Closed RP: George is her own owl. Hoot hoot.

Sep 13, 2007 19:00

After her sorting and her participation in Operation: Don’t Take My Wife, Please, George made her way home. Her path to Gryffindor Tower was walked with the same certainty of direction she exhibited in her morning walks to school, and it wasn’t long before she reached her destination. It also wasn’t long before she left it.

The dorm situation at Hogwarts was chaotic at best; some students lived in suites, others shared a room, and still more had spaces for themselves. If it followed any pattern, not even George could discern it. The girl had found a room, labeled with her name, in a largely isolated section of the tower. Even though George was very personable and outgoing, she also desired a certain assurance of privacy to return to. This was due to her psychic abilities, but also because she was still very much a teenage girl. She quickly dropped her rucksack off before pulling out a cardigan to wear. She had some work to do, and it seemed fitting to have sleeves to roll up.

It was several days amongst the kitchen House Elves before George was ready for her rounds. Her first few experiments ended in, if not disaster, than lackluster. George had spent her much of her summers and afternoons helping out Mr. Geever, but had never actually learned how her dessert of choice was made. But to be fair, the old man ordered his supplies in. The House Elves would have been happy to make it, but George insisted that the gifts would contain her personal touch. Still, she relied heavily on their help, especially when it came to George’s first enchantment.

Another reason why it took so long was the sheer variety of flavors. Only one was repeated, though George was careful to give the two dishes a different dash of personality. Finally she was ready to go. George filled a handy picnic basket with her hard-fought-for treats, and then wrote the letters to go with the unmelting ice cream. They were enchanted to remain cold and solid until eaten, so the girl had no trouble with rushing.

The crowds of a bus or a subway made George accustomed to long walks, so she was happy to deliver them herself. She also had a talent, which worked even in the rightfully paranoid heart of New York, to being let into all kinds of places, so she had no trouble in finding her way into all of the necessary Houses. Once there, she left behind a dish of unmelting ice cream, along with a note.

((Although this post ends with George visiting Robin, feel free to post your character's response here!))

For Veronica, George didn’t so much as make ice cream so much as dump sprinkles, cookie dough bits, oreos, cherries, chocolates, marshmallows, whipped cream, and gummie bears over something that might be vanilla. It looked a little bit like these sundaes... mixed together.

To Veronica Mars,

Thank you for coming to my sorting! It was so nice to meet you, even if I did spend the time making Shakespeare wince. I’ve met someone who applied with cheesecake as his answer, so it seems I could have done that anyway. Ah, live and learn! This isn’t cheesecake, but I’ll think you’ll like it just the same.

I’d love another visit,


Meanwhile, Sasan was left a chic bowl of chocolate ice cream. Hello Sasan!

I felt much better after meeting you; knowing we weren’t going through the sorting alone. A sorting can be very trying and hectic, but I hope you made friends anyway. I certainly don’t mind if you consider me a friend. Oh, and I think you’ve met Robin; he’s a friend of mine as well. He’s so much fun!

Please let me know if you need help settling in,


Matthew received a bowl of strawberry ice cream.

Dear Matthew,

The stampede of house elves signaled the ending to the recent marriage contracts; it was such a racket in the tower! I hope everything is alright with your ex-wife- But since it was annulled, I suppose she can’t be known as that? And ‘that woman’ seems to be a very rude title. Your previous roommate, then. I was relieved to hear it despite the commotion, because I knew it was putting you in an awkward position.

I’ll be within reach if you need anything at all.



Jaime, strangely enough, did not receive his own favorite flavor, but one liked by another… and he also got enough for two servings.

Hello Jaime and Other,

I hope you’re not mad if I say hello to both of you. I debated it with myself for awhile, but then decided omitting a greeting would be dishonest and, honestly, a bit mean. So hello! I hope you’ve been ok settling into Hogwarts (some of its tenants can be a bit prickly, can’t they? Though I think New York gave me more training than most); since we’re both new here, it would be nice to remain in touch.

Oh, and I made for you enough for two, so don’t go giving yourself a tummy ache by eating it all by yourself! Some things are best when shared with another… maybe you know a friend who’d like it?



Like Matthew, Yuuri received strawberry ice cream, only his tasted a bit sweeter.

Hello Yuuri!

I dreamt about the things you told me about the first night in my room. Only my dream was of sand sheep and flying bears, which I remember to be not quite right. You are fortunate to have had such wonderful experiences, and I am grateful to you for sharing them with me. I am also grateful for your vote! I’m almost sorry that I won’t be able to join you in Hufflepuff, but the House I got into is the House I belong in. Please keep in touch with me, Yuuri, and enjoy your treat!



George left mint chocolate chip ice cream outside Claude’s door, with a note at its side.

Dear Claude,

Thank you so much for coming to my sorting, I am really happy to have met you! I’m looking forward to seeing you again,


George didn’t catch Preston’s name, and yet her letter and a bowl of rocky road found themselves by his doorway just as well.


Once upon a time there was a snowman, which is a statue of a rotund person made out of snow and decorated with old clothing, usually by children. The children making this snowman named him Frosty before finding a tophat by the wayside, and placed it on the snowman’s crown. It shivered and quivered, and then its two pebble eyes blinked and its carrot nose sneezed. It was alive! The children were delighted with their new playmate, and with Frosty they played Capture the Flag, Tag, and Hide and Seek. You can imagine how bad a snowman would be at all of these, which made the children love him more. Unfortunately, that winter day was also an unseasonably warm one, and Frosty soon began to melt. The children began to cry, but Frosty said, ‘Don’t worry. I’ll come back next year, as soon as Jack Frost leaves his markings on your window, and you wake up with an extra blanket.’ And he did. He did every year until, one by one, the children were no longer children, and thought themselves silly to build a snowman.

Luckily you don’t have to worry about this ice cream melting… or coming alive, for that matter. I think that would cause quite a loss of appetite.



Her rounds complete, and having already visited Stephanie before, George reached her final stop with two servings of ice cream left on her basket. She smoothed down the skirt of her summer dress with a chilly hand before finally giving Robin Goodfellow's door a gentle knock.

robin goodfellow, rp, john preston, sasan, george king, matthew, jaime reyes, shibuya yuuri, veronica mars

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