((Feel free to poke Brice! He needs to meet people.))Brice had left the Hospital Wing earlier that morning, and now he was just walking aimlessly around the school grounds. He was as usual dressed in his jeans and a t-shirt, with a grey hoodie over it for warmth though he technically didn't need it. Angels didn't freeze. And he was an angel again
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She's perched in a tree by the lake, and has been sitting up there for a while, staring at the lake, so she doesn't notice Brice until the stones start hitting the water. She looks down and recognizes the guy who disappeared after the fight, the one dumb enough to punch Eddie (but smart enough to keep Mel from being smashed by a tree). Not like he knew what he was getting into, though. And it's good to see he's in one piece.
He looks... different, though, and she can't put her finger on why. "Hey," she finally says after a moment. "How you doing?"
He had the good grace to look embarrassed. Totally new look for him.
"I'm okay," he muttered, which was not completely a lie. Because he was getting better, honest. He still wouldn't look her in the eye, though. "What about you? Any, um... long-term damage?"
Oh God, he hoped not.
She studies him for a second. That's why he looks different. May can recognize the look of someone in the process of mentally beating themselves up. She's done that enough herself. "You want to talk about it? Or talk about something totally unrelated so you don't have to think about it? I'm May. Didn't catch your name in the insanity."
"Talking about other stuff sounds pretty neat right now," he mumbled. "My name is Brice. Brice de Winter, though just Brice will do fine." He wasn't particularly fond of his last name.
And then there was The Question. That huge, huge question that he had to ask, because otherwise he'd go mental. And at the same time, he completely dreaded the answer. Finally he just blurted it out, a bit helplessly.
"Do you know if he's okay? The, um, the guy? Eddie, wasn't it?"
He wanted to kick himself. This not-talking-about-it thing wasn't going so well.
Any small talk about Dom is stifled by the question about Eddie. "Madame Nutter said he was doing better and that he should be out soon - but she also said he wasn't up for visitors, so that could mean anything." May sighs. "I didn't press for details. That woman is scary beyond all reason. But she didn't seem too concerned about his condition."
She doesn't mention Agnes' comment about "fisticuffs." He so doesn't need to hear that.
A muscle near his eye twitched visibly. "Well, that's..." That's shit, actually. His expression said it, but his mouth didn't. "Something," he tacked on instead, and sighed. "All right. Thanks for telling me. I haven't... exactly been up there to check on him myself." For so many reasons. Brice looked ashamed, and slightly nauseous.
Dammit. May's had enough bouts of self-recrimination and guilt to know when someone else is drowning in the same. "Yeah, it's something," she mutters, her tone conveying how little she really thinks it is. If she knew Brice at all, she'd try to talk him out of it, but she doesn't and she's pretty sure that if a total stranger tries to convince him it wasn't all his fault the words wouldn't register. She also doesn't know the whole story.
But she can't just leave him there to blame himself for everything that happened. She eases herself off the branch to jump to the ground, making a "normal person" amount of effort to do so rather than just jumping easily off. Her feet slip a tiny bit on the snow as she gets down - not much, and she regains her balance easily, but if she jumped she'd have slipped into the lake. "I'm sorry. I probably should have tried to find out more, I just - I didn't want to face him. Stupid, I know."
Brice had automatically moved to help her down from the branch, but when he saw that she was more than capable of handling it on her own he stopped, and just stood there. His hands crept into the pockets of his hoodie, and that and his hunched shoulders made him look utterly, utterly miserable.
"Don't apologize," he sighed glumly and kicked at the ground. "You've got nothing to be sorry about. I was the one who punched the guy. I let that thing out and put everyone in danger. You only tried to stop him. You did the right thing. All I managed to do was to get people hurt and myself beaten up, and I didn't even stick around long enough to see if everyone was alright afterwards ( ... )
"And you know, if you didn't do that he might have been set off anyway. I think a little of that thing came out just when he heard my last name. Apparently, having the same last name as somebody he hates was enough to bring that thing out. He could have been set off totally by accident later on.
"I wasn't any good against him - the sucker nearly ate me! I wasn't the one who kept Mel from being squished by a flying tree, either," she points out. "Look, I don't know the whole story. Punching him out was stupid, yeah, but I don't know what led up to it and there is no way you could have expected that thing to appear. Even in a place like this."
She picks up a stone and throws it. It sinks immediately. "Wow. I suck at this."
The mentioning of Mel made a brief look of pain flash over his face. Hearing someone else say that name brought the memories of her back, and it hurt.
"I shouldn't have hit him regardless," he said quietly. "It was a big mistake. Hey, you knew his weakness. That's something." He was silent for a little while, and then he actually heard what May had just said and frowned. "He hates your last name?" It was such an odd thing that he had ( ... )
She looks around for another stone and spots a flat one nearby. After prying it out of the mud and brushing it off, she tosses it out across the lake. It sinks, too, but it hits the surface at a better angle. "I think it skipped. Or tried to. If you look at it sideways."
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