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Return owl from Nny waste_lock November 26 2007, 02:10:58 UTC

Er, thanks? I'll let Devi decide if she wants to eat it of not.



Re: Return owl from Nny schizowarrior November 26 2007, 02:40:01 UTC
Nny (and Devi),

You're welcome! I don't know if either if you would really like it, but it's traditional where I come from. This is the lite version, too; at least it won't put anyone into detox.



Re: Return owl from Nny waste_lock November 26 2007, 02:45:03 UTC
Vaguely worried, Nny took both notes and the fruitcake and went in search of Devi. It was, of course, up to her if she ate it or not, but he hoped she wouldn't.


Re: Return owl from Nny immunityordeath November 26 2007, 03:37:53 UTC
Devi was currently curled up on a beanbag chair in the STFU suit, sketching, with a pile of Devinisian devils at her feet. She looked up when Nny entered, laying aside her sketchbook.

"Hey, you," she said. "What've you got there?"


Re: Return owl from Nny waste_lock November 26 2007, 03:39:57 UTC
"Molly sent us some fruitcake." He held up the little cup and the two notes. "It's drugged, though. I don't want any, but it's up to you if you do."


Re: Return owl from Nny immunityordeath November 26 2007, 04:18:46 UTC
...Somehow, it didn't surprise Devi that Molly would send them drugged fruitcake. "I think I'll pass," she said. "It's nice of her to send it, but I don't really think I need anything like that."


Re: Return owl from Nny waste_lock November 26 2007, 04:20:54 UTC
"Good," Nny said, with audible relief. "If it was anyone else I'd have been ticked off, but it's Molly... and she did warn us."


Re: Return owl from Nny immunityordeath November 26 2007, 04:52:16 UTC
Devi smiled--of course she wasn't going to eat pharmaceutical fruitcake. "Yeah, I can kind of see her doing stuff like that," she said. "I don't know about when she was younger, but even when she still had problems, she seemed...I don't know, mostly happy. So she probably wouldn't see anything wrong with fruitcake like that, though I'm glad she knew that we probably would."


Re: Return owl from Nny waste_lock November 26 2007, 04:57:18 UTC
"I'm glad. That she knew enough to warn us, I mean." His hand twitched, unconsciously reaching for a knife. "If she hadn't..."


Re: Return owl from Nny immunityordeath November 26 2007, 15:00:36 UTC
Devi went still. "Nny," she said, quietly. "I'm not going to ask, because I don't want to know the answer. I am going to say that what you're thinking isn't right."


Re: Return owl from Nny waste_lock November 26 2007, 23:10:42 UTC
His hands clenched tightly at that. "You know who I am," he said softly. "What I am."


Re: Return owl from Nny immunityordeath November 26 2007, 23:17:31 UTC
"I do," she said, just as quietly. "I do, but Molly doesn't. What if sometime she does fuck up? She's more stable than you and I, but sometimes that isn't saying much. Sooner or later she probably will screw up, and then what?"


Re: Return owl from Nny waste_lock November 26 2007, 23:44:53 UTC
"Doesn't she?" He tipped his head and shrugged. "She should. It's probably one of the bigger open 'secrets' around. 'The caretaker is a murderous psycho'. It's hardly news."


Re: Return owl from Nny immunityordeath November 26 2007, 23:52:31 UTC
"There's a difference between knowing and knowing," she said. "I don't know, it might be that she really does understand, and wouldn't really mind if you went after her, but...well, not everyone's like me, Nny." She gave him a slight, oddly fond smile. "You know I'd forgive you anything, but Molly...I don't know. She loves you, and I think she might not always remember that part of you exists. From what I've seen, she sees the good in people, without necessarily realizing the bad."


Re: Return owl from Nny waste_lock November 27 2007, 01:32:33 UTC
"Maybe you should warn her, then," he said tightly, crossing his arms across his chest, gripping his narrow biceps with hands gone white-knuckled with tension. "I can't... I can't make anyone get it."


Re: Return owl from Nny immunityordeath November 27 2007, 01:42:42 UTC
Devi stood, crossing the room to him. She didn't touch him, but her hand hovered over one of his. "Maybe you ought to talk to her," she said. "Have you ever really talked to her about that? I know she wouldn't think any less of you for it, and it might be good for her to hear about it."

She paused. She wasn't any good at articulating this sort of thing; she knew what she wanted to say, just not how to actually say it. "I think Molly might be like me," she said at last. "I know about that part of you, but to me it's only part--and not the important part, at that. I just know about it better than she does, because I've known you so much longer. To me you're Nny, not 'that homicidal groundskeeper', and I think you are to her, too. So maybe you need to remind her, because she's not the kind of person who's going to automatically think of it."


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