Molly Weasley: A World of No (We love you, Mum!)

Jan 13, 2007 17:52

Many copies of a flier are posted all around the school - and on nearly every available surface in Gryffindor. The flier is written in red ink on parchment and gives off a shower of gold sparks when read.


ATTENTION ALL GRYFFINDORS! Molly Weasley may be a lovely woman and the most brilliant mother in the world, but you do NOT want her as your Prefect! Don’t believe us? Here are ten reasons why!


10. You'll have to be in by ten. At the latest.

9. Forget boys in girls' dorms and the like. Seriously. In fact, forget any hopes of a romantic relationship, because the Common Room will be a snog-free zone!

8. She’s a wonderful mum, but would YOU want your mum to be the one in charge of detentions?

7. Gryffindor is already starting to lose its reputation, thanks to the bar in Ravenclaw. You think Molly Weasley will put a bar in Gryffindor’s Common Room? NO WAY. If anything, she'll ban...pretty much anything that would make our house cool!

6. The food might get better, but that’s…pretty much the only improvement that will happen.

5. She'll put in a study lab. With books. BOOKS. And she'll make sure all the homework is done. EVERY NIGHT. Think you might want to skive off early and go for a bit of a walk? Not bloody likely.

4. Think you might want to have a bit of a cuddle with your special someone? NOT A CHANCE.

3. Enjoy pranks? KISS THEM GOODBYE.

2. Enjoy feeling FREE and HAPPY? SAY ADIOS!

1. Want your house to be a fun, happy, relaxing place? THINK AGAIN!

Please don’t get us wrong - she is truly a wonderful mother, but that does NOT mean she will be a good Prefect!

Please, vote for someone else. Anybody. Just not Molly Weasley.

(We love you, Mum!)

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(We love you, Mum!)

This announcement brought to you by U-NO-POO. When worried about Prefects of Doom, spend some time with U-NO-POO. Soon, you'll be spending enough time on the toilet that you won't be worried how much your House sucks!

molly weasley, owl, ron weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, all school

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