Open RP: Office Hours for Charms

Jan 14, 2007 12:27

Office hours currently being held for Charms. All students (both current and new) are encouraged to meet with Professor Malfoy in her third floor office, next to the Charms classroom, during this time if they have anything they wish to discuss.

Having directed the following notice to be posted in the common rooms of every house, the Great Hall and outside her office, Narcissa was now inside at her desk working and waiting for any students to appear. Over the months, interaction with the students had become somewhat easier, in a sense, though it was still a careful balancing act. She still had not had occasion to test her ability to deal well with students in extended one-on-one contact (beyond dealing with the always-interesting times working with Lily as her assistant) as she had yet to find another student as intelligent and dedicated to learning Charms as the first (and so far only) student to seek out private study.

Despite instinct to keep the door closed with warding between her and anyone else, it was left open in an attempt to look welcoming to anyone who wished to venture into the office.

(( Feel free to bug her about anything! ))

tiffany aching, elizabeth bennet, rp, pharaun mizzrym, narcissa malfoy

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