O to the W L-zzle

Jun 13, 2007 00:12

It wasn't often that George Weasley waffled over something. He might sit back and let a lot of things wash over him, but he was far from indecisive. And yet, he found himself going back and forth over what he should send out with an owl to a girl ( Read more... )

owl, stephanie brown, george weasley

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Comments 57

Note sent back via Buff Orpington busty_robin June 13 2007, 05:06:31 UTC
Huh. A box. Wrapped in ribbon, no less. Which Buff totally ate the second she turned her back. He was getting so chunky, that damn chicken.

And oh crud, there was a really cool present inside. Gah. What was an appropriate this-is-not-a-date-but-for-some-reason-I'm-returning-your-gesture gift?

Mr. Weasley,

If I'm what passes for a valued customer, you guys are going to go out of business pretty quick.

Dinner sounds good. I often eat I'm a fan of the genre I hate quills, I hate them so bad Meet you at 7?

--The Honorable Stephanie Brown
She owns a mansion and a yacht

P.S. This is still not a date.
P.P.S. You’re going to have to kick my chicken to get him to leave your room- he used to be a tree, and sitting-around is kind of his default mode. Also, he's a fatty.
P(3).S. If anyone asks, you didn't get these from me.

Tied around Buff’s neck is a small satchel of military-grade smoke capsules.


Buff returns, riding on a bit of carpet which had been charmed to fly. He may also be wearing a fez. mischief_george June 13 2007, 21:47:52 UTC
Ms. Brown,

The value lies less in the amount spent and more in the fact that I haven't gotten you out of my head the quality of the purchase. That was grade-A itching powder. You'll have to tell me how it worked out.

Seven it is. Make sure to wear a sweater. I'll be waiting in the Great Hall?

--Mssr. George Weasley, the first
Owner of a very large collection of hand knit sweaters

P.S. Of course not.
P.P.S. Presenting the one-of-a-kind Chicken Carpet. Now he can sit around and deliver your mail. (And you're right - he's rather rotund, isn't he?)
P.P.etc. Bloody hell, these are awesome! I've already scared the shite out of some bloke - he practically dove through a window, screaming something about Code Brown Mist. Brilliant.
P. and so on. Er, yeah, whilst we're not telling people things, you probably should know that flying carpets aren't exactly Ministry authorized. So if anyone asks, you found it in a trunk.


Buff Express to George. He is now eating said Fez, the ungrateful slob. busty_robin June 13 2007, 23:10:02 UTC
Mr. Weasley,

I haven't had a chance to use the bio-weapon in question, but when I do, expect a detailed report. For the good of scientific prankery and not because I.

A sweater? And here I was, gearing up to wear my trusty French maid outfit. It's my usual mid-week ensemble - odd American custom, don't ask. We’re an international kind of country. Except for the part where our government hates foreigners. Ah well, a sweater it is! See you in the great hall.

--General Stephanie Brown
Commander of the Innuendo Brigade
Not at all afraid to mix up military metaphors
Supremely supportive of accurately applied alliteration

((Reposted because I speel godd ><))


Buffmail to Stephanie mischief_george June 13 2007, 23:20:12 UTC
Ms. Brown,

That's all a humble prank designer could ask for. Field reports are dreadfully important to future research, you know.

Oh, you Yanks. All fluff and frills and netted stockings. Perhaps next time?

--Dr. George Weasley
Head Research Technician of Hopeful French Maid Encounters

((Annnd I'll rethread for RP?))


mischief_george June 13 2007, 23:26:09 UTC
Ah, yes. The Great Hall. He'd been here often.

Never quite like this. Sure, he'd had his share of Hogsmeade trips, but accompanied by a girl? Not exactly a common occurrence. He'd been a bit too preoccupied with other things - namely getting into as much trouble as humanly possible, creating things a bit more worthwhile than any of their schoolwork had attempted, and generally enjoying himself as much as he could - to really focus on the fairer sex.

Now, it seemed, he was falling victim to the very same affliction he'd often teased his brothers and mates for. Bloody girls. Getting under your skin, making you dress with a bit more care and generally acting as if you actually looked in a mirror once in a while.

Tugging absently on his jeans and adjusting the neck of his sweater, George scanned the room for Stephanie. Bloody hell, why was he nervous? He'd played Quidditch in front of hundreds of people, he owned his own business, for Merlin's sake. And it wasn't exactly as if this was his first non-date date. And still ( ... )


busty_robin June 13 2007, 23:51:20 UTC
Okay. Great hall. Pretty easy to find, when the staircases weren't being all schizoid. And today of all days, they were being completely sane and staircase-like. Figures.

It's not that she was nervous. This wasn't a date, so there was no reason to be nervous. Heck, even if it was -which it WAS NOT- that was still no good reason for nervousity. Which was totally a word, shut up. She was Steph Brown! Steph Brown didn't get nervous - she jumped off of buildings! She kicked bad guys in the face! And so on.

She pulled a thread off of her shirt and walked into the great hall. She saw George, and waved.

"Hey. Um, I'm not late, am I?"


mischief_george June 14 2007, 03:01:20 UTC
Wow. Okay, right. Still pretty. Good to know. Grinning at her, George pushed off from the wall and walked over, hoping he didn't suddenly trip over his own feet or have his face spontaneously burst into pimples (which wasn't as odd of a fear as one might think - most people didn't live with Fred).

"No," he smiled at her, gallantly offering his arm with a flourish. "Just on time."

Heart thudding in his ears, George's smile was more than a little nervous. But he had an evening planned - hopefully something Stephanie would enjoy.

Oh, Merlin, what if she hated it? What if it went horribly wrong? WHAT IF HIS SHOES DIDN'T GO WITH HIS BELT? Okay, deep breaths, Weasley.

"Hope you're not afraid of heights."


busty_robin June 14 2007, 03:22:50 UTC
She didn't have anything in her teeth, right? She'd brushed right after lunch. And what about the breath? Too late to do a breath check! She'd been sighted!

His arm? What was she supposed to- oh. right. Sigh. Steph was with it. She took said arm, trying not to blush. Now what? "I like your sneakers."

I like your sneakers? The hell?

She actually laughed at the heights thing. Very welcome tension breaker, though poor George couldn't know why. Steph grinned, and nodded. "I'm good with heights."


busty_robin June 19 2007, 07:13:01 UTC
Uh-huh. Steph had been in the joke shop once before, and knew perfectly well that it possessed sufficient lighting. This here was nothing but an attempted to ‘set the mood’, so to speak. Oldest trick in the book.

She rolled her eyes...and then grabbed George's hand, lacing their fingers together. Hey, sometimes the standards worked for a reason. Also, he blushed pretty easy, and it was very cuteamused her.

Like right then! No mood lighting could disguise that blush. She grinned and tipped her hat, pretending not to notice. "I do my best."

"Yeah. One thing, first." Steph reach up, and put her hands on the base of George's neck, running her fingers lightly through his hair. She leaned in, very closely...

...and adjusted his hat, smirking impishly. "You were a bit crooked, just there. Okay, I'm good to go."


mischief_george June 19 2007, 07:24:00 UTC
He let out a small breath that was most definitely not an 'eep' as Stephanie took his hand. But, head ducking down and smile teasing out along his lips, lighting up his eyes, he recovered quickly, rubbing his thumb lightly along her knuckles a few times. Her hand felt nice in his and he enjoyed it thoroughly.

That wasn't to say, though, that he didn't fall completely for her little trick. Her fingers playing at the nape of his neck sent pleasant tingles along his spine and his heart jumped out of beat in delicious anticipation. Ah, but wait. The old fake-out.

Recovering quickly, he merely gave her a jaunty smile, reaching out to beep his finger once on the tip of her nose - and immediately silently berate himself because, seriously, what the sodding hell had that been? - and offered her his arm. "Brilliant. We'll stop for provisions first," he said, grabbing a small canvas bag that folded up easily and fit in his pocket. "And then we come to the tricky part of the evening. What sort of movie we'll see." George shook his ( ... )


busty_robin June 19 2007, 07:44:56 UTC
Did he...was she just beeped? Did poor George just resort to a beep?

Steph raised an eyebrow, plucked the offending finger off her nose, and held George's hand in her own. No more beeping for him! Then, she put their clasped hands on his chest, leaned in, and kissed him softly on the lips. It wasn't a long kiss, but there was time enough to reach up with her free hand, and trail across the base of his neck with her fingers.

Pity kiss? Kind of. But it was a Steph Brown pity kiss, and that was worth something! She winked, and took his arm. "Provisions are important!"

Hmm. "I haven't seen a movie since 2004, so no sequels. I vote for a comedy."


mischief_george June 19 2007, 08:03:31 UTC
Hey, he would beep her nose every bloody day if it got him hand holding. And George was a red-blooded British male. He had no pride. Pity kisses were perfectly acceptable.

Leaning in to her lips, he moved one hand to lightly trail down her back, fingers sliding along her spine. He was one big shiver and goosebump, all from just a simple kiss. Oh, Merlin, he was in so much trouble. Grinning goofily at her, he struggled to get his mind away from thoughts of doing things other than sitting nicely in a movie theater. Like how her hair would feel running through his fingers. Or how the skin just along her cheek just seemed to be begging to have kisses scattered along it.

Right. He really needed to just switch off that portion of his brain, now. Giving her hand a brief squeeze, he lead her out into the night. The theater was only a couple of blocks over and a broomstick wasn't exactly inconspicuous in Muggle London, so walking it was. "Ah, we're doing good so far," he nodded. "Comedies are a nice start. But please," George ( ... )


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