Embarrassed Owls, Sent and Unsent

Feb 22, 2007 22:04

((Backdated to Feb. 17))

After the debacle at the Valentine's party, Mr. Darcy made himself scarce. The rest of the night and most of the next day he spent drinking himself into a stupor. The day after that, he exhausted himself fencing with a straw dummy.

The day after that, there was nothing left but to face the music. So he sat down with pen and parchment, with a few school owls arrayed at the ready.

Dear Lady Penelope,

I can hardly express in mere words the depth of my mortification at the memory of my poor performance at the Valentine's Day Ball. It is exceeded only by my mortification at the knowledge that you were made an unwilling party to my confessions. I deeply regret any distress you may have incurred that night.

Your own declaration caught me entirely off-guard. That a lady of your poise and station would even deign to notice such as myself never for an instant entered my head. The notion can be forgotten again in but a moment should you wish it, I hasten to assure you; you have but to say the word. Rest assured that I am deeply flattered by the sentiment, however artificially it may have been induced and however unlikely it .

Again I offer my deepest apologies for any distress the encounter caused you, Penny Lady Penelope.

Your servant,


I told you before I do not beg. For this, for her distress at the Valentine's Ball, I make an exception.

Take care of her, I beg of you.


My dear Elizabe
My dear Miss Benn
Dear Eli
Dear Miss Bennet,

Are you
I hope that you are not
I beg you woul
Several lines scribbled over into indecipherability
Can you ever forg

Miss Bennet,

I trust you are well despite the ugliness of our last encounter. You mentioned owling for a more private conversation; should you still wish such a talk, I await your pleasure. Doubtless you have objectionsquestions to pose on the matter we spoke of so regrettably.

My best wishes for your health and happiness,
Your servant,

simkin, owl, fitzwilliam darcy, penelope creighton-ward, elizabeth bennet

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