Closed RP: The Morgan-Petrelli Tent

Aug 11, 2007 11:14

Damn, he had gotten dressed up for this? Surprise marriageStill, Peter Petrelli was hardly a man to fight fate - he tended to run face first into it - so he just calmly collected himself and headed down to the tent village. At least, by the looks of the rather large crowd, he wasn't the only person roped into this ( Read more... )

algaliarept, rachel morgan, family values, peter petrelli, rp

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phobophilia August 13 2007, 08:35:04 UTC
Ignoring all things such as being randomly married and almost constantly annoyed with that yellow-eyed cretin, Algaliarept was in a rather good mood indeed. His dear Rachel Mariana Morgan had been using ley-lines last night, making it all too easy to pinpoint her exact location. She really was... dreadfully careless at times.

Especially since she hadn't had the foresight to actually keep anybody from randomly wandering into her tent. Or, appearing, as the case may be. The demon, from his vantage point, could see Rachel dining quite happily with her new husband. Pity. He was about to destroy that in one minute.

"Now, this really is quite pleasantly domestic," Algaliarept announced brightly, walking casually into the living room, trailing a hand along the wall as if he were admiring the tent itself and not there for Rachel at all. "Rachel Mariana Morgan, you have done quite well for yourself."

Taking advantage of the few moments when they'd be too surprised to do anything, Algaliarept cast a discerning eye over Rachel's new husband. "Ooh, I remember you," he smiled silkily. "Never did get to kill that .07% of the population, did you?" He patted Peter on the cheek. "I'm so disappointed."

The demon picked up a strawberry and popped it in his mouth, chewing slowly. "Now, now, before any of this erupts into a fight," he smiled at Rachel, "I just want to talk."


racheltherunner August 13 2007, 08:41:18 UTC
In an instant, things can change. I should know that, better than anyone. That one beat between whatever tenuous grasp on normalcy I manage to find, and whatever goes bump in the night. One second I was sitting with Peter, having a nice breakfast, laughing, talking, teasing. And the next, Al was there. Like out of a nightmare, out of my nightmares, he sauntered in. As if he belonged.

"Don't touch him," I hissed, my mind screaming for my frozen limbs to move. To react. To do something. Finally wrenching my body from its stupidly terrorized state, one smooth motion had me thrusting myself between Al and Peter. One hand went to my waistband, pulling out my splat gun. The other reached back to touch Peter, to assure myself he was there. That I was protecting him.

God, Algaliarept. He was here. In my house. "Get out." Cool. Quiet.

Shaking. I was shaking. Trying hard not to, but still. I could hardly move, my mind was racing, and my one thought was to get Peter out of there before something bad happened.

"I don't want to talk to you. Get. Out."


phobophilia August 13 2007, 08:59:25 UTC
Putting on a disappointed expression, Algaliarept made his way around the table to where Rachel had been sitting, and sat down in an elegant move. If it weren't for the fact that Rachel had reacted so explosively, it looked like he could be a normal dinner guest.

Peter, for his part, had furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and stepped around Rachel. "What?" He muttered, annoyed. "It's only some random guy, why are you..." Looking over Rachel's shoulder, he glanced at Algaliarept, and paused as he finally saw the goat-slitted eyes. Still, that wasn't exactly cause to worry.

The demon waved a hand dismissively, neatly picking off a piece of Rachel's pancake. "Rachel Mariana Morgan, love, you can't tell me to get out if I'm not here on business. I do have a life outside of you."


racheltherunner August 13 2007, 09:05:23 UTC
Focus, Rachel. Focus. "Shut up, Peter," I muttered, thinking hard. My circle wouldn't work on Al. He had my aura, I had his. And I didn't know if Peter could pull one, never mind having taught him how.

"Well, then," I told Algaliarept, "your manners suck. Don't you know you shouldn't come barging in, uninvited?"

Panic, pure and simple, was coating my throat with a sour taste. Damn, damn, double damn. This was my fault. I'd drawn on a line last night, not even thinking. I might as well have just put up a gigantic red flag, pointing myself out. Stupid, Morgan.

"Pete," I said, softly, eyes not leaving Al by my free hand going back to lightly grasp his arm. "Get out of here. Now." There was a hardness in my voice born of fear and desperation. I needed to get him out, needed him to be safe. Then Al could do whatever. But hell if I was going to let the demon touch anyone else. "Go invisible, stop time, do whatever, but get out." My jaw was working as I searched for options, my fingers twitching on the barrel of my gun.

Oh, I was so screwed.


likeabadpenny August 13 2007, 09:32:02 UTC
"Now that is an interesting thing to say, Rachel Mariana Morgan," Algaliarept purred, effortlessly dissecting an orange. Peter watched, too surprised to really do anything just yet. How had this guy known about his near-explosion in New York? Something just wasn't right here; obviously, considering that Rachel was as freaked out as he'd ever seen her.

Folding his arms across his chest, Peter stepped out to stand beside Rachel, shrugging off her hand. "I'm not going anywhere," he replied stubbornly, raising his eyebrows at her. "Who is this guy, anyway?"

Before Rachel had a chance to answer, Algaliarept laughed loudly, beaming in amusement. "Love, you haven't told him about me, yet? I feel so unwanted," the demon announced. "I just come to check up on my little witch, and there's so much you haven't told me. You're keeping company with people like him? I'm a harmless puppy in comparison," he laughed. His eyes trailed lazily downwards, watching Rachel's fingers on her gun. Like that would have any effect.


racheltherunner August 13 2007, 09:39:08 UTC
"Algaliarept," I said, putting emphasis on every letter. Oh, God, I hoped I knew what I was doing. "You stop talking about him. Do you hear me? Stop. He's none of your concern."

Glancing at Peter, I gritted out a sigh, moving in front of him again. "He's a demon, Peter. So please, I'm begging you, go."

"I didn't waste time on meaningless conversation," I shot at Al with a glower. "We talked about the weather. Grass growing. You know, all sorts of things that are more important than you."

He hadn't changed yet. That was a good thing, right? My scar was mercifully silent. Now if Al would just follow suit. There were things he could say that I didn't want Peter to know. Not yet, not like this. "And I'm not your witch. So get out of our house." I raised my splat gun. "Now."


phobophilia August 13 2007, 09:53:54 UTC
Crossing his legs and leaning back in his chair, Algaliarept smirked to himself, intently watching the dynamic between his little witch and her guest. Both so stubborn. No matter how many times Rachel told Peter to leave, the boy just grew more and more determined to stay.

"This is delightful," the demon crowed, enormously pleased with himself. His voice took on a pitying cast. "You are quite terrible at ordering people to do things, Rachel Mariana Morgan, and I'll beg you to stop. It's getting in the way of conversation."

Beside Rachel, Peter scowled sharply. "Exactly. I'm not leaving you alone," he agreed. Algaliarept had the pleasure of watching disgust pass over Peter's face as he realized he had just agreed with a demon.

"You are both simply wonderful," Algaliarept smiled serenely. "And of course you're my witch, you have my aura all over you, and my mark. Did you see them, Peter? My black all over her, my mark on her wrist. She simply can't leave me alone." Intently, his gaze focused on Peter, who apparently still hadn't realized the magnitude of the situation. "She comes crawling to me, did you know? Begs for my help when she's too weak to solve anything herself. She's sold nearly everything but her soul."

He watched as Peter raised his eyebrows, looking over at Rachel in surprise. The demon would be more than happy to give him a little Demon 101, especially when it came to Rachel. "I did see them," Peter muttered. "What... what did you need so badly that you had to do deals with a demon?"

Algaliarept snickered to himself. Peter sounded upset, even though he'd never met a demon before. It was like he'd just discovered that Rachel had just killed Santa Claus. Ooh, this was good.


racheltherunner August 13 2007, 10:04:31 UTC
My jaw was set, eyes burning into the demon. And anywhere but Peter. There was a sour lurch of my stomach at Peter's tone, as Al gave away my nasty little secrets. Briefly closing my eyes, I then refocused on Al.

"Shut up." But there was no more snap in my tone. In order to get Al to leave, I'd have to summon him. Or else I had no control. And I wasn't prepared to do that. Not yet.

"I had my reasons," I told Peter, quietly. Of course, the first mark wasn't mine. It had been Nick who'd taken the deal, despite my begging him not to. After Al had almost killed me in that basement. And the second... I'd had to. Piscary had to be put away, and Al had been my only chance. "Can we please talk about this later?"

Well, there went any chance at all Peter would ever again look at me with something other than disgust. And fear. I remembered the look well from Nick. It wasn't something I enjoyed. Growing reckless with this loss - something that hurt far worse than it should - I stepped forward, eyes snapping. "What do you want, Al? I didn't summon you. You have no business here. So why are you bothering me?"

Oh, and by stepping forward, I also planted myself once more between Al and Peter. Even if he hated me, now, I still wasn't letting Al get his slimy fingers on him. "And stop calling me yours. I'm not in the ever after. You couldn't even manage to pull me there. So don't get smug."

Yeah. Baiting a demon. Brilliant, Rachel.


phobophilia August 13 2007, 10:20:11 UTC
"I'm sorry, I'm bothering you?" Algaliarept mocked, folding his hands neatly on his knee and watching them curiously. "I don't want you in the ever after Rachel Mariana Morgan, not yet. If I had, I would have done that last night when you were using ley-lines." Honestly, did he have to explain everything?

He chuckled as Peter moved sideways again, never letting Rachel come in between them. Peter hadn't yet replied to Rachel's explanation; either he was agreeing to talk about it later, or he just didn't have anything to say. The demon desperately wanted to know which.

Algaliarept sighed loudly. "I must admit, this is getting very repetitive. All this telling me to leave and trying to taunt me, it's just... so pénible. Tedious, boring, tiring. We could all get along so much better if you'd stop that." The demon held up a hand, letting the red mist of the ever after swirl gently and form into a three foot length of steel pole, which he began to spin lazily between his fingers. Peter's flinch was delicious.

"Tell me, why don't we shift onto more interesting subjects, hmm? I just want to talk," Algaliarept said leisurely. "For instance, Peter, did you know that Rachel has made deal with another demon, other than myself? She hungers for these things, my little witch. She just can't stop herself."

The demon stopped talking abruptly, scowling furiously. "Telekinesis won't work on me, Peter Petrelli," he snapped, watching as Peter cursed quietly, his hand still raised in the air after his attempted sneak attack. Algaliarept pursed his lips at Rachel. "I'd thank you if you put a leash on him some time soon, he's already tried to read my mind. It's getting annoying."


racheltherunner August 13 2007, 10:29:42 UTC
He hadn't changed yet. That was the one good thing about this entire nightmare, and I clung to that. What Peter would do if he saw what happened when the demon played on my scar... Well, I was quite certain I'd never have to worry about making enough pancakes for us again.

I blanched and looked over at Peter. Damn it. Reaching out quickly, I took his hand, giving it a tiny squeeze as I tried for a light tone, "Jesus, Pete, you should know better. There's nothing in his mind but sports scores and bad porn. You'd be bored stiff."

His jab about the ley-lines made me flinch, visibly. It was true. And I'd just been throwing that around for fun. God, I was stupid.

Suddenly, I was pretty sure why Al was here. My mind flashed to just a little bit ago. I'd been happy. For one of the rare times since coming here, I'd been happy. Of course Al would show up and try to ruin that. It's what he did.

That pole. I looked from Al to Peter. Al didn't do anything lightly. I wasn't afraid of steel poles. Which means Pete must be. I squeezed his hand again, trying to look more confident that I felt. God, if Al did one freaking thing to Peter, I'd rip the demon apart myself.

At his taunt about the yellow-eyed demon, my eyebrow raised. "Oh, you didn't hear?" I said, suddenly seeing a possible out. "And here I thought you were all up on the latest headlines. Pity." I cocked my head to the side. "Want the dish? How about you leave. We could trade."


likeabadpenny August 13 2007, 10:46:27 UTC
Eyes fixated on the pole that the demon was spinning, Peter barely noticed when Rachel squeezed his hand and spoke to him. His attempt to read the demon's mind hadn't ended so well - telepathic feedback was a bitch - and if telekinesis didn't work, what would?

"Can't look away, can you?" Algaliarept's voice snapped Peter out of his thoughts. "After all, the last time you saw one of these, you let it go through your head. Possessing a death wish, Peter Petrelli?"

Peter tensed up, but the demon was already returning his attention to Rachel, a mocking smile playing on his lips. "And I wouldn't worry about that fascinating piece of information, little witch. I already got 'the dish' from Paciscory himself. We've known each other a long time, he and I."

Languidly, the demon started spinning the pole in the opposite direction, watching Rachel and Peter. "I'm just here to... fill you in, shall we say. On all the nasty little details you've so foolishly neglected to tell each other. It's only right, if you're going to be married."


racheltherunner August 13 2007, 11:05:04 UTC
Snarling, I reached out quickly, my hands closing on nothing more than red vapor as I tried to take the pole from Al. At least it was gone. Worriedly, I looked over at Peter. Through his head?

Not now, Rachel. Focus.

And of course he'd know the demon. "Funny. Pac never mentioned you." Untrue, but I was blustering, trying to think.

...Wait. Peter had tried to read Al's mind? He could freaking read minds? Had he read mine? Okay, add another thing to the list of topics I was going to freak out about later. Instead, I just decided to try and use that. Somehow.

Thinking as loudly as I could, directing my thoughts at Peter and trying, through some mental wall, to keep them from Al, I tried to communicate a plan.

Listen. Al digs up whatever you're most scared of. He makes it real. Can you disappear and get away?

"Gee, and here I was hoping you were here to give us a toaster. A lot more useful than your chatter," I blustered, trying to cover for if Peter managed to actually get my message. My hand squeezed his again, trying to get him to pay attention. He needed to be out of here before Al got bored of toying with us.


likeabadpenny August 13 2007, 12:42:20 UTC
"Jesus, Rachel, I'm not leaving," Peter raised his voice in frustration, untangling his hand from Rachel's. "I'm not a child, stop trying to tell me what to do." He didn't care if this demon could find whatever he was scared of, it was just images so far. Nothing he couldn't handle.

Algaliarept simply smiled benevolently at Rachel's blustering, folding his hands on his lap again. Peter knew he'd like nothing more than to get rid of him somehow, but the pole he'd held had vanished into must - would the demon do the same thing?

"My chatter can be extremely useful," the demon commented dismissively, examining his nails and flicking away a sliver of orange. "For instance, Rachel Mariana Morgan, do you know exactly what Peter can do? I'm sure he hasn't told you everything. He's already nearly killed his brother, nearly killed half of New York because he's so pathetic at controlling himself. Who's to say, the next time you get him angry, it won't happen again?" The demon sighed sadly. "It would deprive me of so much fun. I could take that away, however."

Peter's eyes widened, and this time he didn't even look at Rachel for confirmation. "You what? You could? How?" He tried not to sound too desperate, but it wasn't working.


racheltherunner August 13 2007, 12:48:29 UTC
As Peter's hand was yanked from mine I bit back a curse.

Peter, you stubborn idiot. LISTEN TO ME.

And then Al was talking. And I... God help me, I listened. But I didn't believe it. More to the point, I didn't care. And even if I did, what the demon said next wiped every other thought out of my head.

Oh, God. "Don't." The word came out like a plea, a curse. "Peter, stop, please..."


There was one way to stop this, one way to get Al away from Peter. Until I could explain.

It would probably end badly for me, but there wasn't any other way. Not that I could think of.

Taking a deep breath, I looked at Peter. Just for a second. God, what was I about to do? I didn't have many more chances, here. I couldn't possibly have many more close calls in my hand. One of these times, I was going to risk too much.

But I had to.

"Algaliarept." My eyes turned back to the demon. Resigned. "I summon you."

Oh, God.


phobophilia August 13 2007, 13:04:56 UTC
"Oh, you do, do you?" Algaliarept scowled fiercely, standing slowly. "Just when I'm about to give your little friend something he really, desperately wants? That's a little selfish, don't you think?"

Looking between Rachel and the demon, Peter narrowed his eyes, wondering what was going on. His thoughts were still circling around the fact that Algaliarept said he could remove the unstable radioactive power. It would make his life so much easier, not worrying about it.

"Anyway, I said I didn't come here on business," Algaliarept continued, breaking Peter out of his thoughts. "And I'm not interested in getting caught up in this silly fight, again. So, Rachel Mariana Morgan, release the summon, and I'll leave. Easy as that."

Snake-like as the demon's smile was, he was serious. He'd only wanted to play with them a little, the real business could come later.


racheltherunner August 13 2007, 13:07:55 UTC
"No." I was shaking, but determined. I was also half out of my mind for doing this. "I want to find out how much something would cost, first." I flashed the demon a smile, grim and cold.

"I want you to leave Peter alone. All the way alone. No tempting him with your deals, no tormenting him, nothing." My chin went up defiantly, but I sure as hell wasn't looking at Peter. He didn't understand. So I was going to have to protect him.

"How much, Al?"


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