Hello again, again. (RP for Rose Tyler and the Tenth Doctor)

Jul 03, 2007 16:25

Rose had a vaguely unsettled feeling that she should be much more worried about running into The Doctor (the other Doctor, brown-eyed, freckled, apparently with a mole) than she currently felt. But after the first moment of gawking surprise when The Doctor (her Doctor, the proper Doctor, thank you) had mentioned, seriously enough, that his other self (pretty boy with the fluffy hair and sideburns of all things) was here, back again, Rose hadn't really worried at all.



It was hard to think of them both as being "The Doctor" and she very much wished she could pretend this other was an imposter, but she knew better. He was the Doctor. She repeated it to herself mentally as she slipped from behind the painting of the Fat Lady and trotted down the stairs. He had saved her Mum, sent the Evil Santas packing, and defeated the Sycorax. He was stil the Doctor, absolutely just in an entirely different package. It wasn't his fault that she hardly knew him. Just as her Doctor hadn't known about the Bad Wolf - and she shied away from that thought, still painfully bright, like a spooked horse - Rose couldn't hold him responsible for her not really knowing him. Surely, to him, they could have travelled together a good long time, even. It was possible. Time travel. What a bloody mess. With a sigh, she walked outside the castle into afternoon sunshine. She probably owed it to the not-at-all-ginger Doctor to meet him. She should send him an owl. Or find him out, whatever house he was in - she didn't think it was Gryffindor, unless he'd taken to sleeping someplace strange like her Doctor.

There'd been stranger places, she realized. Like her own bed, wearing her mother's ex-boyfriend's pyjamas.

This might require the peculiar skills of an owl, she reasoned. But what to say?

Somehow an owled parchment reading, "Hello, Other Doctor. Heard you were back. Should catch up on diverging time-lines. Doctor says you're a bit of a ponce, but you're he is the old you is he's grumpy, you know. Tea, sometime? Sincerely, Rose."

Then again, it might suit him just fine. Mulling it over, Rose sat down in the grass down toward the lake, and tried to think this through.

(Please, think of the owls, and interrupt her before she can write that parchment... XD )

rose tyler, tenth doctor

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