open to all the school: What is Hogwarts?

Jan 08, 2008 15:04

Little by little, with resistance from the Furby every step of the way, Albus was trying to make his Hogwarts something approaching its former respectability.

A losing battle, he knew; but he had to do something. He had never been one to sit idly by while the world deteriorated around him. The Hogwarts into which he'd been unpopcorned had presented him with a panoply of chaos quite frankly unthinkable. It had taken a while to figure out a strategy for addressing it, a small piece at a time, and whenever he thought he had something lined up perfectly, the Hat would go do something like perform a mass marriage and move everyone into a tent village. So far his major accomplishments had been to hold a faculty meeting and organize a field trip. This must change.

The newest bee in his bonnet: the complete lack of orientation provided for new students. No longer did owls arrive at children's homes informing them of the mystical journey in store. Now hapless people got sucked into the Sorting Room with no notion what wizarding might be, much less what Hogwarts was.

Providing new arrivals with gratis copies of Hogwarts: A History would do no good. This Hogwarts resembled the documented Hogwarts about as closely as Aberforth resembled Albus: they sort of looked the same, and that was all. No, Albus would have to write something entirely new. And to do that, he would need input from the current inmates student body.

Therefore, one fine winter's day shortly after the New Year, a large poster appeared above a table outside the Great Hall, with a magical self-replenishing length of parchment attached for people to write contributions, and a quill and inkwell ready for use, as well as a Dictaquill for those unable to write:

Hogwarts Students!

New students need your help!

We are compiling an orientation booklet for new arrivals to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and we need to know what you, the current students, think!

How would you describe the different Houses? What is your favorite aspect of Hogwarts life? If you could give one piece of advice to a new student, what would it be? Who is the most physically attractive professor? What courses do you recommend most highly?

All these and more are questions that need answers! Answers from YOU!

Please add to this sheet your thoughts. They will be legible to all, and after a reasonable period of time has passed, the contributions will be compiled into a new Student's Guide to Hogwarts!

Professor Emeritus
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

laura palmer, dean winchester, albus dumbledore, strong bad, mayday parker, tomo takino, strong sad, homsar, axel, barney stinson, lola sanchez, all school, camilla macaulay, jaime reyes, ayame sohma, demyx

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