You mean Dean can send owls first? :0

Sep 08, 2007 20:16

(Similarly backdated to pre-mass marriage annulments! Just after this.)

Owl to Rachel )

rachel morgan, owl, dean winchester, rp

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Owl returns, looking...slightly wigged out racheltherunner September 9 2007, 00:47:47 UTC

Really know how to talk to a girl, don't you?

Have no clue, haven't talked to him in days bec

Yeah, why do you care

Meeting would be good. Nice, even. Get me out of the room.

Where are you? Never mind. I can smell find you.


P.S. Lost it.


The hut. Easy to find. Smelled just like Dean, although the scent of him was lost, slightly, under so many other people. But still, Dean was someone I could have picked out of a crowd just by his smell alone. Vamp noses were made for that.

Stupid owl had bit me and I was sucking at my cut finger, the taste of my own blood making my eyes go black and far away. Mmmm, Dean. He would be so sweet, I was sure. My vampire instincts were kicking in the closer I got to the hut and I ran my tongue over the caps I'd gotten. I couldn't bite him, not unless I took them off. And hopefully I'd not lose it that badly.

Nervous, and those nerves making my every movement turn into preternatural stillness, I knocked lightly on the door. My outfit probably didn't scream 'ill at ease', but my vampire side didn't really listen to my common sense most of the time. Head tilted to the side, hair spilling over my shoulder, I waited for him to answer the door.


wayward_son124 September 9 2007, 01:47:28 UTC
I can smell you? What did that even mean? It was all Dean had been able to scribble out onto a new sheet of paper before there was a knock on the door. How did somebody respond to something like that? He didn't even know what she was going for there. ...Smell him? He just seriously couldn't get over that.

Whatever. Knocking. The owl could wait a minute. He was only doing this so Lily would shut up. And send more cookies. Also, dish more about Sam. He needed that, dammit. Sam was fucking eluding him lately. And talking to Lily instead of him, which was so not fair, and made of things that made Dean want to punch somebody in the face.

He really needed to stop thinking.

Door open. ...Hi, Rachel. Um! There were a few moments in which Dean just kind of... stood. And stared. And his jaw was hanging most decidedly slack for a couple of seconds, as he attempted to come up with actual words and only really managed to make a few, indescribable sounds of nothing. "Y... I-I." Conversation, it was eluding him. "Hi?"


racheltherunner September 9 2007, 01:57:07 UTC
Interesting. I hadn't know that interest, arousal, all could be just as potent to a vampire as fear. Not nearly so exciting, but it definitely made a smile curve my lips up. The last vestiges of tenuous Rachel disappeared under a wave of hunting vampire.

"Hi," I said, somehow making that one word a lot dirtier than it should have been.

Pushing forward, walking past him, my finger trailed along his chest before snagging in the collar of his shirt and pulling him after me. "I think we need a drink," I murmured, an evil smile flashing across my face.

Mmmm, this was going to be fun.


wayward_son124 September 9 2007, 02:12:27 UTC
He, huh? He agreed! He wasn't even entirely sure what she'd just said, really, but he definitely agreed!

There was something... weird right now. Was she drunk? High, maybe? She was acting weird. He sneaked a peek into her eyes and damn! You could throw a frigging Frisbee through those puppies. She was stoned off her ass, wasn't she?

Still, Dean let fingers trail all over, jerking him into the hut and, hi-o, he wasn't fighting against a greeting like that. He kind of liked a girl who knew what she was doing and freaking look at this little domineering entrance! She had the dress for the whole dominatrix and everything. And he repeated: Damn!

"Drink," he mumbled vaguely, slow sort of smile tugging up the corner of his mouth. "Right. Drink."

Thank you, Lily. For making him owl. No, really.


racheltherunner September 9 2007, 02:29:01 UTC
Sauntering slowly into the kitchen, I let my eyes trail around. Every movement was just a bit too slow, just this side of scary smooth. Turning back to him, I sized Dean up like he was a piece of meat to a starving man. Then I licked my lips.

"Thirsty," I purred. Sitting up on the counter, crossing my legs. "Aren't you going to offer me something?" Every word out of my mouth was seduction. I was so hungry, wanted so badly to just shove him against the wall and take him. Every second we danced around the inevitable was agony.

Some corner of my brain was freaking out, but that part of me didn't matter. Dean was a big boy. In every good way. He could take care of himself. Hopefully he could take care of me, too.


wayward_son124 September 9 2007, 12:14:03 UTC
'Scary smooth', at least, was a very good way of describing this, yes, and, damn, there was definitely a flash of something new under everything in Dean's eyes. Not fear, not yet, of course, just... suspicion. She was acting weird - that had to be the drugs, and damn, what did she take? GHB? That didn't slow your world down, did it?

Right. It was just him being paranoid again. That same thing that had him muttering in corners and acting fucked up beyond all recognition. "Uhh, drink," he offered back, flashing a grin and crossing to the fridge, just by Rachel's perch on the counter. "Drink drink or, like... I got water, or..." He trailed off a little, as his eyes shamelessly surveyed the span of legs and back that dress was revealing. Damn, that thing looked good on her.


racheltherunner September 9 2007, 12:49:44 UTC
"Mmm," I considered with a tilt of my head, a flash of teeth. "I want something with a little bite to it." He was so close, and under his obvious scrutiny I arched back just a little, muscles tensing and flexing in interesting ways under the dress. My hand reached out to lightly trail up and down his arm, fingernail scratching at the skin.

It was exhilarating - the big bad demon hunter didn't even know he was flirting with a monster. There was no fear there. Silly boy. Didn't he know that I could huff and puff and rip out his neck while he begged me to do it again?

"It's been a long time, Dean," I murmured, leaning over so I was sprawled out on the counter, a dish served up with smooth, pale skin and black leather. My head propped on my elbow, I hooked a finger into one of his belt loops and tugged suggestively. "I've been lonely." My lower lip went out into a predatory pout and my eyes gleamed. He had no idea.


wayward_son124 September 9 2007, 12:57:42 UTC
Hi, was she really that flexible? Had he not noticed before? Because, Damn, Rachel was a killer in the sack, but look at that. Curve of her spine, all arched out and pretty, nine miles of legs, and damn. She should have her own freaking spread in Maxim right now or something. This was awesome.

Um. Focus, Dean. Upstairs brain was definitely getting a little drunk at the wheel.

Dean shut the fridge, crossing slowly to Rachel, and damn the drinks, he'd found something way more interesting, all sprawled out on his counter. Eyes trailing down to the finger hooked into his belt loop, back up to Rachel, and one hand was definitely gliding out to ghost down the length of her arm, over her hips. God, it had been too long, yeah, way too long. "We should probably fix that," he managed in a murmur under his breath, eyes flashing to Rachel's own, with something entirely too suggestive.


racheltherunner September 9 2007, 13:30:54 UTC
Shivering under his touch, my head fell back slightly, lids hooding my eyes. "I don't know," I smiled, a wicked little flash of lips and teeth and hidden promise. "I think I might be mad at you. Left me all alone for far too long."

The finger on his belt loop turned into a hand tracing around his stomach. "I think you might need to be punished for that." My knuckles rubbed down the front of his jeans, my eyes watching his face for his reaction. "You've been very naughty, Dean. You'll have to make it up to me."

All the anger and frustration I felt towards Dean had be transformed in my vampire form to full on hunting. Instead of sullen avoidance and awkward meetings, I was going to punish him by making him beg for me. Somehow, my human side was telling me that this wasn't a healthier reaction. Luckily, I really didn't care.

No vampire pheromones, not yet. He was far too willing and I was lazing back, enjoying the attention. I hadn't felt desirable in far too long. Dean was lucky as hell I had caps on, otherwise he'd be shoved up against the counter and I'd be pulling deep. But since I knew I couldn't bite, my vampire instincts were claiming him in another way. He'd probably enjoy it just as much.


wayward_son124 September 9 2007, 16:35:53 UTC
Oh, Jesus, didn't that sound all kinds of kinky and full of some kind of big promise. For what, exactly, Dean couldn't have said, but, uh... he definitely had a vague idea going on right now. Those treacherous fingers of her, slowly gliding up his stomach and up the line of his abs, but it was only when her knuckles started kneading at his jeans that, hi, Dean couldn't help the split second of buckle to his knees and the way one of his hands grabbed roughly at the counter and gripped, hard.

Had been a while, a very very long while.

"And, ah, for that?" Dean's eyes flashed to Rachel momentarily, his mouth slightly slack in something he didn't know what to say, somewhere between the jolt of blood to his downstairs brain and the fingers working across the front of his jeans. "I am so sorry. Very sorry. I mean it." Oh, god, that hand was going to drive him nuts, and Dean's own fingers, the free ones, were easily sliding past the length of the dress, tips tracing across the laces in the back, that arch of her spine. "However that needs to be made up, you know. ...Well."


racheltherunner September 9 2007, 18:34:20 UTC
Mmm, seemed Dean-boy wasn't so immovable after all. I could move him. I could make him whimper and beg and follow after me like a horny little puppy. One thing was for certain - he wouldn't let me walk out his door now. See, Rachel, this was your problem. You'd tried to go for feelings when everyone knew that men thought with their dicks.

There was a heady rush, eyes flashing again, lips curved up into a predator's smile. I cupped him roughly, fingers kneading him though the front of his jeans.


Then, in one smooth motion, I was away, faster than he could react. I was vamped out, now, fully, and every movement was liquid. Without looking back I sauntered over to his bed, hips swaying, the laced back of my dress plunging low enough to show off an interesting array of skin.

To my vampire instincts, if he followed that meant he wanted to play. Arranging myself on the bed, legs crossed almost primly, back arched slightly, hands splayed out on the cover, heel dangling slightly from one toe, I waited.


wayward_son124 September 12 2007, 01:53:32 UTC

It was hard, and bad choice of adjective for right now when, hi, her hand was right there and grabbing and what the, but, yes, being coherent when... well, again. Back to the hand thing. Dean's knees did that momentary buckling thing again, as he let out an odd, grunting sort of sound in his throat, grabbing at the counter and dear lord. Maybe 'been a while' was a bit of an understatement.

That smile might have had something to do with it too, yes.

But... beg? She was making... Oh, no. Dean let his eyes flicker after her to the bed, and... that was... weird. Her movements. They were... different. Like... fluid. It sounded weird, but he'd spent enough of his life around the baddies and the what have you that hid in the dark to... study what was around him. And Rachel was definitely acting strange. Thinking with the downstairs brain, it was always something Sam made fun of him for. Damn.

Not possessed. Was she... Hmm. Wasn't much that had that weird kind of grace like that. Almost cat-like. ...Vampires, maybe, but she... couldn't be... Dean arched a brow, crossing slowly to the bed and leaning onto his fists by the foot. "Beg," he repeated blankly, fixing her with a steely sort of glare and pausing for a few long seconds. Didn't look like a vampire, but none of them did until they let the fangs loose. He started crawling a little forward, eyes still locked onto Rachel's, on all fours and looming over the woman. "Why."


racheltherunner September 12 2007, 02:20:48 UTC
Why? The cookie was asking me why? Something flared in my eyes - annoyance, arrogance, hunger - and I leaned forward, one eyebrow arching. That thing I could never do normally, one thin line of red sliding up in vague anger, yet another sign of my lovely transformation.

"Because you should," I answered after a moment, pushing forward, closer to him, unafraid and powerful. He should beg. He'd put me through hell, the piece of shit human, and he should beg.

With a snarl and a movement made of fluid grace I couldn't even begin to touch normally, with a strength that was beyond my regular bounds, I flipped him over onto the bed so he was flat on his back, straddling him. Leaning over him, hair tumbling down around us, I raked my nails lightly down his chest, grinding my hips into his. "Beg," I ordered again. "Tell me how much you want this. Tell me how much you want me. You can only connect when it's fucking, when you can thrust into me and make me feel you, so tell me." Another sharp roll of my hips on him. "This is all I'm good for, isn't it?" My teeth flashed in a feral grin. "So why don't we make sure you enjoy it."


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