Manly Advice (Owls and Closed RP for Fred, George, Sirius, and Jim.)

Jun 22, 2007 00:43

A few days after his non-date that turned out to be very much a date and then kind of got weird because girls were sodding mental, George decided it was time to be proactive. To pull himself up by his bootstraps and try to figure out what the hell had happened.

So, he sent out a few owls. It was time for reinforcements.

Owl to Fred )

owl, stephanie brown, jim halpert, fred weasley, george weasley, sirius black, rp

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mischief_george June 22 2007, 18:09:39 UTC
In between having some sort of Owl war with Steph, George simply occupied himself by lying on his bed, tossing a Quaffle up in the air and catching it again. Every so often he'd amuse himself by charming it to make various disgusting bodily noises as it landed in his grip, wondering idly about the saleability of a line of Gross Quidditch Gear.

Hopefully, though, Sirius, Fred, and Jim would be able to offer him advice. Not about the Quidditch pranks. Well, about that, too. But mostly about girls. In specific, what the bloody hell they were thinking. Because George was fairly certain that they could just chuck most of the classes at Hogwarts and instead offer a course into the twisted mind of women and it would be far more useful than, for example, Ancient Runes. Lot of rubbish, that.

((OOC: Posting order George-Fred-Jim-Sirius, so Siri doesn't have to cest sock with herself? XD))


mischief_fred June 22 2007, 18:40:24 UTC
Fred, on the other hand, was far from idle. Instead, he was hunched over a pile of men's underwear on his desk, several vials of potion of varying noxious shades of brown close at hand. A number of containers of paste, powder, flakes, and gel ringed the perimeter of the desk.

"Bloody hell, I - ...oh, oh, wait a moment, wait a moment! Yeeeessssss, there it is, there it is!" Fred turned towards George and held up one finger, which was now covered in hair. "It took about ten minutes to develop, but I think I've finally got the charm that appends the hair-growing lotion to the pants."

Fred's eyes had been fixed triumphantly on his finger, but now they flicked over to George. "Oi, cheer up, emo boy! You want my advice? Go on another date with this girl you're mooning over, but this time bring Percy with you. You can't help but look good in comparison next to him."


fathalpert June 23 2007, 04:15:04 UTC
Jim was pretty well aware that he was way more equipped to give advice on pranks than he was on girls, considering all the... crazy craziness that was going on with him in that arena; but he liked George, and there would apparently be food and drinks to go around (he himself was bringing over a six-pack, just to be sure of that) and who knew, maybe he'd have something. He seemed to do okay with women that weren't named Pam Beesly, anyway. That had to be worth something.

He knocked on the twins' door, then hastily stepped aside -- after checking the floor to either side for traps. He liked the guys, but they were born tricksters, and he didn't trust them as far as he could throw Dwight.


toujours_sirius June 23 2007, 04:28:45 UTC
It was always nice to be back in Gryffindor. Sirius had walked through the common room at a rather slow pace, looking around and relishing his surroundings, just because, aside from the suite he shared with Lily, it was the only real place he had known as home.

He came around the corner just in time to spot Jim's quick sidestep. "Nicely done," he remarked, nodding approvingly. "Probably just saved yourself from a Dungbomb attack. Unless, of course, they were anticipating your anticipation of their prank, in which case you're probably due for said Dungbomb attack any second now."

Grinning, he added, "You must be Jim. I'm Sirius. I'd shake your hand, but it's currently holding my wand just in case the Dumgbombs are pointed at me."


mischief_george June 23 2007, 09:33:42 UTC
Hearing the knock, George pulled himself away from inspecting Fred's hairy finger (not like that, pervs) to answer the door. Grinning at Sirius' comment, he waved them inside. "No worries, mates. Doorstep Dungbomb attacks are so very last year. Now it's all about waiting until people least expect it. Usually involving an after-dinner mint of some kind."

Nodding them into some armchairs scattered about the room, he flopped back on his bed; this time, though, with a pair of boxers and a tube of Pustule Paste. "You blokes want anything to drink? We have soda, Firewhisky, some kind of juice we keep around in case Mum pokes her head in... Whatever you like."

Oh, right, manners. "Er, Jim, this is Fred. The less handsome twin." He beamed over at them. "Fred, this is my mate, Jim the Jew. Please be considerate of his religious preferences." Ta da! Molly would be so proud. "Now, do you reckon we should have the pustules on the arse as well? Or just keep it to a more frontal region?" Important questions!


mischief_fred June 23 2007, 16:05:29 UTC
"Arse pustules are always hilarious, especially the ones that burst at inopportune moments," Fred replied easily, matter-of-factly, and then turned to Jim. "Shalom! It's brilliant to finally meet you. We've also got Crystal Light, and that's got to be kosher." A brief pause, and then, "Well, I dunno about the CL we charmed to make the drinker speak in a squeaky voice, so I'd avoid the...Blast, is it orange or the pink one we charmed to do that, George?"

Before his brother could answer, he waved a hand dismissively. "Never mind, we'll work it out. Come on in - you, too, Sirius, it's good to see you. Have a seat, make yourself at home." Another pause, and then, "Oh, but don't sit on that over there." He gestured to a large purple beanbag chair off in one corner. "It's charmed to bite." Then he pointed to a wooden chair on the other side of the room. "And don't sit in that one either. It's just broken."


fathalpert June 24 2007, 06:58:45 UTC
Jim grinned at Sirius, a broad, friendly grin. New people, especially new people who weren't Michael or Dwight, were always a blessing. Unless they turned out like Andy. But he was assuming not. "I'm probably doomed," he agreed with a faint sigh. Reaching out with his non-six-pack'ed hand, he pinched Sirius's wand and moved his hand up and down. "I am indeed Jim. It's nice to meet you."

He looked up as the door opened and gave George a nod. "Hey. I brought beer." He held up the aforementioned pack, moving into the room. He gave Fred a similar nod. "Shalom, man." Jim still wasn't Jewish, but there didn't seem to be any harm in keeping that joke up.

He glanced around at the off-limits chairs, then eyed the ones that were still fair game. He opted to lean against a desk, for the time being. "I think I'll opt to skip the pustules for now," he explained.


toujours_sirius June 24 2007, 15:00:08 UTC
Sirius was perfectly fine with the floor, especially since it was not an easy task to charm an entire floor to do something nefarious to the arse that rests upon it. Of course, it was quite possible that Fred and George had charmed patches of it, but Sirius figured the odds were pretty good that he'd find a nice, benign, clean patch of floor.

Well, maybe not clean, but Sirius was used to boys' rooms. He walked over to one of the beds and tentatively lowered himself down in front of it. Nearest the beds was the safest place - unless the twins were pranking each other, which was quite possible. Ah well, it was always a crapshoot with Fred and George Weasley ( ... )


mischief_george June 24 2007, 15:11:03 UTC
Oh, the mistrust! It would have been funny if it hadn't been so warranted. And had they charmed areas of the floor? He couldn't remember, half the time. "The pink," he returned absently, frowning in concentration as he tried to get the timed release right on the back end of the boxers. "Remember, we thought the orange could be the one that made people whistle?" Or was it the other way round?

Beer! "Cheers, mate," George grinned, taking two and tossing one at Sirius. "And the pustules aren't for you. New line of pranks. Very exciting."

A small, long box with a set of the camouflage charmed Extendable Ears was also passed to Sirius, and then George sat back and took a long sip of beer. "Right." Merlin, where to even start? "We went out, yeah? And it went...well." Other than the jumping off of roofs that the mun is too lazy to look up and link, but trust me, it's there and the running away. "We were heading in to the city to see a movie. And then, bam!" A completely puzzled expression on his face, George shook his ( ... )


mischief_fred June 24 2007, 18:35:06 UTC
"They are if they're batgirls," Fred interjected with a roar of laughter, settling back into the chair at his pants-piled desk. He hadn't heard the entire story (just most of it - in other words, the entire story sans the embarrassing details), but George had certainly told him enough about Steph for him to be able to make the joke. "I still want to know what you did to make her angry. My money's on slipping U-NO-POO into her drink. That or giving her a bouquet of Crap-Scented Carnations." He looked up at Sirius and then Jim. "From our new Pranking Plant line at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. We've also got Pinching Petunias, Biting Begonias, Rain-in-Your-Face Roses, and Mud-Slinging Marigolds." He grinned widely.


fathalpert June 27 2007, 03:24:31 UTC
"Nice," Jim told Fred mildly. "Very classy." The twins, they were kind of baffling. On the one hand, nice guys, and very smart with the magic. Especially of the prankster variety, which, well, he appreciated. But... dungbombs? Crap-Scented Carnations? U-No-Poo? Not so much his thing. His stuff was a little more subtle.

But still, nice guys.

"Women can be... tough, sometimes," he admitted to George. "Did... she want to talk at all about it?" If it had been Karen, they would have talked for hours about it.


toujours_sirius June 27 2007, 04:02:40 UTC
Sirius simply laughed. "Welcome to the wonderful world of dating a woman, George. Don't try to work out just what happened. You'll just get more confused." He tried to think back to the countless numbers of fights he had had with Lily and how they had ended. "It might be best just to apologise. Over and over. Even if you're not sure what you did. And even that might not help."

He shrugged and smiled darkly. "Women are the most confusing creatures on earth. If I had a choice between taking on a dragon inside a swarm of angry Doxies and fighting with Lily, I'd choose the dragon and the Doxies any day." The sad thing was, Sirius truly wasn't exaggerating.


mischief_george June 28 2007, 06:24:15 UTC
Lying back in his bed again with a loud grumble towards his twin, George pillowed his head in one arm and tossed the Quaffle up and down idly. "No, wanker," he said. "I didn't do anything. We were just having a chat about London, and I was pointing out all the weird Muggle things, and the next thing I knew she was shouting and storming off. Completely loony."

He missed the Quaffle and it rolled off his fingers, bouncing once on the floor and mooing like a cow. "And she did not want to talk about it. I had to chase after her. She's..." Infuriating? Intriguing? "Nutters."

Turning to look at Sirius, George shook his head. "Then why be with her, mate? I mean, Merlin, she makes me feel like my head is about to explode. No matter what I did, it was wrong! How is that even possible?"


mischief_fred June 28 2007, 22:48:47 UTC
"Wait a moment," Fred interjected. "Let me get this straight. She randomly shouts at you. She gives you a headache. And she thinks everything you do is wrong." He paused, his eyes twinkling just a little bit too much. "George, don't you see? She's Mum!"

And then the big grin came out once more. Oh, it was an apt comparison, but Fred made it mainly because he knew it was also an extremely undesirable one to George.


fathalpert June 29 2007, 03:42:16 UTC
Jim nodded along with Sirius. Don't try to figure it out, just apologize -- that sounded about right. Then she might... still want to talk for hours, but at least be less angry about it? Or, based on his experiences with Pam 2.0 Katie, maybe just want to snuggle a lot.

He was mostly here, he felt, in a listening capacity -- God knew he didn't have a lot of advice to dole out on women -- so he listened to George explain, and when Fred butted in he merely looked over at him. Well, until he said that last part, anyway. Then his brows lifted, his eyes darting to the camera side. "Okay then," he murmured under his breath.

Sadly, George really wouldn't have been the first guy he knew to date someone just like his mother.


toujours_sirius July 1 2007, 07:50:47 UTC
Sirius was not going to touch the comparison to Molly Weasley. Instead, he took a sip of his beer and said, "Why be with her? Because heartache is worse than headache." He didn't know this girl George was dating or how serious they were, but from his own experience, he knew this much was true. As much as he often thought his whole body would explode from fighting with Lily, he stuck through it all because he couldn't imagine being without her.


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