Open RP: Evil Missions and the Great Pie Hunt

Oct 31, 2007 12:48

Susan and Shaun had been cobbling together a guidebook to Hogwarts when the WART broadcasted. The idea was to put together something that would help ease Liz’s transition, whenever she arrived; both of them knew that Liz was definitely not the sort of person who would take some of the weird shit here easily ( Read more... )

jaime reyes, shaun riley, rp, stephen maturin, susan sto helit

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bantersucks November 1 2007, 02:36:44 UTC
((Remember how I said the scarab's going to react to Death!Susan? Tormenting approved, but give it the option to shift between dimensions at some point, 'cause it's probably going to go that far to get away.))

Jaime had to circle Hogwarts at least twice before he found a window that opened into an empty corridor. He'd picked up a few familiar energy signatures, but after his last encounter decided to play it smart and make a discreet entrance so he wouldn't be blindsided again.

This idea worked for all of thirty seconds, and then two strangers stepped out of the wall and made him jump back three feet. No, wait, not strangers, that was Shaun, the guy who got dragged into yoga, and Susan - wait dear god no that was not Susan. As he noticed the visible physical changes, the scarab practically screamed in terror - about as much as it had when faced with the Lains, if not more.

As Susan turned those black eyes towards him, the only response Jaime could muster was a weak, "Oh, God no."


usethepoker November 1 2007, 04:40:10 UTC
((HAHAHAHA, HELL YES! You just killed me dead. XD))

Susan and Shaun looked at him, their glances unnervingly syncronized. JAIME, Susan said--even in this state she knew him. JAIME, HOW...NICE TO SEE YOU. There was something undeniably predatory in her expression, and she advanced on him with the silent stalk that was her grandfather's trademark.

Shaun recognized Jaime as well, regarding him thoughtfully. The guy wasn't a zombie, obviously...but maybe Susan could change that. Maybe she could make people be zombies, just so he could kill them.... The fact that the school had, well, a no-kill rule, was completely lost on him at the moment--he just wanted to hit something with the cricket bat. Hard.


bantersucks November 1 2007, 13:00:31 UTC
((Said it before and I'll say it again: Jaime!muse HATES ME SO MUCH right now. Feel free to stop him from getting to the window. Shaun is welcome to try the cricket bat, but it won't hurt and he may risk breaking it.))

Every once in a blue moon, Jaime and the scarab actually agreed on something, and this was one of those rare times. Right now, he could completely identify with the need to RUN THE HELL AWAY. "Nice," he repeated weakly. "That's one word for it."

Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit - Through the panic, his mind was racing. The no-kill spell was still intact, he'd noted that when he went out the window. So she couldn't kill him, right? Then he remembered what she'd told him: "My grandfather is that world's Death." If that's what she was now - would the no-kill spell even apply to her? (Shaun and the cricket bat were barely registering on his radar, as was the fact that he'd just gotten outed to yet another person ( ... )


usethepoker November 1 2007, 19:32:55 UTC
O RLY? Neither Susan nor Shaun appreciated having half the ceiling crash down in front of them, and without a word she reached out and took Shaun's hand, snapping her fingers and stopping Time in an instant. The last falling bits of stone froze in midair, and she and Shaun stepped carefully around them.

Susan stopped in front of Jaime, taking in his justifiably terrified expression. Shaun took up position just behind him, cricket bat still in hand, but he wasn't going to use it just yet--that armor looked a bit too durable. For now, he was content to watch, like a spectator at a football match. He'd get his turn soon enough, surely.

Susan looked over Jaime's shoulder at him, and with a feral smile snapped her fingers again. Time came rushing back, heralded by the last thundering crashes of stone.

((Feel free to have Jaime either dodge or smack right into Susan))


bantersucks November 1 2007, 20:40:21 UTC

--and the next thing Jaime knew, Susan was right in front of him. Unable to stop or change course, he plowed headlong into her instead of throwing himself back out the window again.

He'd have preferred the window, honestly.


redonme November 1 2007, 23:19:43 UTC
Shaun, watching, actually giggled--an almost drunk sort of giggle. Susan, still grinning that unpleasant grin, took Jaime's shoulders and held him away, her black eyes dancing with unholy amusement.

NOW, NOW, she chided, DON'T RUN OFF. IT'S RUDE. She took his chin in one hand, forcing him to look at her. The tiny points of blue fire in her eyes seemed to flare brighter for a moment, as she stared hard into his own eyes, apparently trying to see through to the back of his skull. WHAT EXACTLY IS IN YOUR HEAD, CHILD? Neither she nor Shaun seemed to realize that there was something inherently odd about a twenty-five-year-old woman calling someone as old as Jaime 'child', but then the thing that had overtaken Susan was older even than humanity.


bantersucks November 1 2007, 23:50:27 UTC
In other circumstances, Jaime would have glared at Shaun. Instead, he pretty much paid no attention to the giggling minion as Susan somehow managed to grab him by the shoulders even with all his added strength added to the lunge. "...temporal manipulation?" he gasped as the scarab mentioned it. "That would've been nice to know a minute ago, dammit!"

He didn't get a chance to yell much more at it before Susan was already forcing him to look into her eyes. He tried to turn away, but they were like twin black holes, inevitably pulling his gaze to lock with hers. The second he was locked in, it felt like she was trying to drill into his head with her gaze. "WAIT, NO, DON'T!" he cried out. It wasn't clear who he was screaming at as electricity suddenly arced between the prongs on his back as the scarab lashed out mentally at the intruder.

Last time this had happened, the intruder had been bleeding out every orifice and landed in the hospital. So it might give Susan pause. And with his luck, piss her off.


usethepoker November 2 2007, 00:03:49 UTC
All right, that was enough to sting even her. Susan stepped backward, eyes narrowing, but instead of snarling in anger she laughed--which was almost worse. She'd managed to earth enough of it that it left her with little more than a few superficial burns on her hands, and she looked from them to him with a horrible fascination in her eyes.

HOW DID YOU DO THAT? she asked, advancing on him once more. Before he could answer, though, Shaun had brought the cricket bat around and smacked Jaime upside the head.

Unfortunately for Shaun, all it succeeded in doing was take a chunk out of the bat. He scowled at it, and at Jaime--the boy had tried to defend himself. Against Shaun's surrogate little sister, no less.

"You're gonna regret that, pal," he said, and aimed a swiping kick at Jaime's ankles. The armor might be proof against the cricket bat, but Shaun's workboots could handle a kick.


bantersucks November 2 2007, 00:17:32 UTC
Jaime barely felt the cricket bat - his head was already pounding enough as it was. He stumbled backwards, dazed and suddenly free of Susan's grip, and Shaun's kick caused him to crash into the wall. He slumped down the wall, head pounding and ears ringing. "No, that wasn't self-defense, you idiot!" he gasped as the scarab tried to answer. "Blocking! Not attacking! How many times do I have to say that?"

His attention returned to the pair looming over him. "It wasn't me," he gasped. "I tried to stop it, honest, and it doesn't matter 'cause oh, God, I'm dead anyway, aren't I?"


redonme November 2 2007, 01:18:34 UTC
Susan, whatever her other powers, could not actually hear the scarab. She tilted her head to one side, still regarding him with that inhuman intensity.

WHAT IS IT, REALLY? she asked, reaching down to lift his chin with a finger, her almost-lightless eyes searching his face. I DON'T WANT TO KILL YOU UNTIL I KNOW WHAT IT IS. Taking him apart wouldn't be any fun until she knew, after all. Part of her was fully aware that she couldn't actually kill him, but clearly he didn't know that.

Even Shaun was curious, in his crazy-evil-would-be-violent way. He took up station on Jaime's other side, glaring.

"Answer the lady, man," he said.


bantersucks November 2 2007, 01:36:04 UTC
Even though Susan was using the Voice, the scarab was screaming so much it came close to drowning her question out. His face was contorted in pain, and electricity had begun to spark between the prongs of the armor again as she lifted his chin. "Don't... really... know... what it is," he ground out, trying to focus through the pain and the screaming. "It's... alien... agh!"

He cried out in pain as the armor started charging up, the electricity sparking and fizzling all over the suit. "What - NO! Not that way!" he screamed as a faint glow spread across the armor. "You know what happened last -"

That was the last thing he managed before he suddenly - for all intents and purposes - faded away, as the scarab pulled him into the space between dimensions. Jaime screamed at it one last time before everything went black.


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