house-elf carries a message to Dr Mohinder Suresh, perfunctorily warded

Sep 21, 2007 01:39

Dr Suresh:

Might I welcome you back to our fair institution, albeit belatedly? It was with great disappointment I found you had quite vanished, when I would have sought to hear more of evolution. More, I have of late been in need of an assistant, and it had occurred to me that for once I might seek someone qualified to serve that role. So I was quite pleased to hear of your return, courtesy of my very well-informed house-elf.

Said house-elf, the bearer of this message, can show you to the potions laboratory, if you have not yet become acclimated to our ever-shifting school's layout, and should you be amenable to a chat about science. SCIENCE!

- S. Maturin, potions master.

PS. Have you any familiarity with the custom and procedures of duelling?

mohinder suresh, owl, stephen maturin

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