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Returned by Owl, heavily warded, charmed to blow smoke up anyone else's arse lilypotter60 December 26 2006, 05:04:24 UTC
(She'd simply told the owl to find House, and find him the bird did.)

House ~

There's nothing wrong with me

I sleep just fine and

There's no way you could

Merry Christmas yourself, Skippy. Try not to get into trouble that involves law officers or jail cells.

~ Lily

(Consider it done.)


Re: Returned by Owl, heavily warded, charmed to blow smoke up anyone else's arse canes_can_kill December 26 2006, 21:30:28 UTC

No denial? People are so easy. When I get back you'll have the joy of being bugged about it. That'll put some holiday cheer in you.

Me? In jail? ...It's been known to happen. Why are you worrying? It'll be Wilson who I make pay my bail.



Return owl, heavily warded, charmed to turn to a lockpick lilypotter60 December 26 2006, 21:45:38 UTC
House ~

I'm not denying anything. Because there's nothing to deny. It's also none of your sodding business, you arrogant I'm sorry that I am apparently not up to your usual expectation of the picture of health and well-being - perhaps it's the coming-back-from-the-dead thing? Or my current work load? Most people look tired from time to time. I'm simply putting this down to one of your amusing little jabs and moving on. I strongly suggest you do the same.

He may be the one paying the bail, but somehow I think that I'll be the one Apparating to wherever the hell you are to spring you. So let's not take time out of my busy, busy schedule to do so, yeah?

Have fun.

~ Lily


Return owl, scrawled on the back of a postcard canes_can_kill December 26 2006, 21:55:34 UTC

What was that? You are having nightmares? You know what they say about the people who complain and deny too much.

Fine. I'll leave it alone. For now. But only because my horoscope told me I'd get kicked in the scrotum by a feisty redhead if I bugged her. Jeez, you're touchy. What happened to the good old horoscopes about meeting a dark, handsome stranger? I miss those.

Did you give Wilson a dress?



Return owl, heavily warded, charmed to melt for anyone else lilypotter60 December 26 2006, 22:04:08 UTC
House ~

You are giving me nightmares. And I'm not touchy. Merlin's balls, why is everyone so interested in my sleeping habits? I don't ask you about what you do at night.

What do you know? The horoscope was right. And here I thought Divination was rubbish.

I gave James dress robes which are not the same thing at all. They're Wizarding robes for special occasions. But let me guess - you've already mocked him for wearing a dress? Hate to spoil your fun on that front. Be careful, though, or I'll buy you some as well.

~ Lily


Return owl postcard canes_can_kill December 26 2006, 22:16:02 UTC

What I do at night? What, pop four vicodin and get stoned enough to actually sleep? That's not interesting, I don't know why you'd ask.

Divination isn't rubbish. Over here, the old religion had this great divining ritual where they'd strike a small child down, squirt paint in his eye, and divine the future from watching the kid. I bet it works wonders. Say, you wouldn't happen to have a small child handy? They also had great rituals for actually getting to sleep. I'm making myself useful and writing them down for you! (House has had the audacity to scrawl an overly happy face here.)

I may or may not have already mocked him. I'd only wear those things if you gave me a billion Vicodin. And endless morphine. So I can deliberately overdose at the shame of it all. Men wearing dresses. Honestly.



Return owl, heavily warded, charmed to squirt paint in the eye of anyone else lilypotter60 December 26 2006, 22:23:28 UTC
House ~

Yeah. That. Can't imagine why I'd wonder. Or call you a hypocrite for insinuating that I don't have the healthiest of sleeping habits.

Merlin, you're a tenacious bugger, aren't you? Let me spell this out for you: I don't need help. There are several Wizarding solutions for sleep.

I get to sleep just fine

It's just

Squirting paint in someone's eye won't do a bloody thing. Unless it's your eye, in which case it'll just amuse me. Hey, I know, let's try that! (Her own overly happy face is scrawled here.)

It's not a dress. It's a robe. And all Wizards wear them. I think you'd look dashing in one. Either that or completely ridiculous, in which case it'd give me cause to mock you, so I can't see the downside.

No one is giving you any more drugs.

~ Lily


Return postcard canes_can_kill December 26 2006, 22:30:26 UTC

I'm going to completely ignore all comments about not sleeping, squirting paint in my eye, and mocking me in a dress. Anything that will later aid me in mocking you will be remembered, and all insults about the deficiency of my character forgotten.

No drugs? (House has drawn a sad face with a single emo tear.) You make baby Jesus cry.



Return owl, heavily warded, charmed to shout 'Just Say No' to anyone else lilypotter60 December 26 2006, 22:42:06 UTC
House ~

Well, that's rather convenient, isn't it? What's the point in having a conversation with you if you're just going to ignore the good bits?

And no. No drugs. (there is a happy face that says 'Drug Free is the Way to Not Die Wearing a Diaper') Baby Jesus' tears do not affect me.

~ Lily


Return postcard, one of those tacky 'tick the boxes about your vacation' things canes_can_kill December 26 2006, 22:50:32 UTC

Look! According to this postcard, my travels have been full of boozing, the weather has been awful, I'm somewhat enjoying it, and I've acquired a husband. Not so sure about that husband part. It came pre-ticked.

Come on, you don't want to discuss me wearing robes, do you? That's a horrifying image and if I ever did wear one of those things, I'd ask you to squirt paint in my eye.

Well, no worries. Plenty over here. There's this rad leaf thing that I apparently must try.



Return owl, heavily warded, charmed to turn into a toaster for anyone else lilypotter60 December 26 2006, 23:02:18 UTC
House ~

Well, congratulations! Just what every bloke needs - bad weather and a husband. I wish you both the best. Be sure to take loads of pictures; I'm sure all of us here want to see the happy couple on their honeymoon.

Just because you're being contrary, I'm making you get a pair of robes when you get back. Sirius wears them and he looks smashing - he would be the first to tell you that they certainly aren't girly in the least. I've even gotten Perry to wear them and he looks amazing. Trust me, they're wonderful things.

A leaf...thing? What sort of leaf? What does it do? It's not Alihotsy, is it? Because that stuff can be wicked dangerous if taken in the wrong combinations...

~ Lily


Return postcard canes_can_kill December 27 2006, 19:53:04 UTC

Like I'd ever willingly take a spouse, husband or not. Too much nagging and emotional crap.

I don't care if they do look 'smashing', a cripple and a robe do not make a good combination. What weird connections your brain must make if you think that's a great idea.

And I couldn't care less if it is this Alihotsy thing, whatever the hell that is and whatever it does. It's bright red and it's what all the cool kids are doing. I'm off to indulge.



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