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racheltherunner June 18 2007, 19:16:24 UTC
WOW. I mean, really, there wasn't another word for it. Just...wow. I could smell everything. Flitting above people, darting around their heads and then flying away, I caught sniffs of humans and weres and vampires and witches and wizards and...

Holy crap, another pixy! Pulling myself up - finding that 'hyper' probably was too tame a word for what I was, because man was I wired! - I fluttered my wings in a high pitched whine of warning. This was my turf! Put 'em up! I was a pixy, damn it, and I would tear the intruder limb from limb...

Oh. It was Jenks.

"Hi, Jenks!"


not_a_bug June 18 2007, 19:20:20 UTC
Rachel. Rachel. Freaking Rachel was a pixie.

"Hi?" Jenks automatically replied in turn, eyes widening in Rachel's general direction. Dear freaking lord. No earth smell. No redwood. It was the weirdest feeling he could think of. He'd always associated Rachel with that scent, and now she smelled... pixie. She smelled... jeeper's crow!

"Hi?" he repeated heatedly, wings flaring a bright pink. Mad, but not furious for an stupid reason. "You're a freaking pixie and all you can say is 'hi'? Mind explaining?"


racheltherunner June 18 2007, 19:51:33 UTC
Giddy for no other reason but how freaking cool this was, I flew-twirled-danced in a circle around him. Giggling.

Dear God, I was giggling.

"Um...hello?" I tried with a beaming grin, darting up to him. I could look him straight in the eyes. Huh. I'd never been able to do that. "Mother of Tink, Jenks, you're hot!" The words were out before I could censor them and I clapped both hands over my mouth, flying backwards a bit with the force of my embarrassment. Whoops!

"I ate a brownie," I managed around my hands. "And now I'm a pixie!" Suddenly concerned, my wings drooped a bit. "Aw, man, do I smell like a pixie?" If I smelled like one, that meant I was one, not just body changed, which was...bad. That meant I couldn't stir spells, couldn't activate any of my charms... Zooming up closer to him, I popped my hands on my hips. "Smell me!" I demanded.


not_a_bug June 18 2007, 19:58:02 UTC
"Well, sheez, Dollface, tell me something I don't know!" Jenks automatically scoffed, flexing a bicep and placing his hands on his hips. "And your hair's still frizzy like you've never heard of a conditioning spell. Eugh." He picked at it with a grimace, and then stuck out his tongue, afterwards, grinning. Just kidding.

Whoa, whoa. Hang on. Back up. "Brownie?" Jenks replied in turn, eyebrows raised. "Last time I checked, brownies don't change you into a freaking pixie, chica, wanna try again?"

AUGH. Rachel in his face! Last thing he needed! Jenks fell back slightly, flailing around a bit and wrinkling up his nose. "You smell like ass and bad chocolate, is what you smell like!" he bellowed back, fuming slightly. "What do you expect to smell like? A grizzly bear? Of course you smell like a freaking pixie. Man!"


racheltherunner June 18 2007, 20:23:30 UTC
My face fell. Crap! "That means I'm not a witch anymore!" I moaned. The brief flash of hurt over his insults was there and gone as I focused on more important things. "Hey, I know when I've been spelled. And this was definitely a spell. One second I'm eating a brownie, the next I'm part of the wing parade."

Flitting back and forth, my wings going blue in agitation, my face creased into a frown. "Oh, man, what am I going to do? I can't stay like this. Freaking brownies." Then I paused as a thought struck me. "I wonder if pixing Dean would violate my deal."

Oh, crap. Jenks didn't know the details of that - no one did. Shooting him a glance, I winced. "Um, never mind. Maybe we should just dive bomb that freaking professor, instead."

Damn and double damn.


not_a_bug June 18 2007, 20:35:18 UTC
"Spelled. By brownies?" Hey, he'd heard weirder things. Trust him. You didn't want to know. "Well, hey, doesn't that mean you can just, you know, divebomb into the nearest ocean and you're all set? Man. Calm your hemorrhoids, chiquita. You're going off the edge."

What? Oh, hey, paydirt, right here. Jenks cocked an eyebrow, hands on his hips. "Violate your deal? Oh, here we go - something you haven't told me about, actually. Little Deano kinda interrupted us." He noted her wince with a strange look in his eyes, fixing her with a steely, knowing stare.

"So what did you promise there, huh? Sign your life away? For what? Your boobs definitely do not look bigger." Okay, this wasn't a time for joking, but he could NOT help himself.


racheltherunner June 18 2007, 20:41:10 UTC
"This isn't that kind of spell, dork," I snapped, growing slightly panicked. Man, I couldn't hold my splat gun, couldn't fight, couldn't do anything. I was helpless.

And, apparently, could no longer keep a secret. Groaning slightly, I sank down to sit on a handy suit of armor. "It's stupid. Nothing. And my boobs are just fine, perv." Then, grumbling, I studied my nails. "Don't call him Deano."


not_a_bug June 18 2007, 20:44:44 UTC
"Well, jeez, I'm not the witch here!" he shot back, frowning. "Way to know what it's like in the day of the life of a pixie. Like I said. Calm the fuck down."

He let out a huffy breath then, folding his arms. "Deano. And just when I thought your tits couldn't get any smaller, you proved me wrong," he added, gesturing towards her chest and frowning. "Mind telling me what the hell you did there, hot stuff? Because I'm not shutting up until you do."


racheltherunner June 18 2007, 20:50:43 UTC
Huffing a breath, I rolled my eyes. "Shut up." Yeah, it was a great comeback. I was under slight duress, here.

Oh, and he would keep talking, too, until I spilled. I knew him too well. Sighing, I leaned back, wrapping my arms around my legs and rocking back and forth slightly, my wings automatically fluttering to keep me balanced. "The demon and I made a deal. It wouldn't go anywhere near Dean unless summoned so long as I agreed to do the same." I glared at Jenks as if daring him to make fun of me. "So as long as I don't make the first move towards Dean, he gets to sleep easy. Now shut up about him, all right? He's saved my life more than once. I think I - " was cutting myself off right the hell there. "He's a good guy, Jenks, okay? Just...lay off of him."


not_a_bug June 18 2007, 20:57:02 UTC
What? Insults temporarily forgotten. Jenks fell silent - silent. Jenks. Can you imagine? - fixing Rachel with a strange sort of stare as she spoke. He let out a low whistle once she'd finished, folding his arms and fluttering a bit closer to her.

"Damn. Heck of a deal you got yourself in there, sweet cheeks. So, what, you just stay away and this thing doesn't bother him? And what if you feel like chatting once or twice, huh?" He couldn't help but get a little bitchy. Jeez, she had no idea what she'd gotten into. ...Well, yes, she did - Rachel of all people would know - but damn. "And, I mean, why, Rache? It's not like you love him or anything like that."


racheltherunner June 18 2007, 21:03:13 UTC
"Then I don't," I said shortly, brushing my hair way from my face with one hand. Oh, I knew full well the implications of what I'd done. And it sucked. More than Jenks knew.

At his last words I winced away, not looking at him. "Because someone had to do something, and I wasn't fast enough to think of anything more permanent." Or at least anything that wouldn't have cost me more than I was willing to pay. "It's not a big deal, Jenks. He could care less if I ever talk to him again." The hurt - still fresh from the stupid DADA class - was evident in my tone and I shook my head. Stupid tears again. Damn it. "So what he doesn't know won't hurt him. All right?" Swiping my eyes with the back of my hand I felt the weight of the truth of my words. God, he really didn't care, did he?

Double damn.


not_a_bug June 18 2007, 21:13:56 UTC
Jenks rolled his eyes. God, girls were thick.

"Are you kidding?" he replied with a wrinkled face of retort. Another eye roll, in which he flicked his head to the side, sending his hair into his eyes in that perfectly tousled, devil-may-care sort of way. "Do you just not pay attention? Or just to him." His thumb and index fingers went to either eye, widening the things to dinner plate proportions. "He's freaking gaga over you, toots!" Females. So stupid sometimes.

He threw up his hands then, sighing dramatically and slapping a hand over his eyes. "You think he's not gonna find out? He's stupid, but not that stupid." Jenks would bet a good deal of money on it that he already did know.


racheltherunner June 18 2007, 21:24:56 UTC
Blinking once, twice, then again for good measure, slowly, I stared at him. My jaw, I'm sure, was somewhere around my knees.


No. I mean...no! Jenks was out of his mind. "Yeah, well, he has a funny way of showing it," I snorted, rolling my eyes. "Because if ignoring me completely and letting his brother insult me is 'ga-ga' I'd hate to see him really disliking someone."

Flitting up from the suit of armor, I headed down the hallway. I had...no destination in mind, but I needed to move. "I didn't say he was stupid. I just said he wasn't going to find this out. Since he'll barely look at me any more, it shouldn't be too hard." Stopping, I looked around. "I have no idea where I am." Everything was so big! I'd completely lost my bearings.


not_a_bug June 18 2007, 22:22:00 UTC
Jenks might have been out of his mind, but if he knew anything, he knew people - or at least things - Weres, Vamps, Witches, all the like - and that boy was reeking of puppy love. It was kind of disgusting, all that cherry blossom perfume scent wafting off of him in entire legions. "Didn't that happen somewhere around second grade?" Jenks replied with a slight tinge of disgust to his voice. "Timmy the Eighth throwing shit at Little Becky Twoshoes to show he liked it? Sheezy." He rolled his eyes and folded his arms. Humans. Ugh.

"Yeah, you didn't say he was stupid. I said he was stupid," Jenks clarified knowingly. Which, really, no. Dean didn't seem all that stupid. But it was more fun to insinuate that the boy had a few missing chromosomes going on in his head. He'd opened his mouth to respond to the latter part of her statement when she spoke up again. Oy. Pixie attention spans. Shorter than freaking ferrets'. "This is the Great Hall. Or by it at least. Yeah, crap's a lot different when you're only four inches tall, ain't it?"


racheltherunner June 18 2007, 22:42:37 UTC
"We're not exactly in second grade anymore, Jenks," I muttered, buzzing around. "What makes you think he doesn't just really not like me?"

I was hurting. God, was I hurting. Because it was just another thing, another example, of how fucked up I was. (And yet another human who had gotten under my skin... My experience with Nick hadn't exactly been pleasant.) "Besides, it doesn't matter. Deal's done. End of the road. Better that way."

Spinning around again, I recognized a portrait and zoomed off in that direction. I wanted to get to my room. And just, you know, resume my plan of curling up in a corner and being depressed. Great plan.


not_a_bug June 19 2007, 02:32:54 UTC
"Because, as aforementioned, he was slobbering over you more than your Nick puppy was?" Jenks repeated in a slow, evenly spaced way, as if Rachel had an extra chromosome swimming in her genetic cocktail.

Ah, dammit, he'd ticked her off. Jenks let out a huffy breath, automatically splitting after her at a speed that was more than enough to rival hers. He caught up to her in seconds, flying alongside her with his hands folded behind his head. "You know... I think you're forgetting that I've got a few years on you with this crap," he noted pointedly, raising his eyebrows to her. ...Somehow, somewhere, that was an apology, in JenksLand.

(( Reposted for HTML, hurr ))


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