Leo sat in the Sorting Room, staring at the application before him. He was completely mystified by it; from the discussions he'd been overhearing snippets of, it was for some kind of magic school. Now, the only sort of magic he knew anything about was alchemy, and even then his knowledge was limited, but he knew it was nothing he wanted anything to
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"Oh, all right, so it's okay if Harry messes around with George or me on the side, is it? But when it comes to settling down and being committed, that's a no-go?" Fred asked Leo after bounding into the Sorting Room.
Oh, yes, and he was wearing Tushless Trousers -- the successor to Headless Hats!
As if to underscore this, he reached into a pocket of his robes and pulled out a Farting Fancy. A quick chew, one firm swallow, and he let one rip.
"Nice one, eh?"
Now he was just trying to push buttons. But hey, it was all in the name of a good time!
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