The Midsummer's Festival!

Jun 21, 2007 19:36

Posters appear magically all over the school that say:

Midsummer's Festival

When: Tonight!
Where: By the lake
What: A party celebrating the summer solstice.

There will be food, drink and a bonfire! All students are invited.

((OOC: All RPing for the festival should take place in this post.))Down by the lake, there is a large, magical bonfire ( Read more... )

george weasley, albus dumbledore, sirius black, rp, sergeant schlock, lily potter, miles vorkosigan, remus lupin, dr killjoy, carrie white, michael scott, jadzia dax, merlin, stephanie brown, john house, kelly kapoor, jemima, mr universe, pam beesly, lola sanchez, all school, simba, brice de winter, veronica mars, charles foster ofdensen, ford prefect, bun-bun, strong bad, arthur dent, jaime lannister, susan sto helit, sandra bennet, stephen maturin, strong sad, the cheat, nemo, archie kennedy, foxxy love, mel beeby, aayla secura, camilla macaulay, jim halpert, brienne of tarth, tinky winky, minerva mcgonagall

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schizowarrior June 22 2007, 03:50:20 UTC
Hey, party--right on. Molly didn't own a whole lot of nice clothes, but she'd dug out a dress she thought might be good for a summer party. Unfortunately, she didn't have any dress shoes, and so was wearing her black Chuck Taylors, which somewhat ruined the effect. But her hair was nice, for once--instead of the usual wild mane of grey-blonde, she'd tamed it into something more or less smooth, and, shoes notwithstanding, she was tolerably pleased with the result.

Now for the food.


busty_robin June 23 2007, 02:17:27 UTC
"Hey Molly," Steph threw up a hand in greeting, making her own beeline for the food table. After that little DADA class, she pretty much thought Molly was the coolest thing since sliced bread. Actually, sliced bread wasn't even all that cool. Molly was probably a little bit cooler than sliced bread.

Moving on.

"You look really nice!"


schizowarrior June 23 2007, 02:30:54 UTC
Molly grinned. "Hi, Steph," she returned. She'd been really impressed with the way Steph kicked her boggart--it was a movie-worthy kick if she'd ever seen one. "Thanks...wish I had better shoes, but what can you do? Try some of the sausages--they're awesome." Better than cabbage, certainly...ick.


busty_robin June 23 2007, 02:47:47 UTC
"Oh, I think they're stylin'. Anyway-" she pulled up her ankle length skirt and stuck out an equally sneakered foot "-all the cool kids are doing it." Hey, you never knew when danger was going to strike. It was important to have the proper footwear for these things!

Mmmm. Sausages. "So you holding up okay, post ping-pong head?"


schizowarrior June 23 2007, 03:25:42 UTC
Molly laughed. "Good, I'm not the only one. I like your skirt, by the way." See, sneakers were sensible. Really. "Yeah, I'm doing pretty good, even if I don't ever want to see a ping-pong ball again," she said. "How about you? That was some awesome kicking you gave...whatever that thing was."


busty_robin June 23 2007, 03:47:00 UTC
"Thanks." She did a mock-curtsey. And hell yeah sneakers were sensible. And frankly, Steph and Molly were what classified as Hot Blondes, and could pretty much get away with wearing whatever the heck they wanted. "I'm doing okay. I was turned into a kid right after that whole mess, so there wasn't much time to brood."

She grinned at the compliment. "Gymnastics and a couple of self-defense classes go a long way." Also, insane bat!training.

Ah. How the hell to explain the Black Mask? "Just a nightmare." It was as honest as answer as any. "Kicking it felt pretty awesome, not gonna lie. I feel bad for boggart, though!"


schizowarrior June 23 2007, 04:05:41 UTC
Molly laughed. "You did? I turned into a kid once--God, it was fun. Did you eat a chocolate beforehand?" It was that experience that had made her seek out Dr. Maturin, for a better antipsychotic potion than the ones she'd been getting.

Gymnastics, huh? She hadn't met anyone else here yet who'd done gymnastics, that she knew of. "How long did you do gymnastics? I'm pretty out of practice now, but I used a lot of that training when I was younger." She could still do a fair bit of it, once she'd warmed up; it just took a lot more warming up than it used to. "And hey, I know all about nightmares. I wouldn't feel bad for kicking the boggart, either--it's its own fault, for looking like your worst fear."


busty_robin June 23 2007, 04:36:34 UTC
"I did! And the chocolate was to blame. It was...interesting. I vaguely remember causing a lot of explosions. And attacking a tree." Which sadly, was not at all her first time attacking a plant.

"For years! I was on my high school team. Sadly, they don't have a team here - I had to settle for qudditch." The game of wedgies! "Seems like most people here know a thing or two about nightmares. Some of those boggarts were..." Yeah. She smirked, eager for a lighter topic. "Jack's especially. Drunken monkeys are terrifying."


schizowarrior June 23 2007, 22:52:22 UTC
"Attacking a tree? Man, all I did when I was a kid was get run along with a herd of Devinisian devils. And feed them bacon." Well, there had been more to it than that, but nothing that sounded half so cool as attacking a tree.

"Did you? I did all kinds of gymnastics when I was younger--I was in a series of B-movies, and there was a lot of jumping and flipping and general flailing." Molly had heard of Quidditch, and it did not sound appealing--she wasn't so down with heights, especially after the Roof Incident.

She laughed. "Yeah, he'd told me he had a thing against monkeys, but I didn't think it was that big of a thing. Still, if your worst fear is a boozed-up monkey, you're probably doing something right."


busty_robin June 25 2007, 04:21:12 UTC
"Well, naturally. They need the protein!" Not that Steph knew what the hell Devinisian devils were, but bacon was beneficial to all!

"Yup! Had to drop it after the coach quit, though." Meh. Movies were much more interesting than Coach Cokehead. "Cool! Those are three of my favorite activities. Do you still 'jump around', to quote the wise House of Pain?"

Steph laughed. Damn good point. "The little guy didn't even have a weapon. Now a drunk monkey with a sharp object, there's a fear I can get behind."


schizowarrior June 27 2007, 04:26:38 UTC
"I do, though not as well as I used to." She could still do most of the things she'd done in her movies, but not all, and the ones she could do took a lot more warming-up than they had once upon a time. "It's more of a workout thing than anything, and I've got the sword for that, too."

Molly laughed. "I thought he was kind of cute, in an evil little rodent sort of way. The rum...I can't explain."


busty_robin June 28 2007, 03:16:10 UTC
"You've got a sword?" Aw man. Steph didn't have a sword! She really needed to look into that. "What kind? Aside from sharp and pointy...which is all you really need a sword to be, I guess!"

"Maybe he's had so much of it that it's replaced food and water as his primary mode of sustinece?" Somebody had been studying her technical terms!


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