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soopernathan July 31 2007, 16:03:17 UTC
An uncle three times over, yeah. Claire was... kind of another person Nathan missed, not that he'd admit it out loud. Shit, being in Scotland even made him miss his mother. And anybody who knew Angela Petrelli knew that it took quite a bit to miss her. He was trying not to think about Heidi or Simon or Monty, but, damn, it was hard. Especially if, well, Peter purposefully brought them up in the middle of a conversation.

Peter was nearly knocking him off-kilter, then, over sideways, and Nathan went reeling a couple of steps, an odd sort of frustrated grunt sounding in his throat. This is what Peter would be like if he was wasted, wouldn't it? Or... he'd just be incredibly emo. Whatever the case, this was... mildly horrifying. And he had to resist the urge to slap a palm to his face.

"Ah, no, Pete. That's the bathroom," Nathan replied curtly, tapping a finger against the 'WOMEN'S' sign tacked just by Peter's line of sight. "Close, though, definitely." It had to be around here. Somewhere. "I think it's more down the end of the hall. So. Stop breaking into the girl's bathroom, yeah?"


likeabadpenny July 31 2007, 16:12:52 UTC
...Oh. That giant sign might have been a clue.

"Oops," Peter snickered under his breath, trying to keep his eyelids open. It was getting to the point where his brain was trying to equate 'not moving = a great chance to sleep', so Peter continued trudging along, leaning on Nathan more and more heavily.

Well, at least one of them knew where they were going, because Peter sure didn't. And Nathan sounded like he at least had some clue - Nathan was always right (except for the few times that he wasn't), so Peter thought it was fairly safe to trust in his navigational skills.

"I think my brain is disintegrating," he mumbled. Not the best choice of words for trying to communicate that he was so tired that his brain was going haywire, but Nathan would understand. ...At least he couldn't think about Sylar right now, or anything meaningful like his greater purpose in the world.


soopernathan July 31 2007, 16:29:33 UTC
Not that Peter was exactly the biggest of guys ever, obviously. Kind of scrawny, and physically kind of a pushover, but a hundred and something pounds of Peter Petrelli were still going to slow Nathan down a little. His arm still around Peter's shoulders, he grabbed at the front of his brother's shirt with his free hand, grunting a bit in light of the moment. Great.

"All right, we're almost there, jeez," he muttered, and half-glanced to Peter at his words. With the kind of expression that showed just how much he agreed with Peter right now. Disintegrating brains. "Oh, yeah?" he prompted right back, almost as if he were talking to a nine-year-old spouting off crazy, dreamed-up plans.

"Brain disintegrating, huh? Y... why's that?" he added vaguely, only half paying attention as his eyes scanned the... There. He'd never been happier to see a door. This had to be it. Jiggling open the knob, Nathan sighed at the sight of the Slytherin common room. Right. Awesome.


likeabadpenny July 31 2007, 16:47:38 UTC
Not answering right away, Peter was more focused on looking around the Slytherin common room and trying to remember exactly where his room was. He thought he had a vague idea, so he began trying to lean on Nathan and act as a slightly-weaving rudder.

Right, and then left, and Peter suddenly wondered if he was getting blood all over Nathan's clean shirt. There'd been no protests yet, so maybe Nathan didn't mind so much.

"Yeah. Bits of my brain falling to... bits," Peter continued, not even really aware of what he was saying. "Too tired. And Sylar's thoughts keep... rattling around. Shouldn't have listened."


soopernathan July 31 2007, 16:57:45 UTC
What the... hell?

Nathan settled Peter onto one of the leather sofas, fixing him with the strangest look from all of forever. Bits of brains? Falling... what? He was just babbling on, like, he wasn't even aware of what he was talking about. "Did you get a few screws knocked loose when you got that pole through your head or something, Pete? Jeez," he muttered, clapping Peter once on the shoulder and straightening.

He couldn't help but scratch at his forehead and keep on looking at Peter with that strange sort of questioning look. Almost as if by reading his mind, a house elf - he was never going to get used to those things - ran in with... he was pretty sure it was some kind of cola, but whatever. "Sylar's thoughts, what... what are you talking about? What did Sylar think?"


likeabadpenny July 31 2007, 17:12:04 UTC
Sinking back into the leather couch felt like heaven, considering Peter had spent the last five days (or more? he wasn't sure anymore) standing or sitting on the floor. His ass had to be permanently flat by now. Leaning back against the cushions, Peter closed his eyes and smiled stupidly. The only thing that could possibly feel better than this was... well, he couldn't think of anything right now.

"Thoughts," he repeated, as if it were perfectly obvious. Why didn't Nathan understand him the first time round? "'Bout his mother, and... he flipped out, and... he thought about the people he... killed... and..."

Peter promptly tipped over and landed face-first on the couch cushions, already asleep. The dangers of sitting down when sleep deprived.


soopernathan July 31 2007, 17:25:31 UTC
Nathan had settled onto the arm of the couch, rubbing at the back of his head, back faced to Peter as the guy started in on his babbling again. Christ, he was barely even making actual conscious thoughts anymore - he was just... talking. Random words that, like, didn't even go together in any semblance of a sentence.

"Thoughts? ...About his mother?" Nathan repeated, a bit stupidly, with the kind of outrage that made him sound skeptical that Sylar would even have a mother. He was probably born in a petri dish. In a lab. Or something. "Why? What kind of...?"

Did he just...

Nathan turned around, looking at Peter's face smashed into the cushions, eyebrows jumping up a little. "Peter." He grabbed at Peter's shoulder, shaking it a little. "Peter?" Great. ...At least he was sleeping. "Right. You just... stay there. Good idea."


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