So, a Witch, a Wolf, and a Ghost!Mountie walk into the Great Hall...

Feb 17, 2007 22:41

(Closed RP for Lily, Ghost!Bob, and Diefenbaker. Takes place right after this.))

Walking along, seemingly addressing the empty air to her left (where she assumed Bob Fraser to be located; though, since she could only hear him, it was anyone's guess), Lily's hand occasionally ran along the fur of the wolf walking by her side in a comforting gesture. Having been kicked out of Fraser's room whilst the Mountie and his partner, er, had 'alone time', Dief was now regulated to Lily's care for a bit. And Bob had graciously agreed to join her for tea. So now the three of them were heading down to the Great Hall in search of said beverage and, perhaps, a good place to talk.

"So, sir," Lily said as they entered the hall and she found a seat in a far corner, "what made you first decide to enter the RCMP?" Honestly, she found the entire idea of having a career for that long, of passing said career down to your son, to be a fascinating one. "Was your dad part of it?"

benton fraser, rp, lily potter

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