Super Bowl Sunday: Open RP and an owl to Ray

Feb 04, 2007 21:45


It is now 21 minutes to kick-off. Meet me in the Muggle Studies classroom.


On the back of the note is a map showing the route from the Gryffindor Common Room to the Muggle Studies classroom.


Fraser didn't really care much for American football. His sports of choice were curling and hockey, in that order. But it was Super Bowl Sunday, and the Bears were playing, and anyway under Ray's new rules he was due for a day off, and that was how he found himself setting up the Muggle Studies room on Sunday afternoon. He'd figured out the television and gotten the House Elves to make the best approximation of Chicago-style pizza that they could, under the circumstances. He'd even gotten a couple of six-packs of beer and a bottle of Firewhisky, although he himself was sticking firmly to water at the moment.

He hadn't actually gotten permission to use the room, a slightly sticky situation which he dearly hoped he wasn't going to get in trouble. As he saw it, if a complaint was registered, he would gladly give up the space in a heartbeat. All he wanted was to have a nice afternoon off-duty, watching The Big Game with his partner and whoever else might choose to stop by and join them.

Leaving the door open, he sat back in his chair, propped his shoes up on another, and waited for someone else to show.

benton fraser, owl, robin goodfellow, rp, ray kowalski

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