Application for Claude Rains (Heroes)

Aug 15, 2007 03:18

((Done with permission from Peter- and Noah-muns. Claude is taken from after the end of the first chapter of Heroes (ie first season) and will have spoilers for that.))The Sorting Room appeared to be empty. For a few long moments the application and the quill poised, waiting, seemingly for no one. Then, with a flicker, a man appeared in the ( Read more... )

application, claude rains

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invisibleclaude August 15 2007, 07:51:20 UTC
One second he was sitting in his chair, enjoying a bit of an apple and contemplating just forgetting this whole stupid idea and disappearing again. The next he was being attacked. He barely had time to react before Peter had clocked him one, sending him to the ground holding his jaw.

For a second Claude just stared at Peter. Though the man wouldn't admit this for all the tea in an east London housewife's kitchen, he'd come over to Scotland to find Peter. He'd heard rumors that the kid hadn't actually died, which was amazing enough, and despite everything Claude would profess to believe and feel, he'd been worried. So, a nice free transatlantic flight later (courtesy of walking, invisible, onto the plane and then plugging up one of the toilets after takeoff so he could have some privacy) and here he was, easy as soup.

Of course, now that he was here, he almost didn't know what to do. Rubbing his jaw, Claude's eyes scanned Peter. All in one piece, no chunks missing, so that was better than he'd expected. "Well, you're alive," he said finally, heaving himself to a sitting position and grinning a bit wildly. "So there's five bucks I've lost. And," he felt his face tenderly for a bruise, "all grown up with his own puppy pair of balls. So, you managed to not blow us all up, then? I'd say well done, but it was probably more like a nice bit of luck, am I right?"

Then he gave a short laugh and stood, brushing off his jacket. "And you look like shit, so I know you're not getting laid regularly. No hero statues, then? No parade for all the people you saved by not screwing up?"


likeabadpenny August 15 2007, 08:04:54 UTC
God, there went the dog metaphors again. Peter would say he missed them, but he'd be lying if he said anything like that - he'd gotten used to talking to people without being compared to a puppy every five minutes. Claude would never change, would he?

He had questions. Oh, he had many questions. Why Claude was here, how he'd gotten here, what did he think he was doing looking so casual about sneaking into a castle, whose watch was that, and which family did he rip off to steal food. If it was one thing that Peter had tried not to learn in his 'lessons' with Claude, it was his proclivity for stealing.

"I did screw up!" Peter shouted, flexing his fingers which were already healing from the punch. He ignored everything else Claude said in favor of the last sentence. "I exploded, alright? If Nathan hadn't been there, I would have taken out New York! I don't call that 'not screwing up'!"

Goddamn Claude, standing there and acting like everything was okay, when it so clearly wasn't. "Guess what? I could have stopped that," Peter continued, jabbing a finger into Claude's chest, "If you hadn't run away like a coward!"


invisibleclaude August 15 2007, 08:24:35 UTC
Like a thundercloud, Claude's face darkened and he leaned in with a scowl. "First of all, Petrelli, don't ever think that I'm anything more than a selfish bastard who will run at the first sign of trouble. I have no delusions of grandeur or saving anything. As I've said from the beginning, people suck. That is the long and the short of it and the sooner you realize that no one is going to offer their neck for yours without something in it for them, the sooner you'll stop this bleeding heart shit and actually be able to do something."

Jaw working for a second, he gave Peter a look of extreme disgust. "Oh, so, you nearly wiping us all out is my fault, now, is it? My fault you couldn't control yourself? Listen to me, friend, and listen well. Until you stop looking out at the world as something that you can change and then blaming it for your failures, you are going to wind up, again and again, face down in the mud. Do you not get it yet? Did I teach you nothing that got through your thick skull? Anyone dog can do tricks for treats, Peter. It takes a man to accept the fact that his tricks are his own. He has to stand on his own two bloody feet and accept who he is. Until you've done that, you're nothing more than a trained animal."


likeabadpenny August 15 2007, 08:42:17 UTC
Peter had already known that Claude thought everybody sucked, so his miniature rant was nothing that he hadn't heard before. People were selfish, they never helped others if there was nothing in it for them, they did nothing but lie. The last time Peter had seen Claude, he would fought against that opinion as long as he could. Now, after everything that had happened, Peter wasn't so sure that his arguments in favor of the good in people would hold quite as much conviction.

"You think I don't have my own tricks?" Peter's expression split into a mockery of a grin, which promptly vanished underneath a furious scowl as he used Sylar's power to telekinetically shove Claude back against the wall.

He'd show Claude tricks, if that's what the man wanted to see. "I've learned! No thanks to you, but I've learned. I had to die a few times in the process - I bet you would have loved that." Even though, yes, Peter was still quite hopeless at doing most things. He abruptly changed tack. "How do you even justify running off like that? And don't give me that 'people suck' routine, you knew full well you were leaving me to blow up New York! I know you don't hate people enough to let all of them die."


invisibleclaude August 15 2007, 08:54:23 UTC
Shoved violently against the wall, Claude's eyes narrowed for a minute before his expression relaxed into amused distain. "What did you want me to do?" he asked, eyebrows raised. "Follow you around with a leash? Hold your hand? I'm not your mum, Petrelli, and I'm sure as hell not your girlfriend. I taught you what you needed to know."

Going invisible, Claude headed across the room, quite ready to be done here. He'd satisfied his curiosity. Peter was alive. That was enough for one day. Turning his head, he caught sight of Peter out of the corner of his eye. Moving quickly, he caught the boy by the throat and slammed him against the nearest wall. Leaning in, teeth bared, Claude hissed, "If you were too stupid to be able to control yourself, then you deserved to explode. You have no idea--" He cut himself off, glowering, before abruptly releasing Peter and once more stalking away.


likeabadpenny August 15 2007, 09:09:45 UTC
Taking a deep breath as soon as he was released, Peter glared at Claude's back as the man walked away. He only got a few feet before Peter pushed himself off the wall and followed him, catching up with him quickly. "Hey! You can't leave, I can still see you," Peter protested angrily.

Stubbornly, he dodged around and stood in front of Claude, arms folded across his chest. Despite how infuriated he was at Claude leaving before Peter felt he learned enough, that anger was beginning to fade. He couldn't blame Claude for his own stupid mistakes. "What did you mean, 'I have no idea'?"


invisibleclaude August 15 2007, 09:24:50 UTC
"Just that, friend," Claude shot back, cursing empaths and all their ways. Life was a lot harder when you couldn't just end a conversation by disappearing. "You're all wrapped up in your own mind." He thwacked the side of Peter's head. "Don't pay attention to anything else around you. Selfish, is what, only you think it's some kind of sin to be, so you dress it all up pretty and walk around in a haze. Don't understand yourself, don't understand your powers... You're a mess, Petrelli, make no mistake."


likeabadpenny August 15 2007, 09:38:29 UTC
The hit to the head didn't physically hurt (not in comparison to other things that had hit his head in recent memory anyway), but Claude's words made Peter flinch slightly. He didn't think he was selfish. And yeah, okay, his family constantly called him a mess, a scatter-brained dreamer, but... he'd like to think he wasn't a complete screw up.

His anger had inevitably vanished, and now, Peter was looking at Claude with a mixture of hurt and betrayal in his expression. The kind of look that came when somebody wore their heart on their sleeve, and ended up putting major trust into everybody that gave him a kind word.

"Is that your great lesson, oh wise guru?" Peter frowned, his voice sharp. "I'm a mess, so you just left because I was hopeless? Even knowing that I was a ticking time bomb? Jesus, Claude," he sounded frustrated, "I know you're not exactly a humanitarian, but I didn't think you'd just run away!"


invisibleclaude August 15 2007, 09:46:14 UTC
Oh, Christ, that look. Years of misanthropy kept his gaze steady, but somewhere Claude felt a slight twinge of regret. Peter was one gigantic ball of innocence, hope, and misguided trust. And Claude knew, better than anyone, that the sooner Peter figured out just to what kind of depths life sucked the better. But that didn't mean he didn't wish, even a little, that Peter's view of the world was the right one. Or that he, himself, was strong enough to maintain such an ideal in the light of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Maybe strong wasn't the right word. Bullheadedly stupid. Yeah, that was better.

"And I didn't think you'd be so gormless as to forget everything I'd taught you. I guess we both shot wrong on that one." He frowned. "And if you'll recall, I didn't leave because you're hopeless. I left because you brought down all kinds of shit and stones on our heads. I've lived a long time because I kept my nose clean and my face out of the papers, Peter. You'd do well to follow my example. Can't save the world if you're in a padded cell or worse."

Part of the truth. He'd left, yes. But he hadn't stayed away. Not that he had any intention at all of telling Peter that.


likeabadpenny August 15 2007, 10:01:32 UTC
"I'm not-" Peter started to protest against being called gormless, but he fell silent as Claude continued speaking. Claude was right; Peter had brought attention to them, had ended up leading the people Claude had been running away from right to him. He still felt guilty over that, even though Claude hadn't been seriously harmed. People just... ended up in danger, the more they stuck around.

Frowning faintly, Peter looked down at the ground and scuffed his shoe against the floor, feeling vaguely like he was being reprimanded by a school teacher. Maybe Claude was right. Maybe everybody would be safer if Peter disappeared. He just couldn't work up the want to leave everybody.

"Is there... anything else you could have taught me?" Peter looked up eventually, hope beginning to dawn in his expression. Now that Claude was here, maybe he could give some more tips (even though Peter still wasn't sure how Claude seemed to know these things. "I don't want to leave people, and... I'm not sure how beating me with sticks actually helped, but I want to be better," he said earnestly. "Since you apparently know this stuff."


invisibleclaude August 15 2007, 10:08:34 UTC
Christ on a cracker, Peter looked like a kicked puppy. Sighing impatiently, folding his arms across his chest, Claude waited for the inevitable question.

"Not a chance in hell, mate. I've told you once - there's no teaching it. No 12-step program to being special. I'm no fairy godmother, goin' to wave my wand and give you a brain."

He paused, studying Peter, rubbing his chin with one hand. "What have you been doin', then, in the land of make believe? Blown anyone up here? Saved any helpless maidens? Slain dragons or the like? Or you just been holed up in your room, cryin' into your pillow because you don't think you're good enough?"


likeabadpenny August 15 2007, 10:33:32 UTC
"I have not been crying into my pillow," Peter scowled, though he looked a little embarrassed under his denial. Okay, so he'd had a little break down. Once. Around Nathan. But that had only been a severe case of red-eye, not sobbing like the giant girl Claude apparently thought he was.

The refusal to teach him had Peter almost completely disheartened, and it showed. Rachel had shown him some good methods on how to deal, but if it ever came to it, Peter wouldn't be able to stop himself from exploding again. Not until he had more control.

"I tried to stop Sylar - he's here - and got five days of no sleep and a pole shoved through my head, if you must know," Peter replied, halfway between snapping and despondent. "I've picked up like eight new abilities, and one of them is like a nightmare come true." Wandering around, out of your head, wailing for something called Tubby Toast? Not fun. "What have you been doing? Living like a bum and stealing everything? That's hardly a difference."


invisibleclaude August 15 2007, 10:53:22 UTC
"Hey, I like my life. You're barking up the wrong tree if you're trying to appeal to my softer side. I don't give a shit, remember, and I want to keep it that way." Hopping up to sit on the desk, rifling through the pile of bribes and picking up the pretzel. Tearing it in half, he offered one half to Peter, taking a bite of the other.

"Who's Sylar?" he asked around a mouthful but then immediately waved his hand. "Never mind, doesn't matter. The more pressing question is why you thought running around with no sleep would help with your control?" He laughed, shaking his head. "You're not a robot, Peter, you're an empath, and that means you've got to be more careful than most. And you can't just go 'round picking up abilities like they're hats in the spring, you know."

Claude studied Peter with a critical eye. "You look like half-warm piss, friend." He knew that Simone had died. Following Peter around, making sure he didn't kill half of New York, hadn't exactly been a pleasure cruise. But at least he knew things; losing someone you loved was never easy. Doubly so for people like Peter. "Have you got any people here? Or are you finally figuring out how to stand on your own two feet?" Empaths didn't do well separated from people, no matter how good an idea it was. With Simone dead and Peter half a world away, without people around him, Peter would start to all but wilt; he hadn't hardened enough of himself to survive alone. Not yet.


likeabadpenny August 15 2007, 11:07:02 UTC
Peter just gave Claude a look when he was offered half a pretzel; a look that quite clearly communicated 'I'm not partaking in your illegally obtained food, someone might have needed the money from that.'

But Claude was right. He couldn't afford to walk around and pick up abilities as often as he had been, it was hard for his system to deal with. But there were so many people around here with special abilities; it was pretty much like saying he'd never have to socialize again. Rachel had made the muffling amulet, but that would only ever work when Peter actually remembered to wear it. Which, so far, he was failing at.

And how was telling him he looked like shit helpful, in any way? Peter really didn't know.

As for people... Nathan was saying he was going to leave soon. Carla and Rachel; he liked them, he truly did, and trusted them. But Peter had been so bent on disconnecting himself from everybody that he didn't really feel like he'd made a true connection with them - or maybe that was just how he wanted to feel. Hoped that that was the case so that he could feel safer in knowing they wouldn't be in danger. He didn't know. Peter sighed audibly and leaned against the table. "Not... really," he replied hesitantly. "I shouldn't anyway. If they stick around me long enough I'll just put them in danger."


invisibleclaude August 15 2007, 11:14:14 UTC
"They're in danger from crossing the street," Claude scoffed, eating the rejected half of the pretzel with gusto. "What, you think you're the only bad thing in the world? That so long as you're not around, everyone's life will be peaches and berry pie?"

He tossed the last piece of pretzel at Peter's forehead, wasting a good bit of food on trying to beat sense in via carbohydrates. "Self centered isn't bad enough, listen to him - he's now going to go into martyr complex." Swinging off the desk, Claude, slapped his hands together, brushing off the crumbs. "You're an idiot."

Having imparted those words of wisdom, Claude headed towards the other side of the room, still invisible and hoping that thus endeth the lesson.


Vote: Gryffindor likeabadpenny August 15 2007, 11:33:48 UTC
Doing nothing to prevent the bit of pretzel hitting him in the head, Peter turned his head slightly to watch Claude go. After a distance, the range of picking up abilities stopped, and the man vanished. Peter glared at the table.


He knew everybody's lives wouldn't fine if he wasn't around, but at least they wouldn't be in danger of suddenly exploding. Fine, he could deal without Claude. Maybe Peter would find some way to somehow cancel out all of his absorbed abilities via magic. That would make people safer.

Giving once last glare at where he roughly judged Claude to be, Peter stuck his hands in his pockets and exited the Sorting Room, still frowning.


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