(( Prefect Election Polls are open as of now! The polls will remain open until 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Monday, January 22, 2007. Winners will be announced at that time. In the case of a tie, we will hold a runoff poll. PLEASE NOTE: Only sorted community members may vote, and all votes by anyone other than a sorted community member will be discarded. Also, you may only vote for Prefect of the House into which you were sorted. In other words: Log into your character's individual LiveJournal to place votes for the House race for which s/he is eligible to vote. Log out. Repeat process for your other characters.))
Poll January 2007 Gryffindor Prefect Elections Poll January 2007 Hufflepuff Prefect Elections Poll January 2007 Ravenclaw Prefect Elections Poll January 2007 Slytherin Prefect Elections Poll January 2007 Sparklypoo Prefect Elections