Closed RP: Hakkai and Sanzo

Jan 07, 2007 21:52

Things at Hogwarts seemed to have quieted down a little in the last week. Apparently the 'Holiday Season' madness was over. Even so, habit had brought Sanzo to a vacant classroom in an isolated part of the castle so he could get some reading done ( Read more... )

hakkai, rp, genjyo sanzo

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Comments 79

polite_sinner January 8 2007, 06:49:09 UTC
Hakkai wandered down a corridor with a few books in hand, having just left his empty dorm room; he had let Hakuryu out to get a bit of exercise earlier that day, and Hakkai assumed that Gojyo was doing whatever it was he usually did when he was out. (Not that he really minded Gojyo coming and going as he pleased -- it wasn't really his place to give his roommate a bedtime, after all.)

At first he passed by the classroom entirely by accident, but after a pause, he walked back and peeked in. He smiled apologetically and cleared his throat softly to get Sanzo's attention. "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude like this," he said, rubbing the back of his head a little sheepishly. "I thought I should return these books to you before I forgot about them, but you weren't in your room. Ah, I hope I'm not bothering you?"


worldly_monk January 8 2007, 07:50:38 UTC
Sanzo looked up from his book and shook his head. " You're not a bother," he replied. "I'm about ready to throw this book out a window." He wondered, not for the first time, if there was really any point to this quest. He wouldn't put it past the Sanbutsushin to have sent him here for some other reason. Something annoyingly obscure and mysterious. Maybe some kind of stupid 'life lesson'.

Frustrated enough to actually ask for help, he waved Hakkai into the room. "I can't decide if this book is written in code, or just some obscure dialect. Are you any good at languages?"


polite_sinner January 8 2007, 11:02:57 UTC
"My, you really shouldn't throw something out of a window," Hakkai replied, more joking than nagging. "You might accidentally hit some unsuspecting person passing through below. It's better to aim for something sturdier and not as liable to shatter, I think. Personally, I've always found a nearby wall to be an ideal target."

A little surprised by Sanzo's request for assistance, Hakkai made his way over, leaving his books on the table. "I have a bit of working knowledge, I suppose, though I'm not sure if I can be of much assistance." He held out a hand for the book, and when he received it, he began peering at the text. After a few quiet moments, he looked up and offerred an embarrassed grin. "Ah, is it safe to assume that you're looking for a spell to find missing things? I only gave this a quick glance, but I believe that's what this passage is about -- well, it's either that, or it's a description of the best way of drawing a pig. . ."


worldly_monk January 8 2007, 17:10:38 UTC
Sanzo quirked a half-smile at Hakkai's joking suggestion. "Good point. I wouldn't want to hit someone accidentally." The slight emphasis was intentional, since, as Gojyo and Goku knew very well, he usually preferred to hit people on purpose. He handed the book to Hakkai, glancing at his notes while Hakkai examined the page Sanzo had been trying to read.

"Yes, it's supposed to be a spell to find things," he confirmed, frowning and pulling a second book over. "Someone gave me this book about hidden treasures as a Sorting bribe a while back, and it mentioned that one as a source of some of the finds. I suppose it would have been too easy if that one had turned out to be useful."

He pushed back from the desk a little and picked up his cigarettes, lighting one with the lighter that had been his birthday present from Hakkai. "Maybe I should take another look at some of the spells from the other books."


polite_sinner January 11 2007, 07:26:59 UTC
"The cancellation spell, and if things get particularly serious, you always have the Sutra. But -- and perhaps it's bad luck to say this -- but I doubt anything too dire would happen to require it." His attention back on the papers, Hakkai made it a point to not look up when he heard the sharpness of Sanzo's tone. "I'm sure he would be happy to help," he said mildly, his voice neutral, though it may or may not have been intentional on his part. He flipped over a page to read the second half of a spell before neatly placing it at the bottom of the stack. "I suppose you would just have to ask him nicely for his assistance, is all ( ... )


worldly_monk January 11 2007, 08:24:23 UTC
Sanzo made a derisive noise. He wasn't entirely sure that Gojyo would be happy to help. He also couldn't quite see himself asking Gojyo nicely for anything. It was his responsibility, dammit. He didn't need anyone else's help. No, that wasn't entirely true. He just didn't want help. He dragged one hand through his hair, wondering how far he could bend his pride to accomplish his goal. Sanzo took a deep drag on his cigarette, letting the smoke out slowly. "Maybe you should ask him ( ... )


polite_sinner January 11 2007, 12:08:45 UTC
Hakkai might have been watching Sanzo from the corner of his eye for his reaction, but if he had been, he had quickly averted his eyes back to the table. He nodded his head once, slowly. "I'll ask him for his help if and when you want me to," he said simply, leaving an obvious opening for Sanzo to back out if he had any second thoughts about attempting such an advanced spell with two other amateur "wizards." Even in his own mind, Hakkai was going over the various specialized reversal spells he had decided to learn some time ago and was a little disappointed that he only remembered a handful -- he'd certainly need to do some studying up.

For his part, Hakkai had already spilled his guts once before -- he didn't recall it being very fun, either. He smiled a little at Sanzo's noncommital comment -- not siding on either an affirmative or a negative. It was something that even an accomplished fence-sitter such as Hakkai had to appreciate. "That's very true," he replied, "but I suppose the opposite isn't true for Goku." His tone wasn't ( ... )


worldly_monk January 12 2007, 02:13:17 UTC
"Hmm. If we can't find anything else that looks more promising, then I'll think about it." The idea of combining the three of them with an unknown spell filled Sanzo with more than a little dread. Turning Gojyo into a tiger was amusing, but he didn't particularly want to experience it for himself.

Hakkai's observation about Goku wasn't something Sanzo had considered before. He put the thought aside for the moment. "We won't need a designated owner, because if we do end up trying that spell, we're going to make sure we can all do the cancellation spell first." Hopefully they wouldn't be unlucky enough to all end up transformed into something else. Then again, none of them had a good track record with luck.

"There's got to be a simpler way of doing this." Sanzo opened the book he'd been looking at when Hakkai came in. "I wonder if there's a spell that will translate a text automatically?"


polite_sinner January 17 2007, 04:43:44 UTC
((Oh, it's totally fine, don't worry about it~! ♥))

"Ah, you're right, of course," Hakkai said with a sort of resigned nod, "but I do think there is something to be said about the correlation between one's favorite sweet and his or her relative success in life." He met Sanzo's doubtful look with a slight smile, shaking his head. "No, I don't really. It's far too demanding to live life as it is without also having to worry about what color you should wear on what day just for the possibility of earning an extra bit of luck, don't you think?"

Laughing a little and giving Sanzo what might have been a vaguely knowing look, Hakkai replied, "Well, I suppose you could say that he always tries to face his problems, at least, even if he does plow his way through them, head first. It would be something to look up to, really, though knowing Goku, I imagine it inevitably ends in the need for a first-aid kit. But do you suppose that means Goku is thick-headed?"


worldly_monk January 17 2007, 06:07:19 UTC
"I don't get a choice about the color of my clothes," Sanzo commented dryly. "Not at the temple anyway. Besides, I don't believe in luck." He paused for a moment, then added, "Although I have to admit, you win at cards more than anyone should be able to."

He gave a short laugh at Hakkai's question. "Goku is very thick-headed," he agreed. "I'm not sure anything could put a dent in that skull. I've certainly tried. But that's not what you meant, was it." He frowned down at the table, not really seeing it. "I'd say he's focused. Goku knows what he wants, and he goes after it without any regard for the consequences. And he's incredibly stubborn." Sanzo sat back with a sigh. "Of course being stubborn is nothing unique in this group."


polite_sinner January 17 2007, 06:59:45 UTC
"You say that, but wasn't it you who won all those hands of poker on Gojyo's birthday?" Clearly Hakkai was the type to hold grudges, especially when it came to something that brought out the less than admirable aspects of his competitive personality -- although he had yet to exact his "revenge" for that, unless Sanzo's atypical party counted as a punishment. "How is Betsy, while we're on the subject of birthdays?" Hakkai grinned cheerfully.

"Goku is a very bold person, isn't he? I almost envy him sometimes. I only wish he'd use that focus a bit more on his homework, honestly." Hakkai was silent for a few seconds before smiling in agreement. "We're all dreadfully obstinate, especially since we always insist on doing things our own way, and we're all just as thick-headed. I imagine it's our strongest selling point, really, if we were to have one at all."


worldly_monk January 17 2007, 08:03:06 UTC
"Yeah, but that was a fluke, and we both know it." Sanzo looked like he was sorry he'd mentioned card games. He didn't look any happier at the reminder of his birthday party. "Betsy is fine," he said shortly. Somehow the stuffed cow had never ended up in the wardrobe like he'd planned. He'd left her on the desk for few days, but eventually he had to make room for his research. He'd moved her to a bookshelf instead.

"Huh. Obstinate is probably an understatement. For all of us." Sanzo looked thoughtful for a moment. "So, as long as we're analyzing personalities, how would you describe Gojyo?" The thoughtful look was replaced by his customary smirk. "I think 'thick-headed' is a given."


polite_sinner January 19 2007, 19:20:54 UTC
((OoC: . . . gwah, meant to rethread. Sorry about the double post!))Hakkai raised an eyebrow at the monk's assessment of gambling and gamblers, matching Sanzo's amused look with one of his own. "Well, Gojyo is a rather skilled player on his own, and I didn't have to accompany him too often. Though I suppose you're right -- it seems to be an accurate enough appraisal, at any rate. Ah, but I'm a little curious. When did you get the chance to analyze a gambler's psyche, if I may ask ( ... )


worldly_monk January 19 2007, 22:43:06 UTC
(( I can't remember if we've ever discussed OOC how much Hakkai knows about Sanzo, so I'm going to go with 'not much'. Warning: Exposition Ahead. XD ))"Long story." Normally he would have left it at that, but their earlier conversation made him reconsider. Sanzo blew out a stream of smoke, trying to remember what he'd told Hakkai about his past. Probably very little, he acknowledged to himself. Well, it wasn't like it was a secret. Besides, he'd already told Gojyo some of it during their evening of drinking. He probably owed it to Hakkai to tell him some of it too ( ... )


polite_sinner January 21 2007, 02:31:35 UTC
Hakkai visibly sobered as Sanzo told him about his past, just barely masking his astonishment over how much the monk was sharing with him. It wasn't really every day that Sanzo decided to expound on his life, so Hakkai let him speak without interruption, watching Sanzo from the corner of his eye. Until now, Hakkai was only aware of very vague details when it concerned Sanzo, and if he were to admit it, he was oddly gratified to actually hear something concrete from the monk for once, rather than have to infer everything from avoidant comments and vague facial expressions ( ... )


worldly_monk January 21 2007, 04:32:58 UTC
Sanzo shrugged at Hakkai's comment. "Probably, but I managed." There was a cynical smile on his face. "Sixteen is probably too young to be put in charge of a temple the size of the one in Chang'An, but it didn't seem to bother the Sanbutsushin." He shifted slightly, still somewhat uncomfortable discussing his past. He glanced at Hakkai and noticed his tentative smile, like he expected Sanzo to bite his head off for saying anything. Sanzo forced himself to relax.

"Bringing Goku to Hogwarts might be a really bad idea." He could just imagine how much trouble that would cause. "Maybe I shouldn't go back until I'm ready to leave here for good."


polite_sinner January 25 2007, 06:41:07 UTC
When Sanzo narrowed his eyes, Hakkai half-expected the monk to make some angry, frustrated comment and explain just how little he liked his fellow monks, the exact location of where they could put their trivial problems and official matters, and that Hakkai ought to mind his own business. And when Hakkai's expectations weren't exactly met, he smiled a little to himself and chalked it up as a sign of Sanzo's growing patience since he had arrived at Hogwarts (he was so proud ( ... )


worldly_monk January 25 2007, 07:25:46 UTC
"Hn. Cigarettes are cheaper than incense." Sanzo was relieved that Hakkai wasn't asking more questions. He tried not to think about those years too much. He didn't like remembering how close he had been to breaking down. The memories were shoved away again, and Sanzo focused on Hakkai's admission instead. It was good to know that Hakkai did indulge himself in a vice or two now and then. Actually, the idea of Hakkai smoking wasn't hard to imagine at all. It seemed almost familiar, even though Sanzo couldn't remember ever seeing Hakkai with a cigarette in his hand. "Yeah, Gojyo's brand sucks." He gestured towards his cigarettes. "I'd offer you mine instead, but I wouldn't want to tempt you to indulge yourself too much." There was a bit of a challenge in his eyes as he looked back at Hakkai ( ... )


polite_sinner January 26 2007, 05:06:01 UTC
"Ah, I see," Hakkai said blandly, though he had a vaguely playful smile on his lips. "So you're keeping the temple's economic interests in mind? How thoughtful! I think that incense smells a little better, but I imagine that's just my personal preference." He laughed at the monk's straightforward assessment of Gojyo's brand and a replied a little more diplomatically, "I'm not sure if it, ah, sucks, necessarily, but they didn't exactly suit my tastes." Raising an eyebrow again at Sanzo's silent challenge, Hakkai smiled pleasantly at him and said, "That's very considerate of you, Sanzo. Even if I did want a cigarette, I certainly wouldn't want to impose on you and ask for one of yours."

Hakkai held back a grin and assumed an air of solemnity. "That would be best, I think. We should keep it between us in order to preemptively protect Gojyo from harming himself unknowingly. In any case, it would be quite irresponsible of us and of him if we allowed him to learn magic for the express purpose of pulling pranks or simply winning an argument


worldly_monk January 26 2007, 05:55:48 UTC
"You didn't spend most of your life in a temple. I've had enough of incense." Sanzo looked amused at Hakkai's diplomacy. "I think I could spare one for you now and then," he replied. "You don't ask for much for yourself, do you?" It was closer to a statement than a question.

Sanzo laughed quietly, but then he thought of something else. His look changed to one of exasperation. "On second thought, maybe we really shouldn't give him any ideas. Since Goku isn't here, Gojyo would only have two possible targets, and I don't think he'd go after you."


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