Open RP - Hufflepuff dorm

Dec 20, 2006 16:53

((backdated to just after the kitty app))*Han slunk down the hallway towards Hufflepuff, carefully holding the basket with the kitten in an attempt to both keep it quiet, and keep it from being seen. He certainly didn't need someone seeing him with this silly ball of fluff. Especially if that someone happened to be his apparently-future-sister-in ( Read more... )

laura palmer, han solo, rp, leia solo, demyx

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kissawookiee December 20 2006, 23:23:08 UTC
Leia was curled up on a chair in the common room, skimming through a catalog of wands. While it would be best to make a trip to the nearby village to try them out in person, she had decided that it would probably help to have some sort of idea of what to expect from them.

She heard the portrait open behind her and planned on ignoring it until a quick Force-probe let her know that it was Han. She leaned over to ask him about the wands but noticed that he was very obviously sneaking in. What's he done now? Visions of him losing her lightsaber in a sabacc game flitted around her mind, and she dismissed them. She hadn't seen a single sabacc game since they'd arrived. Still, it might be fun to mess with him a little. She cleared her throat.


first_shot December 20 2006, 23:28:48 UTC
*Han spun around, shoving the basket behind his back and trying very hard to pretend there wasn't mewing coming from inside. Plastering on a charming smile he continued to try, as subtly as possible, to get Galahad to back off. Unfortunately for him he was failing miserably*

"Hello, dear. I didn't see you there."


kissawookiee December 20 2006, 23:39:30 UTC
She smiled back sweetly. It really was fun watching him squirm. "Well, the back of the chair was in the way. What're you hiding?" She nodded towards the gray six-legged cat. "Whatever it is, it has a fan."


first_shot December 20 2006, 23:46:21 UTC
"Hiding? Me? Would I be hiding anything from you?"

*Han flashes his most charming smuggler grin, guaranteed to make him appear as honest as possible... at least to most people. Putting on an air of interest, he casually changes the subject*

"What's that you're reading?"


kissawookiee December 20 2006, 23:51:46 UTC
She rolled her eyes and refused to let the change of subject by. "You're a smuggler, you hide things for a living. It's either something nice or something which will potentially blow up the wing, isn't it?"

With that taken care of, she could address the change of subject. "Wand catalog. It sounds like we're going to need them." She leaned over a little more, craning her neck to try and peer around him to catch a glimpse of whatever he was hiding.


first_shot December 21 2006, 00:03:09 UTC
"Um... well it's not something that will blow up the wing. I don't think." *He skipped the smuggler part, she did have a point there. Casually he shifts, using his height to his advantage. Sometimes it was downright useful to be taller than his wife. Peering at the catalogue he asks curiously, still keeping the kitten safely hidden* "Wands? For what?"


kissawookiee December 21 2006, 00:16:01 UTC
"I'm filled with confidence."

She held it up, trying once again to sneak a peek behind him and glaring when she couldn't. "Well, we need them for classes. And it sounds like there's some simple and useful charms that make life a little easier that I wouldn't mind learning."


first_shot December 21 2006, 00:22:34 UTC
"You should be, I inspire confidence."

*Han leaned over slightly to look closer at the book before glancing up in outrage* "Classes?? I already went to school!" *In his indignation he let the basket slip slightly though it was still mostly concealed behind his back. Frowning he studied the book Leia was holding* "These sticks of wood are going to do... what exactly?"


kissawookiee December 21 2006, 00:29:52 UTC
Leia took advantage of the slip and looked over quickly. Unfortunately, she was already in a precarious position and managed to nearly fall out of the chair. She caught herself, jumped to her feet, and glared at Han with her best "I dare you to say something" look.

"Well, if we're stuck here, we may as well learn a few things. As far as I can tell, they have something to do with focusing magic, like the words the Dathomir Witches used focused their Force abilities." She frowned. "Or something like that. I'm fuzzy on the details."


first_shot December 21 2006, 00:35:40 UTC
*Han quickly smothered a smirk, giving her his best innocent look. Instead he nodded soberly, in apparent agreement though part of him was instinctively rebelling at the thought of school. After all, he'd been through the Academy and been a smuggler for years. A damn good one at that, what did he need school for? Especially this... magic stuff*

"Like Dathomir? Uh... are you sure we should mess with that? I mean, those ladies were... well... a bit crazy."

*He glanced over his shoulder at the basket, silently relieved that the kitten had stopped making noise... for the moment anyways. Quickly he glanced back at Leia*


kissawookiee December 21 2006, 00:42:35 UTC
"In all fairness, very few of them actually became Nightsisters. And I have yet to see splotchy purple people here." She shrugged. "I'm not saying we should retire here--I'd like to see the twins and Luke again at some point, and I'm almost positive the galaxy will fall apart twice as quickly without us there to fix it--but there are some potentially useful things to be learned here."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "You're going to have to show me what you have back there eventually, you know."


first_shot December 21 2006, 00:52:25 UTC
*Han shrugged, he didn't have much interest in being fair. Especially not towards people who'd tried to kill him. But Leia had a point, there were, fortunately, no purple splotchy people... yet. Absently he nodded in agreement, chuckling briefly* "Yes, you're probably right. And I'd like to see them too, no telling what trouble Luke will get into."

*He glanced at the basket again* "Umm... says who?" *He gave her an endearing little boy smile, clearly realizing he was trapped and doing his best to get out of it*


kissawookiee December 21 2006, 02:47:58 UTC
"Marrying Mara, apparantly."

She crossed her arms and gave him an amused look. "You realize that I can probably just levitate whatever it is over to me any time I want."


first_shot December 21 2006, 03:09:29 UTC
"Exactly!" *Automatically Han glanced around as if to see whether Mara was near before he remembered that she was in Gryffindor and not too likely to be hanging around Hufflepuff. Glancing back at his wife he openes his mouth to respond then closes it again, eyeing her* "You wouldn't."


kissawookiee December 21 2006, 04:00:39 UTC
"I might. For all I know you're smuggling in some illicit item for the sole purpose of corrupting the people here. What kind of person would I be if I allowed that?"


first_shot December 21 2006, 04:10:12 UTC
"Would I do that?" *He gives her a "Who me?" look* "What if I assured you it wasn't illegal? Or going to explode?"


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