saying. For both sides." Secret/other identities seemed like a pain in the ass, seriously.

For a moment, Kon was tempted to ask about himself and the rest of Young Justice in Jaime's time, but decided against it. He wasn't, after all, as dumb as he looked, and anytime somebody knew their own future it turned out badly. "Superheroing's pretty cool, though. At least you didn't accidentally end up, I don't know, intergalactic postman."


bantersucks February 3 2008, 13:58:43 UTC
When you started out with a civilian identity, a secret identity was a necessary pain in the ass. "Likewise. Well, only one side but you know what I mean." He glanced over at the plant, which was wisely backing off. "And thanks for the assist. Wouldn't have been a problem if, uh, my powers didn't have a mind of their own. Literally." Hence the talking to himself. Not crazy! Any more than the rest of the costumed set, that is.

Jaime, of course, had no intention of letting any of Kon's future slip. No more bearing of bad news. "Yeah, sometimes. Would've been nice to have some help; I still don't have a clue what I'm doing." He smirked. "Yeah, that... would really suck. Forget attack dogs, I'd probably have to fight more monsters than I do now." And he wasn't much for gratuitous fighting.


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