OOC announcement : mod plot. Opt-in. Sign-ups here.

Aug 05, 2007 04:46

The Sorting Hat is on a family values kick.

In about a week -- on Friday, August 10, to be specific -- the Hat is going to hold what it claims is an awards banquet in the Great Hall. In reality, the event will be a mass wedding. Think the Reverend Moon. The Hat will ICly determine the couples to be wed, and while the marriage ceremony is taking place, house elves will be moving each of the newlyweds' belongings to a tent in a tent village the Hat has had set up on the grounds. These will be HPverse-style tents, of course, like the ones used at the Quidditch World Cup. The newlyweds will be required by the Hat to live together in the tent village until the Hat gets bored with the entire concept and performs a mass annulment -- a few weeks later.

These couples will not be enchanted to love one another. There will be no love potions or charms provided by the Hat. If you want to slip magical roofies into your honey's pumpkin juice, that's on you. What will be handled by the Hat are the pairings themselves and the domestic arrangements.

OOCly, the pairings can be determined by mutual agreement between muns, or can be chosen by the mods. If you want to make some or all of your characters available for marrying off, please comment here, and let the mods know that they're open to anyone we choose for them. (Conditions can also be determined, e.g., "Peter Petrelli is open to marriage with anyone except Sylar, because that's his nemesis, etc," but only in extraordinary circumstances, please, for our sanity's sake.) If you have already worked out a pairing with another mun, please let us know here -- both muns, please, so we know you really did agree on it. ;) Feel free to proposition one another in e-mail. The contact post is in the sidebar. You know how to use it.

Obviously, the idea here is crack. Going into this seeking to enable your pet pairing is not exactly in the spirit of the thing. We'll let you do it, but how boring! Also, be aware that the Hat will not split up previously married couples: for example, Noah and Sandra Bennet won't even be considered by the Hat. They're already a family as far as the Hat's concerned, so they don't need the Hat's meddling help. The Hat will, however, split up dating couples, even if they are engaged. For example, the Hat does not care that Camilla Macaulay has decided she will always be true to Henry Winter forever and ever. It will marry her off to whomever it darn well chooses.

Finally -- the Hat's idea of family is not exactly in line with the Moral Majority. Same-gender? Sure! Interspecies? The Hat is all up ons! What matters is that the Hat feels these two people are right for each other!

Comments are screened, so as to enhance the fun when the Hat reveals its sinister deed. The Hat will make known the entire list of pairings at the wedding ceremony itself, and the tents will be assigned (yes, there will be a map, so you will know who your neighbors are).

Any questions, e-mail the mods -- you know where to find us (contact post is in the sidebar, baby). Have at it!

family values, announcement, funky cold medina, mod, ooc

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