Closed RP: Raenef and Eclipse reunite... finally.

Feb 21, 2007 23:01

((Eclipse's six month absence explained here :D And... Italics denote telepathic speech.))

Wrapped in his familiar dark traveling cloak, Eclipse stood at the gates of Hogwarts, hood pulled back as he surveyed his surroundings. The castle still stood; that was a good sign. It meant Raenef hadn't managed to get into much mischief during his servant's prolonged absence. If not mischief, what had the young demon lord been up to?

Best not to dwell on that thought, lest the eye tic return.

Several dragon-like beings circled overhead, gradually drifting closer and closer to the ground until Eclipse sent them away with a silent command. Once released, the Crusaders, as they were called, soared away to seek meals and rest elsewhere. They would remain near enough, though, in case their master beckoned.

With a weary sigh, Eclipse reached out with his mind and attempted to contact his master: Lord Raenef?

Not expecting an answer, he made his way toward the castle, trying to remember which House Raenef and he had been placed in. Puffy? Huffy? Something ridiculous sounding and not befitting demons such as they... Yellow. Yes, there had been yellow all over. A frightfully cheerful colour.

Lord Raenef, I've just returned. If you could meet me in the Great Hall, I would appreciate it.

To top off six months of misery and migraines, he couldn't remember the way to either of their damned rooms, nor could he visualise them well enough to teleport. If he barricaded himself in his room -- assuming he actually found it again first -- and refused to come out for a week, he hoped Raenef would understand.

raenef, rp, eclipse

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