traveling with style (closed RP: Nebulon and the liopleurodon researchers)

Oct 01, 2007 20:37

Nebulon had been tipped off. His nemesis had finally deciphered his cryptic hints about The Milk Chocolate, and had gone to Hershey, taking with her two innocent bystanders. Now Nebulon had to stop her from uncovering the many sweet secrets to be found at the chocolate factory, lest she take her Candyland victory way past board game territory and into the real world.

Nebulon never learned to Apparate. He didn't need to learn that. He could travel through space, wibbling and blibbling unconcerned through zero gravity and zero atmosphere. It was just what he did. There were only two things about space he didn't like. First, in space, no one could hear you sing. Second, unless you got near an asteroid or something, there was nothing to tag. No one in space could see the proud blazon of NEB-1. He might go into graffiti withdrawal!

His carefree blibbling abilities kept his re-entry into Earth's atmosphere gentle and light. (A hot meteoric streak across the sky might have had style. Nebulon, much to his dismay, only had the kind of style that no one likes.) He touched down in Hershey long before Dax and her henchmen, and proceeded to scrape together a disguise. A trench coat. A big hat. He couldn't really do anything about his height, so he got a motorised wheelchair in which to blibble along. He tried to disguise his eyestalks as a bobble-antenna headband, by putting on a plain green headband to match it, though the big hat then covered the headband. The finishing touch was a huge false black mustache. It did not have curlicues at the end, as Nebulon did not wish to appear evil!

Thus equipped, many cans of spray paint strapped to his green body under the coat, he began a concerted campaign of Purposeful Lurking. Soon Dax would show up. Nebulon would be ready. He would fend her off, and he would do it with style.

chance silvey, nebulon, henry winter, rp, jadzia dax

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