Girl's Night!.... Or... Er... Afternoon?

Feb 14, 2007 20:25

((Backdated to shortly after Gillian was sorted as well as after the Dean incident))
((Semi-Open. If you have business to be there and feel the need to intercede, I suppose you could))

I heard you got sorted into Hufflepuff. Care to spend some quality female time with a not-quite so old friend? If you do, meet me outside of the school, by the lake. I really can't stand the hoity-ness of the Hufflepuff dorms.

Faith had taken a strange liking to the girl and it was the perfect thing to clear her head. So she'd sent the owl. Kid. Kid. It was an affectionate nickname, like her calling Ginny "Red". She nicknamed everyone. ANd hey, people had earned worse. So it was all good... right?

Faith sighed as she walked out to the grounds, wrapping herself up in a tight leather jacket to ward off teh cold. She leaned up against a tree and looked out across the water. She could only look at it for a few seconds before looking away, however. It was pretty. She didn't feel like looking at pretty things. She felt too dark on the inside.

She reached into her coat and pulled the knife out of her belt. The knife her boss had given her. Her knife. It was beautiful and deadly, the twisting metal sharp enough to draw blood with barely an pressure. Twisted. Deadly. Sharp. Destroyed anything it touched. Just like her...

gillian bellever, faith lehane, rp

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