GIVE THANKS, MEN! TO THE BRAVE 500! TO VICTORY! (Open, Multiple Peoplez)

Dec 17, 2007 11:59

Wez Feegles are descended fraem Nac Mac Feegle hisself. Taught ne'er tae retreat, never tae surrender. Taught tha' death in the battlefield in service of Th' Chalk is th' greatest glory wez could achieve in this life.

Tha' was why wez was 'ere. In this coooridoor, wez will fight, wi' the kicken and the faces fulla heid, and the crivens, and wez'll probably get tae live again in th' next world. An' maybe one 'o us will survive tae tell th' rest o' th' world how it was tha' 500 feegles stood, an died tae defend this one cooridoor frae th' foorces o' th' Elvish Fairy scunners!

It all started wi' a messenger. He said, like the scunner he was "No man, Elf, or Feegle, no man threatens a messenger!"
An' it was tha' Rob Anybody replied "Yez bring the crowns and heads o' conquered Big Men tae my barrow's dooor. Yez insult th' Kelda. Yez threaten us wi' a Laird, and a Quin! Ach. I've chosen my words carefully, yez Fairy. Perhaps ye shoulda done the same!"

Now it was tha' the fairy ponce was right on the edge o' the balcony by this point. An' lookin' kinda nervous 'bout bein' surrounded by th' Feegles. NAC MAC FEEGLE! As he shuld be.

"This is blasphemy! This is madness!"

"Madness? THIS IS CRIVENS!!!" An' wi' tha', Rob kicked the daft scunner so hard tha' he flew backwards, an' ended up in th' lake. Wi' the tentacoo beasties.

And so it was tha' wez went tae war. And noo wez hol' this cooridoor until we all die, or th' fairies an their bigjob friends are right an' properly gi'en sich a kicken.

In more understandable terms, for some unexplained reason, the Feegles have taken up residence in a rather narrow corridor, somewhere in Hogwarts, and are refusing to let people through. Seriously, they are beating the crivens out of all those who try and pass. Don't ask me how I came up with this deranged idea. I blame the Feegles.

Open for all and sundry

russel tringham, beowulf, nac mac feegle, rp, toki wartooth

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