Closed RP: Hakkai and Sanzo

Jan 07, 2007 21:52

Things at Hogwarts seemed to have quieted down a little in the last week. Apparently the 'Holiday Season' madness was over. Even so, habit had brought Sanzo to a vacant classroom in an isolated part of the castle so he could get some reading done ( Read more... )

hakkai, rp, genjyo sanzo

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worldly_monk January 10 2007, 17:38:24 UTC
Sanzo didn't bother to elaborate on his opinion. Gojyo liked to give the impression that he only thought about drinking, gambling, and sex, but there was a lot more to him than that. "Well whatever this place is, magic is probably the easiest explanation for how people get here."

Sanzo stifled a sigh as he pulled several pages out of the pile. Hakkai was trying to help, and as much as he hated to admit it, he probably needed it. If nothing else, it would help to have a second set of eyes looking it over. "Some of them weren't really that complicated, they just take a long time. Like this one." He pointed to one of the spells. "You have to set it up and let it sit for forty-nine days, and the object has to remain stationary the whole time. I can't be sure the Sutra isn't being moved around."

He pulled out another page with a spell that took up the whole sheet and continued onto the back. "This one looked interesting, but it takes three people to cast it. The incantation has to be chanted in alternating phrases that overlap, and you have to have two people lighting various candles in a specific order while the third does the wand movements." Sanzo pushed the whole stack away from him and reached for his cigarettes again. "Sometimes I think it would be easier to go back to searching on foot."


polite_sinner January 11 2007, 03:35:18 UTC
Hakkai looked the first spell over, glad that Sanzo was accepting his offer of assistance for once, rather than stubbornly insisting that he could work everything out on his own; he thought it made everything much easier this way. "No, I don't suppose this is one that can be depended on, given the circumstances, but perhaps it would be more conducive to try something like this anyway. I don't suppose that there's a spell with a shorter waiting period, is there?"

Pausing to look over the other page Sanzo had pulled out, he read over the spell carefully and said brightly, "How convenient for us that we just so happen to have three people." He continued to examine it, not looking up as the monk moved to light another cigarette, but he did offer an amiable smile. "If you do decide to go off on your own again, please do let us know in advance." He glanced up for a second, before turning his focus back on the spell. When he spoke again, his tone was dry and amused. "Gojyo, Goku, Hakuryu, and I could keep you company, that way. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to just leave us behind, next time."


worldly_monk January 11 2007, 04:31:58 UTC
Sanzo stared at Hakkai in surprise, cigarette forgotten for the moment. "You can't be serious. You think the three of us should try the spell? Has Gojyo even touched his wand since he got it?" His mind stumbled over the mental images for a second (stupid innuendo), but he managed to get it back on track. He shook his head in denial. "I don't think so. We'd probably end up with Gojyo the tiger again. Or worse."

He finally managed to light his cigarette, only to have Hakkai make another ridiculous suggestion. He glared at Hakkai through the smoke. "Absolutely not," he said flatly. "The last thing I'd ever want to do is take Goku and Gojyo on a road trip." He could just imagine that. Goku whining for food every mile. Gojyo wandering off in search of his favorite hobbies every evening. Not to mention Hakkai's 'suggestions' about excessive smoking and drinking. Hakuryu would be certainly be useful, but the dragon wouldn't go without Hakkai, and Hakkai wouldn't go without Gojyo. And unfortunately Hakkai was probably right about not being able to leave Goku behind again.

"There might be a spell with a shorter duration. I don't honestly remember." Sanzo pushed the stack of pages over to Hakkai. "Feel free to read through them." At this point, all of the spells were running together in his head.


polite_sinner January 11 2007, 05:56:25 UTC
"I'm completely serious," Hakkai replied sunnily, gracefully sidestepping the innuendo. "You should have a bit more faith in us, Sanzo. With a bit more training, I think we could manage it."

He stopped to consider it for a short moment. "Maybe." He laughed lightly and shrugged his shoulders. "In any case, if something gets out of hand, I'm sure the three of us are capable of handling it ourselves. And if not. . . ah, perhaps it wouldn't be amiss if we decided to use our time now to familiarize ourselves with locating the Hospital Wing."

Setting aside the spell he was currently holding so he wouldn't lose it in the pile of papers, he started flipping through the pages. The monk tended to take careful notes, from what Hakkai had seen, and he wondered if that meant that Sanzo actually enjoyed doing this sort of paperwork. "Oh, I'm not so sure," he said absently, half-distracted by looking over the numerous spells. "Personally, I think the trip with the four -- ah, sorry, five -- of us would be a fun experience." He stopped going through the spells and smiled. "We could meet new people, and the four of us could use the time to get to know each other better, don't you think? We rarely ever talk, these days, and you're always so busy. . ." Hakkai trailed off, and while he said it with a straight face, he was probably joking. Probably.


worldly_monk January 11 2007, 06:24:49 UTC
"I guess we still have the cancellation spell if things go wrong," Sanzo agreed reluctantly. "Maybe we'll get lucky this time and turn Gojyo into something small enough to keep as a pet." He almost smiled at that idea, then turned serious again. "The real question is, would Gojyo be willing to do it? It would take some work to get the words and the timing right. We wouldn't want to take time away from his drinking and flirting." There might have been a slight edge to his voice as he commented on Gojyo's habits, but it was probably just his usual sarcasm.

Hakkai was still stuck on the road trip idea, but Sanzo was looking a little bewildered. "You want us all to talk? About what? What would you want to know?" As soon as he said it, he realized he'd left him self open. Well, he didn't have to answer. He gave Hakkai a sharp look, still wondering if he could be serious about the idea. " You know all Goku would want to talk about would be food."


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