Michael FINALLY finds out that Tinky Winky is back!

Aug 28, 2007 22:52

August 28th.

The date flickered into Michael's head, letters of fuzzy purple against a grassy green expanse of nothingness, then circled themselves insistently in a sort of pink plasma reminiscent of Tubby Tustard, demanding his attention.

August 28th.

His eyes suddenly widening, Michael uncurled from the fetal position he had resumed (it had become his habit to sleep outside the Popcorn Room, waiting for Tinky Winky to return), standing up without any problems and dusting himself off. To Guano and Pam, he announced (without any seeming surprise at their presence), "It's Tinky Winky's Coming Out Day today. We need to throw him a party. A Gay Ol' Time Party. To celebrate his gayness and the gay life he lived while he lived life."

Pause. "And then I ought to probably check on Dunder Mifflin. Jan Levinson's going to kill me if she calls and finds out the branch went under because nobody was running it." Well, Dwight had really been doing a hell of a lot to keep things going, but that counted as nobody, pretty much, anyway. "And make sure the owners of the Little Green Apple don't find out Tinky Winky's popcorn because then they might try to start a hostile takeover." Nothing went with shishka and expensive perfume oils like chaps and chaw, after all. Michael knew this, and he was concerned.

Tone absolutely normal, plucking at the lapel of the suit he was wearing as if not quite aware of it specifically but totally aware but not really but also subconciously not happy with the unmanliness of his attire (he had accidentally worn a women's suit), "Pam, can you command the House Elves to get the Party Planning Committee to get a pink triangular cake ready? They'll probably listen to you since you're probably the hottest in the office next to Ryan, who's not here now anyway. Guano, you can help me decorate the Popcorn Room with...." He trailed off, realizing that Guano was so wasted away from two months of no Tubby Tustard that the best he could probably do was lie there and stare up at the ceiling.

"Pam! Also ask the House Elves to make Guano some Tustard!" It might not be of the Tubby variety, but Guano had to be saved! At Michael's words, Guano's tail wagged weakly.

Michael hadn't been in the Popcorn Room since seeing Tinky Winky's name on the plaque. Which is not really essential information at this point, but why not share it anyway?

rp, tinky winky, pam beesly, michael scott

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