Owl to Jon Snow and a note for Ray

Jan 12, 2007 03:08

As it turned out, the nomination that Fraser had put up for the Prefect elections had wound up having some... unexpected consequences. Ray hadn't taken it with the good humor Benton had expected and hoped for, and with the stress their partnership had been under lately, things escalated rather quickly.

Remembering the advice he'd gotten from Captain Lightyear, he wondered if maybe the toy hadn't been right after all; maybe he and Ray really were spending far too much time together. With that in mind, he quickly packed up a few things, left a note for Ray, and headed for the Owlery.


I thought it might be for the best if we let each other be for a while, and so I've decided to take Diefenbaker and possibly Jon and Ghost camping for the weekend. You have the room to yourself, at least for the next few days. Take care.


PS: I'm sure you'll have noticed, but I placed a well-labeled receptacle in the corner near the window. Please put all wrappers, packages, disposable containers, and leftover food there or in the other trash can (and not on the floor, in the bed or on my desk). Thank you kindly.


I know it's extremely short notice, and I understand if you're otherwise engaged, but I've decided to embark on a bit of an impromptu camping trip this weekend and I wondered if you would care to join me?

Benton Fraser (Cons., RCMP)

benton fraser, owl, jon snow, ray kowalski

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