(no subject)

Dec 24, 2006 07:26

((OOC: First, I do apologize for the length of this post and, also, if I have forgotten anyone. Normally Lily would, indeed, have some sort of gathering as opposed to just owling this stuff out, but I, OOCly, don't have time so... A mess of owls it is! XD Going along with that, do not feel the need to respond or the like. Lily just wants to spread some Christmas cheer. She's a bit like Santa, in a way...))

(Lily sends out Christmas presents. All notes and gifts heavily warded to only be opened by the intended recipients. All notes are also charmed to fold into paper snowmen and melt away if read by anyone else. Any owls or ducks who do not find their addressee will leave the package on that person's bed.)

Harry ~

Merry Christmas, love!

I hope this will be something you find useful from time to time.

~ Lily

(The owl is also carrying a small box tied with a green ribbon. Inside Harry will find a pair of gloves which are charmed to withstand fire, extreme cold, water, to never allow his hands to get too warm, and fit Harry perfectly.)

Sparky ~

Merry Christmas and all that.

Don't get all mushy on me, now.

~ Lily

(The owl is also carrying (carefully!) a lovely iron dagger, which was charmed to turn into pure rock salt when needed (and then, of course, back again) as well as to be perfectly balanced for Dean's hands.)

Sam ~

I know we've not met, but I'm mates with your brother. He tells me you're interested in the history of places. I hope, then, that you'll enjoy this.

Merry Christmas.

~ Lily

(Owl is carrying a wrapped copy of Hogwarts: A History)

Remus ~

Merry Christmas!

I figured I'd better send this along, in case I don't get a chance to see you before Christmas!

I hope you enjoy these. I had a lovely chat with a bookkeeper on a recent trip to London and he pointed these out. They made me think of you.

Cheers, love!

~ Lily

(The owl is carrying a collection of Muggle books on Scottish wildlife.)

Tonks ~

Merry Christmas!

I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

~ Lily

(Owl is also carrying a hat, gloves, and scarf set, which will change colours to best compliment whatever Tonks is wearing.)

Karrin Murphy ~

Merry Christmas!

I hope you find this to be useful. I'm afraid I don't know much about Muggle law enforcement, but I imagine a good shield charm comes in handy most places.

~ Lily

(Owl is carrying a small box holding a silver necklace, which will throw up a Bubble Shield Charm if anyone attempts to shoot anything - from bullets to hexes - at the wearer.)

Dogen ~

Merry Christmas, love!

You can use your brain to help you build things with these. I saw them in a store in London and the shopkeeper told me that American sprogs quite liked them. Have fun!

~ Lily

(The owl is also carrying a tin of Lincoln Logs.)

Stephen ~

Merry Christmas!

I saw these in London and thought of you - the bookkeeper tells me that this particular society is quite active in America with various wildlife conservational projects. I hope you enjoy them!

~ Lily

(Mr. Quackers is also carrying a collection of Audubon Society Books on Birds and Plants of America.)

Rob Anybody, Wee Young Angus, Big Yan, William the Gonnagle, Wee Jock, Medium Sized Jock, Daft Wullie, Awfully Wee Billie Bigchin, Mad Hamish. Nearly Big Angus, Not-totally-wee-Georgie, Wee Bobby, Slightly Sane Georgie, Wee Dangerous Spike, and Horace the Cheese

The Mac Nac Feegles

Blokes ~

Merry Christmas!

I spoke to a bloke at a pub I knew of and he gave me a bit of his own 'special' brew. I hope you like it!

~ Lily

P.S. Try not to burn anything down or break anything I can't fix, yeah?

(There is a jug filled with something that smells rather strong enough to knock out an elephant. There are also, in a package wrapped with green paper, five hundred wee scarves, each one slightly different, all the perfect size for the Feegles.)

Sarah ~

Merry Christmas, love!

We definitely need to get together for a bit of egg nog and a chat. But, until then, here's a little something I hope you like.

~ Lily

(Mr. Quackers is also carrying a package containing a robe in a lovely emerald green.)

Skippy ~

Try not to go overboard, yeah?

Enjoy. Merry Christmas.

~ Lily

(The owl is also carrying a set of glasses and a decanter which is charmed to never run out of the desired drink so long as there are guests to enjoy it.)

James ~

Merry Christmas!

I hope you're settling in all right. Enjoy the holidays. (Oh, and the house-elves make a smashing figgy pudding, if you ask.)

~ Lily

(The owl is also carrying a package containing a set of dress robes in navy blue.)

Madame Nutter ~

Merry Christmas!

I hope you enjoy these.

~ Lily

(Mr. Quackers is also carrying a window box filled with some of the most commonly used herbs for healing potions. The box has been charmed to always keep the perfect temperature and soil conditions for each herb.)

JD and Jack (and Key as well!) ~

Merry Christmas! I hope you both have a wonderful time of it. Give Key a hug from me as well.

~ Lily

(Owl is also carrying two tickets to a Quidditch match in Glasgow as well as a dog toy.)

Pippi ~

Merry Christmas, love!

I hope you and Mr. Nielsen have a lovely holiday.

~ Lily

(Mr. Quackers is also carrying a globe, which will bring up colorful pictures of each city in the world should Pippi touch it. There is also a large bunch of bananas for Mr. Nielsen.)

Doctor ~

Merry Christmas!

I hope you can find some use for this.

~ Lily

(Owl is also carrying a complete bartender's set.)

Ginny ~

Merry Christmas, love!

I hope you are having a wonderful time with your Mum here. This is just something I saw while I was in London and thought you might like.

~ Lily

(There is also a package containing a green cashmire sweater.)

Ron ~

Merry Christmas!

Try not to get into too much trouble with these, yeah?

~ Lily

(Mr. Quackers will also deliver a large sack of Zonko's pranks as well as a bag of Honeydukes sweets.)

Molly ~

There's really nothing I could

I want you to know that I

How will I ever

Merry Christmas.

~ Lily

(There is a small box which contains a necklace of jasper.)

Benton ~

Merry Christmas, love.

Thank you for everything. I hope your holiday is something wonderful.

And tell Dief I said hello.

~ Lily

(A package with a new leather band for Fraser's hat - which was charmed to protect the hat from all weather and make the hat impossible to lose - and a compass - charmed not so show north, but the best heading towards where the traveler wished to go - was included. Also there was a set of matching bowls, which Fraser and Dief would find would never run empty so long as there was a source for dog food and water.)


(There was a short note on top of one additional package.)

Sergeant Robert Fraser ~

I must admit, I wasn't really sure what one might get a ghost. So I thought about what I, personally, would enjoy.

I hope you like it.

~ Lily

(The package would contain a small photo album filled with pictures of Fraser over his years with the RCMP. Since the negatives had been obtained and developed in a potion, the pictures move. It is truly amazing what an owl to the Canadian Wizard Consulate can do.)

Sarah Jane ~

Merry Christmas!

I hope everything is going well with you and your Harry. Have a lovely holiday!

~ Lily

(Owl also is carrying a journal and a self-inking quill.)

Strong Sad ~

Merry Christmas, love!

I hope this brightens up your room.

~ Lily

(A package containing a poster of Morrissey is enclosed.)

Daniel ~

Merry Christmas!

I hope you enjoy this.

~ Lily

(Owl is also carrying a first edition of H.G. Wells' The Time Machine.)

Phoebe ~

Merry Christmas!

~ Lily

(Strangely enough, the owl bears a package containing a pair of socks.)

Robin ~

Merry Christmas, love! I hope you've managed to sober up a bit. If you ever need to sock talk, just let me know.

~ Lily

(And yet another pair of socks wing their way to a happy owner.)

Thomas ~

Merry Christmas!

Saw this in a bookstore and thought of you.

~ Lily

(The owl is bearing a book. He's also carrying a bag of Honeydukes treats, but even Lily has been able to resist adding a blood-lolly. Well, more than one, at least.)

Janet ~

Merry Christmas!

I hope you enjoy your holiday.

~ Lily

(A package of various bubble bath beads and lotions is included.)

Arya ~

Merry Christmas, love!

I hope you can find some use for this.

~ Lily

(There is a box containing a shield which Arya will find is the perfect weight for her. It also has as many protection spells on it as Lily knows how to place.)

Brienne ~

Merry Christmas!

I saw this in London and, for whatever reason, immediately thought of you. I hope you like it.

~ Lily

(A tiny box holds a necklace.)

benton fraser, owl, daniel jackson, arya stark, pippi longstocking, dean winchester, sarah jane, lily potter, ginny weasley, james wilson, jack harkness, stephen maturin, strong sad, molly weasley, sarah williams, robin goodfellow, phoebe buffay, karrin murphy, sam winchester, gregory house, dogen boole, brienne of tarth, ron weasley, john dorian, janet fraiser, harry dresden

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