Application for Roxas, from Kingdom Hearts

Jun 01, 2007 15:29

Only moments before, Roxas had felt what he could only describe as a warm glow. Something in the back of his mind told him he had become whole, had reunited with his Somebody. Shortly before that, he was having sea-salt ice cream with his best friend ( Read more... )

laura palmer, edward tivrusky, archie kennedy, jonathan teatime, application, gir, roxas, balthier, demyx

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von_strahl June 1 2007, 23:07:05 UTC
"I'm afraid I've no taste for salty ice cream," Balthier said, "But you're the second person I've met to mention a keyblade."

((Hi, new person! Have you seen that we have an IRC channel for the comm? The FAQ is here: It makes it a lot easier to meet other players and hook up for RPs if you frequent the IRC channel, so check it out!))


myown_nobody June 2 2007, 00:06:02 UTC
Roxas couldn't help but feel slightly insulted by this comment about his ice cream, but he put it aside to deal with something that was far more important.

"You've met someone else who knows about the Keyblades? Who?"


von_strahl June 2 2007, 02:11:51 UTC
"Some blonde fellow; met him at my sorting. Talked about different worlds and such."


myown_nobody June 2 2007, 02:54:49 UTC
"Was his hair spikey and sticking out everywhere?" Roxas moved his hands wildly about his head in an attempt to pantomime large spikes of hair. "Or did he have a mohawk and a long black coat?" He asked, more than a little disturbed. Surely Sora wasn't here... But how many blonde boys could there be running around and ranting about other worlds?


von_strahl June 2 2007, 04:33:14 UTC
"'twas a long black cloak, don't know of this 'mohawk' of which you speak."


myown_nobody June 2 2007, 14:07:52 UTC
Roxas nodded. "Then that was Demyx." Again he waved his hands about his head, trying and most likely failing to give the idea of what a mohawk was. "And it's long in the back...." He trailed off and looked the man up and down before digging in his pockets.

"You'll probably want the gum." He said, then paused and looked back up. "Unless you want the wristband. It's black."

((ooc: Gah, this is really late, but HI! I haven't finished FFXII yet, but Balthier was definately my favorite part of the game ^-^. I've never used IRC before, but I'm doing my best to read some faqs about it so I can talk to everyone. Thanks for the link, by the way!))


von_strahl June 3 2007, 05:22:38 UTC
"...Never tried gum. Alright then. So, what do you know of these blades?"

((Heh, if you're on windows, mIRC is the easiest way to go. All you have to do is download it and put the server address in, then join the channel, all of which should be outlined in that link I gave you. And you should finish FFXII! I'm loking for someone to take over Larsa (Or Alphonse Elric, if you're into FMA), coincidentally.))


myown_nobody June 3 2007, 05:38:46 UTC
Roxas handed over the gum, seeing this man in a new light. Never had gum? Where was he?

"You um, unwrap it and chew it. But you're not supposed to swallow it." He advised. His mother had always yelled at him when he swallowed his gum, but Roxas wasn't sure why it was bad.

"The Keyblades... Well, when a person has a very strong heart, they can summon a Keyblade. They, um, change shape sometimes, if someone were do go from being evil to being good, for example. As long as your heart is strong, you can wield your Keyblade." He pauses. "They can also lock and unlock things."


von_strahl June 3 2007, 05:52:36 UTC
Balthier pocketed the gum. "Unlock things you say? I suppose that would explain the 'key' part. Tell me, are these hard to come by? Where might one find one?"


myown_nobody June 3 2007, 06:09:25 UTC
Roxas stared at Balthier, suddenly aware that he didn't know much about the Keyblades. "Well," he began, words coming slowly, "I don't think many people can use them. I know Sora got his when he was in trouble, so I guess it comes from having a really strong need for help." He remembered the time his town had been attacked by nobodies, and how his struggle bad had transformed into a Keyblade then. He nodded, slightly more sure of his answer. "Yeah, I think that's how you get one."

((Ack, I think from now on I need to do the ooc part first to make sure I don't forget it.... I downloaded mIRC, but I've yet to set it up. I feel sort of like I'm betraying AIM by using IRC, but I've heard it's loads better. AND, the last time I played FFXII, I died like seven times on the huge bird bossfight and then just gave up... As for Al, I haven't seen much of FMA (I fail ^^), and I can't even remember who Larsa was (I fail again ^^;).))


von_strahl June 3 2007, 06:16:31 UTC
"..Pity. Would have been rather useful in my line of work."

((Well, IRC is totally different from AIM. The chatrooms are permanent and there's buddy list. IRC doesn't replace AIM, heh. And as for the bird boss, did you do the sidequest with the Urutan Yensa to get the Eksir berries? When you enter the Nam-Yensa part of the Sandsea, there should be a little cutscene of a Urutan talking to the moogle. What you have to do is then go further on and beat the big turtle, then go back to where the Urutan ran to in the cutscene. That'll start a chain of events that'll get you the berries, which you in turn use on the bird boss, which significantly weakens him. Don't forget to set Enemy>>Flying gambits to some magic spell, since you can't hit that boss with anything besides magic, guns, or bows. As for FMA, get on IRC and I'll find a way to get the series to you.))


myown_nobody June 3 2007, 06:33:21 UTC
"Er, don't count yourself you. You might get one one day, if your... about to be killed." Roxas finished lamely, suddenly aware that he didn't know what to do. He grasped at straws blindly, finally coming up with:

"How did you come to be here." Another pause. "I'm Roxas, by the way."

((Ah, I'll have to try that then. I kept getting really close to killing it and just barely falling short, so maybe this'll make things less stressful. I have a bad habit of getting really into a game for a few weeks, then sort of...stopping randomly and getting hooked on something new. Now, though, I sort of feel that itch to play again. Thanks! And, actually, I already have the whole series in Japanese, but I've yet to watch it all the way through. Another bad habit I have is collecting anime and then forgetting I need to watch it. Again with the fail ^-^))


von_strahl June 3 2007, 06:45:46 UTC
"Oh, trust me, I've been near death many a time before. Now, how did I come to be here? Some malfunction of a teleport crystal, as near as I can tell. And, by the way, the name is Balthier."

((Heh, the reason you don't remember Larsa is that he's only had a bit part up 'til that point. And you should defn. finish FMA! It's worth the time, though I prefer the english version.))


myown_nobody June 3 2007, 06:59:44 UTC
Roxas smiled, feeling as though he had gotten to hang of this place. No doubt something would pop up and shatter that feeling, but for now, he was content to just have a normal conversation.

"A teleport crystal? We had something sort of like that, only it was a corridor of Darkness that the members of our Organization could access. A crystal seems much easier, though. Not to mention user friendly."

((Wait a minute! Was Larsa the kid who led everyone through those crazy mines? I usually prefer anime in Japanese, but it's sort of weird, cause the person who plays Ed is the same woman who plays the lead character in the anime NANA, and it's just WEIRD to hear the same voice coming out of short little Ed.))


von_strahl June 3 2007, 07:09:29 UTC
"Well, anyone could access these, so long as you had a teleport stone for it. And they were in nearly every town, too."

((Yes, that was him! Adorable, no? There is slash involved, with him and Al ^^ And the FMA dub is actually quite good, but if you have the jp version, by all means watch that!))


myown_nobody June 3 2007, 07:24:10 UTC
"Yeah, that's a lot easier than surrendering your heart to Darkness." Roxas said, grinning. "Were the stones free, or do people have to buy them?"

((He was cute! A little creepy, but very cute. AH, now you've enabled me to watch FMA *and* play FF12. How am I ever gonna get stuff done? At least I'll be very entertained while I'm slacking off ^^))


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