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likeabadpenny September 13 2007, 13:18:10 UTC
Mumbling a "Mm-hmm," of agreement into Rachel's neck, Peter hoped as well that said discussion would happen later rather than sooner. For now, he felt a little like a kid in candy store; something he loved was right here, and all these new things to explore!

Peter could be accused of falling in love far too often, but most of those times it hadn't been like this. Rachel felt for him as strongly as he felt for her, he could feel it in her emotions like a gentle lap of water against his mind. And he was the one making her feel like this? It was amazing enough that he could even share in that, let alone feel it. Empathy could be a wonderful thing sometimes.

But god, it was getting really hard to think right now. Especially when Rachel's tongue was on that sensitive spot just under his ear, and thoughts weren't really important, were they? He hoped not, because he was far more fascinating with brushing his fingers against the base of Rachel's spine, leaning into her touch and kissing her as intently as he could manage while being distracted with how overwhelmingly good this felt.

Wait, where was she going? Confusion flew across Peter's expression for a moment, before he realized - oh, no, she was just concerned that she was being too forward. Hands still on her back, Peter pulled Rachel back up against him, a crooked grin lurking at the corner of his mouth. "Hey, you're not going anywhere," he commanded playfully. With a glance across at the door, he mentally nudged it into closing and locking - precision training with telekinesis really came in handy sometimes. "I want to find out what sex with a witch is like," his grin turned a shade wicked. "You can't back out now, after telling me that."


racheltherunner September 13 2007, 13:29:29 UTC
My eyebrows jumped up and I breathed out a quick laugh. "Yes, sir," I murmured with a wide grin of relief. I quickly unzipped my hoodie, shrugging it off onto the floor. Fingers hooking into the waistband of his jeans, I tugged us back towards my bed, ducking my head to kiss down the front of his throat, teeth catching at the skin in tiny nips, tongue tracing around his Adam's apple.

His touch on my back made me shiver and I breathed out a shaky little growl of frustration as the collar of his shirt stopped my mouth from dipping lower. Well, that needed to change. Pulling on the hem of his shirt, I laughed, "Off," tugging it up and over his head.

Wow. Just...yeah. I'd seen him without his shirt before, but not like this, and for a moment I just let my eyes wander over him. Turn it, but he was gorgeous. Cupping his face, I kissed him, tongue exploring his mouth as my hands set out to do the same; running down his chest, tracing up his sides, and coming to rest around his waist, fingers playing on the small of his back. I hardly knew where to start, I wanted a bit of everything. And then some voice in the back of my mind reminded me that I had time. That this was no one-night stand, that Peter wasn't going to walk out the door the second it was over. And that just made me kiss him more deeply. Becaus this was real.


likeabadpenny September 13 2007, 13:55:24 UTC
Peter's triumphant grin was quickly erased by the feeling of Rachel nipping at his throat - god dammit, talk about finding things he liked way too quickly - and he couldn't quite stop the sound that started in his throat. She was really bad for any sort of control Peter might have had, but she was everywhere and suddenly Peter didn't really care about control.

Continuing the motion she'd started, Peter slowly backed Rachel towards the bed - slowly, because it took a bit of effort to walk and kiss at the same time, and not screw either up. As soon as the back of Rachel's knees hit the edge of the bed, Peter grasped her hips and lowered her down, nudging her until she was lying on her back. Still unable to wipe the grin off his expression, Peter rested a knee on the bed and leaned over Rachel, arms braced near her shoulders.

The grin abruptly turned into something much softer, and for a moment, Peter just looked at Rachel. He couldn't believe that this amazing woman had actually waited around for his stupid self. And he'd be eternally grateful that she had. "I am so lucky," he marveled, edging his fingers under Rachel's t-shirt to trace light designs over her stomach. He leaned down to kiss her deeply again, feeling like he couldn't get enough of this.


racheltherunner September 13 2007, 14:15:57 UTC
My eyes had blinked open again when I'd hit the bed, and my heart caught in my throat at the way Peter was looking at me. My thumb rubbed across his lower lip and I grinned. "Damn straight you are," I responded, the last words teasing out into a low whimper as his fingers touched my stomach. My muscles clenched beneath them in anticipation and I felt the first burgeoning flames of want start to edge up over my thought process.

In fact, what thought process? With Peter kissing me like that, any thought beyond him was gone completely.

Fingers fumbled slightly at his waistband, finally getting the button undone and easing his jeans down his hips, my hands running back up over the curve of his backside and then up to his shoulders. And I suddenly had a flash of thanks that I'd worn decent lingerie (which then made me laugh, because seriously, who would have thought that I'd have needed it?).

One leg hooked around Peter's hips, pulling him down to me. "I've wanted you for so long," I admitted in a husky voice, one corner of my mouth edging up. "You have no idea." And I was so going to make up for lost time. Trailing soft nips along his collarbone, soothing each mark with tongue and lips, I then started my way down his chest, leaving a heated path of bites and sucking kisses. I wanted him, all of him, and every second he was this close to me only increased that need.


likeabadpenny September 13 2007, 14:29:16 UTC
None of his previous girlfriends had been biters, but Peter was quickly beginning to realize that he'd definitely been missing out, if the choked off sounds he was making was any indication. Christ, Rachel was eager, which was only fueling his own need and adding to the fire. He just hoped he lasted long enough to actually make it worth while.

Lowering himself to rest flush against Rachel, Peter braced his weight on his forearm and dipped down to suck gently at her earlobe. "Yeah? Guess I'll have to make it up to you, then," he murmured into her ear, raking his teeth along the sensitive skin. And he definitely planned on making it up to her as often and as much as he could.

Wait, Rachel still had way more clothes on than he did. This had to be remedied. Lightly licking a path down her neck, Peter edged Rachel's t-shirt up, stopping just below the swell of her breasts, and gave her a silence glance, asking permission. Okay, so she was attacking his clothes like there was no tomorrow, but he still felt the need to be a gentleman about this. Even when he was so aroused that he was on the verge of just wanting to get Rachel naked as quickly as possible.


racheltherunner September 13 2007, 14:40:42 UTC
God, that made me moan out loud, fingers clenching into his shoulders as he toyed with my earlobe. Wow, how did that get to be such a freaking turn on? "You'll have to think of something, yes," I agreed shakily, vaguely proud of myself for remembering all those words under such trying circumstances.

Yes, please, clothes, off, now. When he paused, I looked down, raising my eyebrows and laughing out loud. My fingers twined with his as I helped him push my shirt the rest of the way off. Seriously? Was he kidding me? I wanted us both naked ten minutes ago and he was getting all proper on me. "You always can take my clothes off," I breathed with a wicked smile, running fingers down, across his nipples and to circle around his belly button, sending my mouth to follow.

Every bit of skin I met was caressed, teased, tasted and tormented with increasingly hard nips and slow laps of my tongue. Every time I elicited a sound from Peter it only served to arouse me more. By the time I reached his stomach I was flushed with want that was quickly tipping over into need. Raising my mouth once again to his, I tugged on his lower lip before kissing him, hard and deep, all of that hunger translated in the movements of our lips.


likeabadpenny September 13 2007, 14:52:19 UTC
Yeah, he'd have to think of something. Much later, when he could actually think and form coherent sentences in his head.

"Really?" Peter grinned, for once not ignoring the images and ideas that sprang to mind from that permission. Hey, he could turn invisible. He'd never seen what was so great about having sex it public, but he'd try anything once. Flinging Rachel's shirt onto the floor, Peter took a moment to feel grateful that Rachel had loosened his jeans, otherwise he'd be in serious restrictive pain right now. He didn't think he'd ever gotten turned on so fast.

Breathing heavily, Peter groaned quietly into the kiss, cupping her breast and teasing a nipple through her bra with her thumb. He trailed down to kiss her collarbone - taking a moment to blow his hair out of the way, stupid hair - and hooked his fingers into the waistband of Rachel's skirt, tugging it down a few inches. He paused, staring down, and plucked at one of the little bowties with a laugh. "That's unexpected," he teased, one hand wandering to unclasp Rachel's bra. "Didn't take you for a ribbons and bows kind of girl."


racheltherunner September 13 2007, 15:07:08 UTC
Neck arching slightly as my whole body moved up into his touch, I bit back a groan and nodded, grinning back. "Hell, yeah. Anytime, babe." And damn, didn't some wonderful ideas come along with that. Things we definitely needed to explore.

Rolling my eyes, I turned us quickly so I was straddling him, somehow managing to lose my skirt in the process. "I am so all about the ribbons and bows," I informed him, bending over him to leave a slow track of heated kisses down his chest. My hips moved on his, teasingly, and I gave him a wicked look. "And lace. And silk. And pretty much anything that feels nice against my skin." Then I arched my eyebrows and tugged on the waistband of his boxers with my teeth. "All this, of course, from the man with Captain Planet boxers."

My bra was slowly eased off of my shoulders, my eyes locked on Peter's as I did so. There was a sudden tightness in my throat as I looked down at him and my expression softened. "I love you," I repeated again, my hand cupping his cheek, then moving to brush back his hair. And, Turn it, I did. So much it was an actual ache with my inability to express it.

So I did what I always did. Forgot words, went straight for the actions. Again we turned so that he was on top of me; I slid my fingers underneath his boxers, wrapping around him and teasing up and down the length of him. I nuzzled into the crook of his neck, catching his skin between my teeth, sucking hard enough to leave a mark. I wanted to devour him. The softness melted into fire; the want had flamed into all-consuming need. "Peter," I managed between bites and licks and tasting his skin. I just wanted more of him - his touch, his lips on me, his body pressed against my own. I needed him in a way that drove me to delicious madness.


likeabadpenny September 13 2007, 15:25:09 UTC
Responding to the sudden swell of Rachel's emotions, Peter reached to tangle their fingers together, smiling up at her. "I love you too," he replied, open and honest with his emotions in a way that he hadn't felt for the last few weeks. It felt so much better to just say it.

And then they were rolling again, and Peter had to struggle not to just fall on top of Rachel. "And don't insult the Cap," he protested with a laugh. "He's- oh, fuck," Peter cut himself off with a groan, forehead falling to rest on Rachel's chest as she stroked him. Panting against her skin, he traced a tongue over her nipple, hands sliding down her sides. Was it possible to want something too much?

Working his way down Rachel's stomach, Peter took his time, testing responses to kisses, licks and light bites. The newness of this was exciting; Peter wanted to catalog and remember everything for the later use. The way Rachel gasped when he kissed the hollow of her hip, the way she arched when he raked his teeth over the sensitive skin below her belly button. This was fun, as sex should be.

He stopped for a moment, resting his cheek on Rachel's thigh to look up at her. On a whim, he rubbed his stubble over her skin, grinning to himself. "Lace and silk, huh? I really am lucky."


racheltherunner September 13 2007, 15:33:45 UTC
Just when I thought I couldn't possibly be turned on any more, just when I was sure that the very next breath would have me flying apart, Peter would touch me just in the right spot or his teeth would catch my skin and I'd be pushed further. Whimpering, moaning, eyes having long fallen shut against the flood of sensations, I was putty in his hands. No barriers, no walls, nothing between him and me but the thin sheen of sweat that slicked our skin.

Here was the passion I'd known he had but had never thought would be directed to me. I choked out a laugh which cut off into a small, pleading noise in the back of my throat as his stubble teased against the skin of my thigh. "You so are, Petrelli," I managed thickly, looking down at him from behind hooded lids.

Then I sat up enough to hook my hand behind his head and pull him roughly back to me. He was so sexy, so amazingly hot, and I didn't think I could remember the last time I'd been this turned on. My lips clashed with his, hungrily, and I reached a hand down to ease off his boxers, nails scraping lightly down his ass. "Then again," I mumbled against his lips, "how many women get to go to bed with the Cap?"


likeabadpenny September 13 2007, 15:45:30 UTC
Peter's sound of protest was quickly cut off by Rachel's kiss - he'd had things he'd wanted to do while he was down there, dammit - and turned into a sigh of a moan at the feeling of her nails against his skin. Christ, just when he thought he couldn't get any more turned on.

Her words prompted a surprised laugh, and Peter chuckled against Rachel's lips, nose nudging into her cheek. "So you're the Cap now, huh? Guess I can't complain too much," he grinned playfully. He shifted down to lick a meandering line across the underside of her breast, fingertips teasing at the opposite nipple.

Yeah, he really had been stupid to avoid this for so long. And it was unexpected - though certainly a good thing - to be able to bring empathic abilities into play, to know when something really pleased Rachel or what emotions certain things would generate.


racheltherunner September 13 2007, 15:52:21 UTC
"Mmm," I nodded, grinning, head falling back. Wow, words were hard when Peter was paying attention to my breasts. Nonexistent, really. His name was gasped out as his fingers brushed my nipple and my back arched up into him.

His boxers were finally removed and once more my hand found him, easing along in long, slow strokes. I was all instinct, now, my brain unable to process anything further than the heat coiling in my belly, than my driving need for Peter to be closer.

This was incredible. Every movement only served to turn me on more, every emotion felt heightened. I didn't know if was the waiting that made it so good, or if it was Peter, or if this was some byproduct of sleeping with an empath; in any case, it was amazing and I was more than vocal about my pleasure.


likeabadpenny September 13 2007, 16:09:50 UTC
Breathing out a shuddery sigh as Rachel's fingers curled around him again, Peter kissed his way along the line of her collarbone, eyes closed as he tried to keep some semblance of control. He was quickly growing addicted to how responsive Rachel was to everything, especially when he hit the right places. Then again, he should have known she'd be passionate in bed, if the rest of her was anything to go by.

Sitting up slightly, Peter hooked his fingers into the waistband of her underwear - taking a moment to grin once again at the bow-ties - and slid them off easily, throwing them over his shoulder. He shuffled back a little so that he could run his fingers up her legs, paying attention to the undersides of her knees and inner thighs.

"You really have amazing legs," he noted, kissing his way from her knee to her hip. It immediately prompted some rather graphic images of what her legs would look like wrapped around him, and Peter silenced whatever sound he might have made by leaning up to kiss Rachel again. He couldn't help being a bit of a talker in bed.


racheltherunner September 13 2007, 16:17:15 UTC
A slow smile, liquid smooth, eased across my face. It's not that I wasn't used to guys paying me compliments in bed - one of the only places I did get them, actually - but Peter's were just so... Different. No so much earnest as truthful, as if he'd say them whether or not he was currently naked with me.

And that was quite literally all the consideration I could give that at the moment. He was driving me wild and I moved under him, my hips automatically rolling upwards to meet his. "Please," I breathed in a shaky moan. Not sure how much longer I could take this. "Peter." His voice was a little plea and once more my back arched up, my leg sliding along the back of his.

"God, you're so sexy." The words were a babble, some noise I needed to make to express my approval. "Want you so bad." Fully turned on, now, all I knew was that my body was demanding something - friction, pressure, heat, some kind of release. And I wanted it now. Digging nails into his shoulders, I kissed him back, tongue plunging into his mouth, skin pressed to skin.


likeabadpenny September 13 2007, 16:26:07 UTC
Smiling into the kiss, Peter grasped Rachel's hips and pressing down lightly, pinning her to the bed. Concentrating fully on her pleasure rather than his own gained him a measure of self-control that he was quite intent on using to draw this out.

"What, no foreplay?" Peter teased, gently scraping his teeth down Rachel's breast and over her nipple. "I was just getting started." But he'd be more than happy to oblige if Rachel wanted him now. Still, he couldn't resist a little teasing. He leaned up again to ghost his lips over her ear, speaking lowly. "Tell me what you want."


racheltherunner September 13 2007, 16:31:47 UTC
Shuddering slightly with repressed desire, I sighed, "You." I was no good at denying myself in the best of circumstances. Peter naked above me? Yeah, I wanted it now.

Besides... "And then I want you in this bed for several days," I told him, eyes blinking open to meet him. "I want to find every single way possible to make you shout my name." I lifted my head up to nip at his earlobe. "I want us both aching and exhausted and satisfied, and then I want to start up again the next hour." I grinned, murmuring, "Aren't you glad you asked?"

See! I could plan! That was a great plan.

Running my hands up his arms, I plunged my fingers into his hair, gasping as he teased against my nipple again. "And more of that," I added in a low moan. "Definitely more of that." I should keep a list.


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