Violet Parr, "The Incredibles"

Aug 07, 2007 11:57

Castles? Never not awesome. Europe? She'd always wanted to go. Magic? Oh, please, there was no way on earth that Violet wasn't going to check this out.

Not that long ago, she thought wryly, she would have sidled into the hall as inconspicuously as possible, or even completely invisible. (Not that that would have done much; she was wearing her regular clothes, which remained stubbornly visible at all times, though her spandex alternative was stowed in her backpack Just In Case). Now, though, even if she didn’t quite stride, she managed a walk that suggested someone with confidence rather than someone who jumped at shadows.

That didn’t mean she couldn’t look awed, though.

This place was amazing.

It was grand! It was inspiring!

The application, when she curiously picked up a sheet… was less so.

1. What is your favorite cheese? Why is it your favorite?

“…Um,” said Violet, who had not expected such a frankly random question on a school application. Why should they want to know that?

She laughed in surprise when she realised that a quill had floated towards the paper and was recording her exclamation. “Wait, that’s not my answer! …Oh, that is cool,” she added, grinning as she watched it bob and weave of its own violation. When she saw someone from this place, she’d have to ask how it worked. “Okay, uh… I like that cheese you get in little plastic slips, and you put it on cheeseburgers. Or brie,” she added after a moment’s thought. “I think I’m the only person I know who eats the rinds.”

2. Who would you kill first, Barney or Carrottop?

“Well… I guess…” She grinned again. “Not exactly hero-like, is it, killing off a well-known figure we all know and love?” She pondered the question mock-seriously, one finger on her lips as she pretended to give it a thorough consideration. Don’t tell anyone, but she’d been a fan of Barney.

“Carrottop,” she decided at last. “Because he’s just… not funny. As in, really not funny.”

3. What time is it where you are?

“It’s… about lunchtime, I think. I’m hungry.” Violet checked her watch. “Oh, it’s coming up eleven.”

She poked it. “Wait, it was nearly eleven when I changed it to local time. Oh, don’t tell me it’s stopped again.” She shrugged, rolling her eyes. “Okay, I have no idea what time it is, sorry.”

4. If you were Albus Dumbledore returned from the dead, which member of the Order of the Phoenix would you sexually harass? How would you harass them? If you are Albus Dumbledore, please answer as if you were Sirius Black.

Violet laughed incredulously, and looked around the stone hall. “Okay, where’s the real application?” she asked, only half-joking. “There’s no way this is an actual school application. I mean, seriously.”

She looked back at the question, pulling a briefly disgusted face. “Uh, no. Not answering that one, sorry, magic invisible application-people.”

Not to be outdone, the quill was taking down every word of her verbal meandering and refusal to reply. She couldn’t help smiling at it. Because-come on! A magic, floating quill! How can that fail to be awesome?

5. If you are pushing to be in:

A. Slytherin - please state the clever, witty name of the bar in which you bartend, in the dark.

“I’m not old enough to be a bartender,” Violet said vaguely. “Or, well, I don’t think I am. I’ve never really looked into it. I can’t think I would be.”

“…‘The Blindfold’,” she added at length, in a tone of voice that suggested anything else she thought of would be unsalvageably cheesy.

B. Gryffindor - Debate whether Harry should ultimately end up married to Fred or George. Use examples from a variety of world mythologies to bolster your argument.

Violet read the question, quirked a quizzical little frown, and read it a couple more times. “Oh!” she said suddenly, slightly embarrassed. Yeah, because I’m the person you want to be asking about that. Even the new, positive, self-confident Violet Parr had somehow not yet gotten up the courage to talk to Tony Rydinger.

She turned to the second part of the question for solace. “I… don’t know loads about mythology, really. I know ancient Egyptian kings married their sisters, and they thought their kings were gods, so that’s kind of mythology. That doesn’t really help, though, unless Harry’s related to either of them.” She paused. “And if he is, then he should marry the other one, because that’s just… uh, no.”

She fiddled with her sleeves as she thought, pulling them over her hands and then back again. “…That’s the only thing I can think of, really. So… I’d say to just go with his gut. Or, you know, his heart. To be traditional.”

C. Ravenclaw - You guys are supposed to be smart. Explain why my desk is inundated with paperwork at all times, even though I’m constantly disposing of it.

Violet smiled at that one - she’d had much the same experience with homework. “Because the Powers that Be are evil and want you to drown in work,” she said promptly; it was an answer she and Dash had arrived at long ago, even despite the fact that he could write about a thousand times faster than anyone else.

D. Hufflepuff - Prove you are not useless.

“Well, I helped save New York about a month ago,” she murmured under her breath, smiling - but then flailed at the quill as it took down her words on the parchment. “No - oh, heck, don’t write that!” She plucked the quill firmly out of the air, ignoring its feeble wriggling, and scribbled out the sentence until thick black ink made it illegible. Only then did she release the quill, giving it a stern look and waggling her finger at it. “You are not going to write anything about that, okay?”

It looked about as cowed as it is possible for a quill to look, which is not very. But it didn’t try to write any more about saving the world, to her relief. Now that would have taken some explaining - coming to a strange place and promptly giving away her secret identity.

“Okay,” she continued, more normally. The quill waited patiently until she noticed and nodded at it, whereupon it resumed its interrupted task. Its feather was now rather sullenly tousled, she noticed a little guiltily. “I help around the house. Look after Jak-Jak - he’s my baby brother. Look after Dash - he’s my other brother, he’s mentally still in preschool.” There wasn’t any venom in her voice, though - it was just a good-natured sibling-to-sibling barb. “I’m not the most useful person in the world, but I’m not useless either.”

6. Offer a bribe to the members of this community so that they will not squib you. Items used in bribery do not necessarily have to belong to the person offering the bribe. Do not threaten us rather than offering a bribe. A threat indicates you either don't really want to be here, or don't have enough sense to answer the question properly. The hat will automatically squib you, regardless of other votes, if you do.

Violet blinked in surprise. “A… bribe?” she asked aloud. “Okay… well, I’ve got some mints.” She dug in her rucksack to bring out half a bagful of peppermints, left over from the plane journey. “A watch that keeps stopping, you’re welcome to that.” The offending timepiece was tugged off her wrist and laid on the table; it was old and rather battered. “I’ve got a better one somewhere at home anyway, but I couldn’t find it and I was going to miss the plane.”

She dug through her rucksack some more, careful not to reveal the folded red spandex in there to the open air. “I’ve got a few dollars, but I don’t know how much I’m going to need here. Um, that’s about it, sorry.”

"I have read the hogwarts_hocus faq, and understand it is a crazy, cracktastic sorting community and RPG. ____VP______
I have read the hogwarts_hocus rules and agree to abide by each and every one of them. _____VP____.
I agree to be a good sport and not get my knickers in a bunch. ____VP_____.
One day, marmalade will rule the world. ______VP_____"

sylar gray, maia, pinhead, lola sanchez, bart allen, mel beeby, zelgadiss graywords, application, judy poovey, mayday parker, ron weasley, violet parr, veronica mars

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