Posted all over the castle

Dec 18, 2006 19:13

Happy Christmas to all!

In order to get us all up in the Christmas Spirit, I'm putting together a little Secret Santa. Just sign below and I'll shuffle up the names and send you yours.

Surprise your secret santa with a few little fun things, and then at the Christmas party all will be revealed.

((ooc: Since people are signing up pets, I'm going to do a separate pet exchange! Feel free to put your pets down, too.))

((This post will be open for 48 hours, at which time I will randomize the names and email everyone their characters secret santa.

There is a magical imperative placed on these notes; if your name goes on it, you're stuck doing the Secret Santa, and getting at least one gift. Please don't do it without anyone's OOC permission, of course, but feel free to do it without IC permission.

Sign the post ICly; please add your email address to the bottom of your post so I can send you your character's secret santa!

I'll make a second post after the email, with anonymous commenting enabled. Post your secret santa gifts there, anonymously if you want to keep the secret. Make sure you check this post for your character's gifts!

And Wednesday between Christmas and New Years, I'll post the party thread. IC it'll take place on Christmas, but OOC we'll post late since most folk won't be here on Christmas weekend.

Questions? Feel free to leave a post here.))

rp, rube sofer

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