I'm not crazy, I just hear a voice in my head! (Closed RP for Molly Michon and Jaime)

Sep 14, 2007 19:55

It was a rather cool and dreary morning when Jaime walked back onto the grounds of Hogwarts, seemingly just walking out of the woods on foot. He was visibly tired, damp from the light drizzle that was falling, and fairly cranky. The rain was petering out, and the sun was starting to peek out from between the clouds, but that wasn't helping his poor state of mind. Which was pretty obvious by the way he was ranting at the scarab.

"How do you confuse Reach tech with a giant freaking spider?"

For the hell of it, he'd flown out to Edinburgh strictly to confirm something. There was a shop in the airport with United States maps, and not one had Gotham on it. El Paso was, though, which only contributed to the theory that this wasn't his Earth. Seriously, why else would a US map that included El Paso leave out Gotham? Damn. Then he'd been stopped by security asking for his passport, and had the scarab not caused a short in their equipment, he might not have escaped.

On top of that, the scarab had taken him on a detour which turned out to be a wild goose chase, which had turned a short evening trip into an all-nighter. "Oh, excuse me, a magically constructed giant spider. That just changes everything."

So he wasn't exactly at his best as he crossed through the boundary of the no-kill spell - "don't even think about trying to disrupt that, man," - passing the Quidditch pitch as he made his way across the open grass towards the castle, approaching a tree not far from the lake.

"Give me a break," he muttered, trudging through the damp ground and not paying any attention to his surroundings. "You just wanted to pick a fight." He stopped, listening to something, and then groaned, leaning against the tree. "What's wrong with that? 'Cause when you want to pick a fight you have to drag my butt along for it."

Jaime pressed his hands against his temples. "Collateral damage is a very bad thing. How many times do we have to go over this?"

He wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings or whether or not there was someone within earshot. Of course, with his luck, that meant he definitely had an audience.

jaime reyes, rp, molly michon

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