Warded owls to Simon and Ginny.

Jan 13, 2007 14:15

Written on white parchment in Ryuuji's usual messy calligraphy, a note was delivered by owl to Simon Tam. Ryuuji hadn't seen Simon since his Sorting, but knew that the doctor had been unpopcorned thanks to Stephen's owl, and had figured that as River's brother, Simon was the logical person to help plan a bachelor party. Gift bags and the like could ( Read more... )

owl, ryuuji otogi, simon tam, ginny weasley

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dice_addict January 13 2007, 21:16:42 UTC
Not all that long later, Ryuuji stepped into the Ravenclaw common room. He had a notebook tucked under one arm with a fountain pen stuck into the spiral binding so that they could take notes, and had also brought along Stephen's latest letter giving him permission to do whatever seemed appropriate for the bachelor.

Once in the room, he looked around to see where Simon was, assuming that Stephen would resemble River enough for Ryuuji to be able to recognize him.


igotahamster January 13 2007, 21:35:20 UTC
Simon himself was scribbling a few notes in the margin of a book he was reading, stretched out with his feet up in a chair. He glances up when Ryuuji enters, clearly curious. Was this the gentleman?


dice_addict January 13 2007, 21:40:54 UTC
Oh! Seeing Simon, Ryuuji's memory was jogged back to the Sorting that had occured something like a year ago. Yeah. That was him!

Man, why hadn't he known that from the start? He should have remembered that the two of them had met at Simon's Sorting. Oh well. Clearly, all the jumping back and forth through worlds was starting to tire him out.

Walking over with an easy smile, Ryuuji pulled out a chair and sat down at the table, tilting his head just a little quizzically at Simon, "Dr. Tam, right? I'm Ryuuji."


igotahamster January 13 2007, 21:44:23 UTC
"Please, call me Simon." He offered a hand to shake with a small half-smile. "It's good to meet you."


dice_addict January 13 2007, 21:50:25 UTC
"Nice to meet you too." Ryuuji extended his own hand, remmebering to use the right instead of the left, and shook hands with Simon quickly. Settling back into the chair, he flipped the notebook open and pulled out the pen, angling it so that the tip rested on the page.

Preparations done, he asked Simon curiously, "Do you have any ideas for the bachelor party? Stephen said that there's no tradition of them where he comes from, so yours might be different from mine so maybe it'll be helpful if you tell me what bachelor parties are like in your time."


igotahamster January 13 2007, 22:10:50 UTC
"Well, the traditions where I come from are a little..." He searched for a word. "I guess the best word would be 'wild'. I'm not sure that Dr Maturin would really enjoy them."

He rubbed the side of his nose. "Er, I actually don't remember a lot of the bachelor party I attended. I was a little... out of my head." He looked really embarassed.


dice_addict January 13 2007, 22:30:10 UTC
Ryuuji's grin in response to that was pure impish glee, mischief brightening his eyes as he scribbled down a few notes in Japanese. "Excellent. I mean, seriously, this is a bachelor party! They're meant to be wild."

Grin widening a little, he pointed out, "And Stephen's the guy who got drunk on Evil Clown Repellent during a live WART broadcast. I'm sure being out of his head wouldn't be a new experience to him. I think that we should do our best to make the party as memorable as possible, and part of that is going to be drawing up a good guest list. Apart from the three of us, who do you think we should invite?"


igotahamster January 13 2007, 22:39:15 UTC
"... he got what?" Oh, was that news to Simon. "I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help. I don't know anything or anyone from before I was popcorned." He rubbed the lobe of his ear.


dice_addict January 13 2007, 22:46:22 UTC
Simon hadn't known about that? Wow. Ryuuji was suddenly very glad that he hadn't mentioned his own role in that. Especially the part with the table dancing ( ... )


igotahamster January 13 2007, 22:50:33 UTC
Simon's eyes got wide.

And then wider.

"Er, traditionally there'd be no women at the bachelor party, no." He shook his head a ilttle to clear it. "Perhaps we can get this.. Homsar person as a stripper?"

... Stephen had seemed so dry, and dull! And cold!


dice_addict January 13 2007, 23:57:01 UTC
"Well, it seems unfair to leave her out just because she's a girl -- she can't help what gender she was born, after all -- so maybe we could offer her the chance to take part only if she uses genderchange potion?" Which gave Ryuuji another idea. "Oh! Maybe we could invite River as well if she also doses herself with genderchange potion."

Then his ears caught up to his mouth. "...Except that would kind of ruin the point of a bachelor party if the bride is there. Okay, ignore that."

He shook his head and jotted down some more notes, then tilted his head at Simon, "Do you want to be the one to ask Homsar? Because technically, I think he's either the Professor or ex-Professor of Arithmancy and since I already had to ask Dr. Cox and Lupin to pose naked as chicks for the newspaper, I probably wouldn't want to be the one to ask yet another authority to do something involving nudity. People might think that I have a fetish. So you should probably see if he's willing to do it!"

This was going to be fun.


igotahamster January 13 2007, 23:59:38 UTC
Simon just sat there.



dice_addict January 14 2007, 00:13:09 UTC
The lack of response was somewhat unnerving. If it wouldn't have been so rude, Ryuuji might have tried waving his hand in front of Simon's face to check if he was still paying attention and hadn't been somehow Petrified.


Carefully, in his talking-to-people-that-might-go-off-a-ledge voice, Ryuuji asked, "Simon? Are you okay?"

Simon hadn't been eating anything, so he couldn't be choking. And besides, his lips weren't blue.


igotahamster January 14 2007, 00:42:51 UTC
"Genderchange?" He blinked. Twice. "Professor... nudity?"


dice_addict January 14 2007, 00:45:21 UTC
"Yeah..." Maybe Simon didn't know about this? Switching into helpful-Prefect mode, Ryuuji explained, "There's a genderchange potion that lets you turn into the opposite sex until you drink it again. Susan could take that and be a guy for the night of the party."

As for the professors and the nudity, Ryuuji shrugged, playing it off as casually as he could, "And yeah, I was going to run a schoolnewspaper and someone suggested to me that I ask the profs to pose for it while female, so I did that. But we never got the newspaper out, so that didn't actually come off."


igotahamster January 14 2007, 00:47:13 UTC
"...." Simon blinked, and surepticously pinched his own arm. Maybe this was just his garlic noodles come back to haunt him in a dream?

No. Real.

"... oh. Er. Well, you know this school, so... whatever you think is best, I'm sure it'll be fine."


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