Homecoming and Other Such Occurrences (Closed RP for Rachel and Dean, followed by Dean-YED-Sam)

Aug 08, 2007 01:14

((This takes place directly after this sock RP, which is in Sam's LJ, and I'm linking in conjunction with this to avoid cluttering the comm. XD Enjoy!))


It woke me up.

For a good ten minutes, that was the one thing I actually could focus on. The searing, burning pain in my wrist woke me out of the first decent night's sleep I'd had in weeks. Exchanging angry owls with a vampire? Not actually good for your sleeping patterns. Then again, it wasn't as if I was just packing in the REM cycles before that. There was a reason I'd run away to Argentina. Swearing, I tumbled out of bed, tangled in the blankets, and flailed for the light. Muttering half-formed promises of utter pain and destruction to whomever was responsible, I winced under the too-bright glow of the lamp and squinted down at my wrist. Probably a freaking bug. God, I hated bugs, but even worse when they bit you in your sleep.

The skin was smooth and unblemished. No sign of a bite. Maybe I'd just banged it on the nightstand in my sleep...

Then my sleep-soaked brain caught up with the rest of me. Wait. My thumb traced over the pale skin at my wrist and my jaw dropped. No mark. Specifically, no demon mark.

It was gone.

Hissing in a quick breath, I rose and darted over to the mirror. Hope, irrational and insane, made my hands shake as I pulled back my hair and looked at my neck. No. No, that mark was still there. As was the one on my other wrist. So just the mark the yellow-eyed demon had given me, the mark regarding my deal about Dean. It could only mean one thing. I pushed the sick feeling of disappointment that I was still pumped full of demon vampire pheromones aside and sat down, scrubbing my face and trying hard to think. The mark disappeared when the deal was paid in full. Or broken.

I had kept my end. That meant either the demon had broken his or the deal was off, somehow.

Either way, my answers didn't lie here. Running around the room, I shoved everything into my bag and headed to the airport. I needed to get back to Hogwarts. Now.


The second my plane hit the runway in Scotland, I was running. It was a lucky thing I didn't encounter any cops, because my drive out to Hogwarts was done at a speed that would have gotten my car impounded at the least. I didn't stop until I got back to the castle. Not even bothering to go up to my room, I headed out to Dean's hut, bursting through the door with my bag over my shoulder and my splat gun out. My brain, on the flight over, had filled in a countless number of horrific explanations for the demon mark disappearing. Amazingly, none of them had ended in puppies and rainbows.

Frantic, I looked around the room. "Dean!"

sam winchester, rachel morgan, dean winchester, rp, yellow-eyed demon, sock

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