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dr_fraiser February 24 2007, 06:51:44 UTC
Janet giggled, but didn't pursue further. As amusing as it was to make him change colors, she wasn't that sadistic. "In any case, I'm glad this isn't something my mind's imagined. Strange as it is, it's interesting. And I've realized that being alive and corporeal is something I'm attatched to."


doctordweeb March 4 2007, 00:00:34 UTC
((ZOMG I'm so sorry I took this long! I lose. :( ))

Daniel reached out and took her hand. "I know the feeling," he said--having died (more than once, in his case) made you stop taking life for granted. "All this...and I can't help but wonder just when everyone else is going to show up. You, me, and now Sam...I keep thinking it's only a matter of time before half the SGC winds up here."


dr_fraiser March 4 2007, 01:41:39 UTC
Janet squeezed his hand. It was nice when talking about their respective being-dead experiences didn't feel awkward. "Yeah, but then who'd be keeping us safe from the dangerous aliens?" She chuckled. "I keep expecting to walk into the Sorting Room and see Apophis back from the dead, again. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing... it would be easy to keep an eye on any enemies here, but they'd be here."


doctordweeb March 4 2007, 02:18:47 UTC
Daniel twitched slightly at the mention of Apophis. "You know what? I almost wish he'd show up here, because I'd love to see what this place would do to him," he said. "And all that technology wouldn't work here--for once, he'd be reduced to the level of the rest of us, more or less." The thought of watching a Go'auld struggle to adapt to that loss of power was a nice one, in a vicious kind of way.


dr_fraiser March 4 2007, 02:29:14 UTC
"I think it would be worth it just to see what happens when someone invariably spikes the food again." Janet hadn't actually had any firsthand experience with Hogwarts's occasional spiked food, but she'd overheard stories. "Maybe we'd get lucky and he'd turn into a rabbit or something equally harmless and ridiculous."


doctordweeb March 4 2007, 02:39:55 UTC
Daniel burst out laughing, picturing a small bunny with glowing Go'auld eyes. "Or run around the great hall doing the Funky Chicken," he said, and laughed harder. "This place...it seems to level everything out, you know? I mean, I know there are other beings here who call themselves gods, and their powers seem to be balanced out so nobody's too strong."


dr_fraiser March 4 2007, 02:56:04 UTC
"Oh, that's a mental image that's never leaving," she said, after recovering from a laughing fit. "So about that food--I'm going to see if I can flag down a house elf."


doctordweeb March 4 2007, 03:03:31 UTC
Still laughing, Daniel nodded. "If I can stop snickering long enough to eat," he said.


dr_fraiser March 4 2007, 03:10:02 UTC
They were in luck. Janet had no sooner opened her door when a house elf rushing to clean something-or-other hurried by. "Excuse me, could you send someone by to bring us dinner? Lasagna for me, and--Daniel, what are you having?"


doctordweeb March 4 2007, 03:16:55 UTC
"Fettucini, I think," he called, scritching the ugly kittie's ears. "White sauce, please--I'm allergic to tomatoes."

He had to smile at the image of Janet addressing a house elf--they were smaller, but the elves made him think of small, neurotic Asgard.


dr_fraiser March 4 2007, 04:09:07 UTC
The elf nodded and scurried off. "I guess I should avoid getting my tomato-y self near you after we've eaten, then," Janet teased. "I don't think anaphylaxis is attractive, and I doubt you'd like it much either."


doctordweeb March 4 2007, 04:19:13 UTC
"No, I don't particularly want to end the evening by turning purple and choking to death," he agreed. "Even if it would give me an excuse to wind up in the infirmary, for old time's sake." He didn't think he'd ever gone this long without some kind of injury, which was a minor miracle in and of itself. "You could pen-light me again."


dr_fraiser March 4 2007, 04:40:25 UTC
Janet obliged by picking up a penlight from her dresser and pretending to throw it at his head. "I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you. You're much better company when you're healthy." She couldn't in all honesty say he was more interesting, because he did have a tendancy to become the subject of fascinating new conditions. But she'd rather have slightly-less interesting, healthy Daniel than one who was currently stuck in another body, or host to numerous dead minds, or other such complications. "Typically better-looking, too."


doctordweeb March 4 2007, 04:52:44 UTC
Daniel ducked, laughing again. "What, I'm no fun unconscious?" he asked. "At least if I'm out cold I can't run off and break my arm on something."

He went red at her last words--red to the tips of his ears, to his dismay. "I don't know about that," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I know..." He looked at her, not knowing what he'd been about to say. He reached out and took Janet's hand again instead. "At least here, neither of us can die. So getting hurt doesn't have the same...urgency, I guess."


dr_fraiser March 4 2007, 05:10:26 UTC
"You're not nearly as good of a conversationalist."

She grinned--it really was fun making him blush. It was almost too easy sometimes. "There's the added bonus that neither of us--as far as I know, anyway--are doing incredibly risky things that would result in a hospital visit."


doctordweeb March 4 2007, 05:33:39 UTC
"True," he said. "On both counts. Though dealing with the I Ching is probably going to put someone's eye out, when I hold my first class." He returned her grin, having a feeling she liked making him turn red. "Then you'll have something to do."


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