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Comments 48

mmm_brainz July 28 2007, 13:06:40 UTC
Sylar didn't sleep.

Or... at least, that would be a cool claim to make. That evil never slept or something like that. Even though Sylar wasn't trying to use 'evil' in a description of himself, other people did, and he'd been identifying with it lately because of them. Or something. Maybe he was just going insane from being trapped in the same room as Peter Petrelli for... God, he couldn't even tell how long now. His only indication was the rhythmic tick tick tick of Peter's watch, marking every second on the nose ( ... )


likeabadpenny July 28 2007, 13:18:22 UTC
The second time that Peter nearly fell asleep, he snapped awake with an ungraceful snort. For a moment, he wondered in a panic about why he couldn't see, until he realized that his hair was just in his face. With a quiet sigh, Peter rubbed his hands over his face and pushed his hair away, absently noting that he should probably have a shave.

A quick glance at the IV line determined that there were still a few hours to go before he had to change it - and Sylar wasn't looking too full of fight, either. That, at least, was reassuring. Not reassuring enough to convince Peter that falling asleep in the same room and the guy would be anything approaching a good idea.

Blearily, he checked his watch. And wondered how he was going to keep this up for any longer, if he was already in this state.

"Don't you ever sleep?" Peter asked, completely out of the blue. If Sylar slept then maybe Peter could too. Just half an hour, that's all he wanted. Otherwise he was just going to ruin this whole plan by passing out and letting Sylar walk free.


mmm_brainz July 28 2007, 13:35:37 UTC
No, he wasn't asking that, was he? He couldn't possibly be shoving that fact in his face, right? Rubbing it in that Sylar hadn't slept for nearly a whole damned week now? Looking up through those horrible bangs, in desperate need of a haircut - Sylar would gladly give him another one if he really wanted it - and staring. Just staring. Sylar would have liked nothing more than to just snap his neck, there. End that staring for good.

"Should be asking you the same question," he griped back in a bit of a croaking voice - in which he meant that, no, he didn't, not without Dr. Dre blaring out the rest of the world - blinking once at the floor, a bit stupidly. Because, really. Five days and Peter hadn't slept either? Unfair. No opportunity for Sylar to just slip by. Unnoticed. It was all he needed, just that five minute window, Goddammit.


likeabadpenny July 28 2007, 13:44:47 UTC
"I'm the human sponge, I don't need sleep," Peter cracked, his grin completely out of place. He laughed once, amused, which soon dissolved into hysterical sounding giggles. Being a nurse, he was well aware of the fact that things seemed to get funnier the more tired you were, but this was just beyond that. This was... probably parts of his brain shutting down from sleep-deprivation.

Still laughing, Peter rested his head back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling. In the five days, he'd never really looked at the ceiling, and it was fascinating, when he really took the time to study it. Slowly, the laughter trailed off, and Peter rubbed at his eyes again.

And he hadn't even had coffee in five days. No wonder he was going round the bend.


soopernathan July 30 2007, 17:59:05 UTC
Okay. Slytherin? Way more intricate than Nathan had given it credit for.

After he'd gotten sorted to this Godforsaken place - at least the same house as Peter, according to the roster - he'd definitely started poking around. Getting a feel for Slytherin. Making careful note of the fact that half of this house was made up of dungeons. Taking a bit of advantage of the house elves. ...Seeing if Peter had really made do on that threat to attack Sylar, and if he was going to actually turn up somewhere around the school with something shoved inside of his skull.

Dungeons. He still couldn't believe this damn school had dungeons. He had to have spent at least two hours already searching through this labyrinth, tie and jacket abandoned back in the dormitory. His shirt was rumpled, undone at the color, even his hair wasn't its normally perfect coif right now. It wasn't often Nathan Petrelli could be found too disheveled, and... well, this was the closest he got to it, really. ...Pajama pants and lack of a shirt not counted in the equation ( ... )


likeabadpenny July 30 2007, 18:14:05 UTC
Passage of time clearly meant absolutely nothing when you were dead, because Peter could have sworn that it had only been a second ago that Sylar was shoving something into his head. It was like a blink, and suddenly he was coughing lung-rattling hacks and trying to gasp for breath in-between. Peter would never get used to the feeling of his brain and skull knitting back together, much less the crack-and-squish sound he could hear, amplified because it was coming from inside his own head.

"Nathan, what...?" Peter blinked heavily, noting absently that such an action was a little harder when blood had partially dried over his face. Attempting to focus, he squinted.

Nathan was here? ...That didn't make sense, he'd just... been fighting with Sylar and now everything was different. Same room, though. God, his limbs felt entirely too heavy to move. Getting up to get a better idea of what had happened just wasn't an issue right now.

"When did you get here?" He asked blearily. He didn't often see that look on his brother's face, and it ( ... )


soopernathan July 30 2007, 18:31:51 UTC
There was definitely that patch of seconds - just a few of them, ten, maybe, stretched out to the span of half of Nathan's lifetime - when he was absolutely certain Peter was going to not come back. He knew Peter had that healing power, and he knew that this school had a supposed... charm on it or something that meant people couldn't actually die here (God, this place just got weirder and weirder and he had to be going fucking nuts), and yet there was that paranoid sort of feeling that, shit, he'd just lost his brother.

Peter sputtering back into life, almost like an engine turning over or something, was like freaking music to Nathan's ears, and Peter barely had time to get out his sentence before Nathan was pulling him into a hug, both arms clasped around him so tightly he had to be nearly suffocating the poor kid. "Just a minute ago, yeah? And let's not make so much with the talking when you were just dead five seconds ago." And freaking the shit out of his older brother, thank you.

"What the HELL, Peter?"


likeabadpenny July 30 2007, 18:43:12 UTC
'Just a minute ago' meant that at least some time had passed, but it just confused Peter more. He could have been lying there for days and he wouldn't have felt the passage of time. God, he really had to stop dying so much, it was causing havoc with his perception of time.

"How long have-" He started, only to be cut off by Nathan's rather crushing hug. Not that Peter minded, except he couldn't return it because his arms were being squished and his shoulder still kind of hurt. "I hear that whole breathing thing is kinda important," Peter wheezed, but otherwise didn't protest. After blowing up and coming here, spending a week listening to a serial killers thoughts and then dying, he really needed a hug.

Okay, maybe how long he'd been dead wasn't such an important issue. "Sorry," he said, probably muffled, but he really was sorry that Nathan had just had to pull a pole out of his head. It couldn't have been pleasant.


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