Bodyswitch Begins! (Semi- closed rp for Lizzy, Jilly, Darcy, Robin, and Simkin)

Dec 13, 2006 02:55

Lizzy was sitting in the Ravenclaw Common Room, absently reading a book. She was dressed as she normally was, in an Empire- waisted gown.

Despite the fact that she had been reading for a good quarter of an hour, she hadn't read more than several pages. Her thoughts were occupied with pleasanter thoughts (mainly of Simkin) and more confused musings ( Read more... )

robin goodfellow, rp, lizzy, simkin, fitzwilliam darcy, elizabeth bennet, jilly coppercorn, tyrion lannister

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robinthepuck December 15 2006, 02:48:15 UTC
Well, this was new! Robin had gone to sleep a dashingly handsome Puck - well endowed to say the least - and had woken up a rather charming young girl. Far from alarmed (can we say 'the head of an ass'?), Robin had found the whole thing quite delightful. After a long, leisurely bath in which he spent ample time exploring his new body, Robin dressed himself - admittedly a bit clumsily, but he managed just fine. Binding the top of the emerald green dress together as he remembered other woman of centuries past doing, Robin admired the way his (her!) body filled out the dress with curves in all the right places. With his hair streaming around his shoulders in casual disarray, Robin had to admit, this body just screamed sultry innocence. His favorite kind ( ... )


ugly_imp December 15 2006, 03:58:46 UTC
((I got permission from Robin-mun. Is it socking if my characters don't actually interact even though they're in the same thread?))

Tyrion was still drinking his coffee and considering what to do next. There was a commotion on the stairs, but he ignored it for the moment, as shrieking females weren't really to his taste.

Then the common room door swung open and... Seven hells! Was that Sansa? Swishing her hips seductively?

Oh, hells. It was someone else in Sansa's body, he was fairly certain.

Still... He ought to go rescue her before she wound up doing something the real Sansa would have regretted.

'Damn, I'm chivalrous of a sudden,' he thought as he sauntered over to her.

"Well, hello there. You seem remarkably cheerful this morning."


robinthepuck December 15 2006, 04:43:57 UTC
Looking up at Tyrion from under coquettishly lowered lashes, Robin turned his new body's full lips up into a very suggestive smile. "Oh, there's lots of things to be cheerful about," he breathed. "Not the least of which is stumbling upon such excellent company ( ... )


ugly_imp December 15 2006, 04:57:27 UTC
Yes, definitely not Sansa.Well, maybe she was the Sansa he'd guiltily dreamed about sometimes.

He was intrigued enough to move closer to her, his gaze lingering on her cleavage for a moment.

"The same seems to have happened to me, sweetling," he murmured. "I think you have the right of it."

He was very close to her now, and he reached down to tangle his fingers in her hair and then bent--gods help him, this was a novel experience--so he could kiss her.


robinthepuck December 15 2006, 05:14:02 UTC
Oh, excellent. This bloke - whoever he was, names were so unimportant and often got in the way of a good fuck - was a man after this Puck's heart. A slight smirk crossed Robin's pretty face when he caught Tyrion looking at his cleavage. And who could blame him? They were quite nice breasts.

When Tyrion kissed him, Robin returned it with passion, his own tiny hand clutching at Tyrion's shirt and pulling himself closer. Moving against the other man in a way he knew - from personal experience on the other side of the equation - would bring all attention to the way their bodies fit together, Robin pulled back enough to murmur against Tyrion's lips, "Gods and saints, please tell me that your room is close by." Well, come to think of it, his room was just upstairs; however, as he had no idea what his body was up to, it was probably a decidedly bad idea to go looking. Then, not waiting for an answer, he kissed Tryrion again, deeply, his free hand stroking along the small of the other man's back.


ugly_imp December 15 2006, 05:36:42 UTC
Tyrion's new parts were definitely in good working order, as evidenced by what happened when not-Sansa ground her pelvis against him.

"My room is up these stairs," he murmured huskily against not-Sansa's lips. He felt a pang of conscience, but whoever had Sansa's body was damned good at this, and, well, he did want to try out the equipment.

Setting a hand at the small of her back, he guided her up the stairs to Salamander's room and kicked the door shut behind him.

"You're in far too many clothes, sweetling," he said, expertly unfastening the laces, his heart pounding with excitement.


robinthepuck December 15 2006, 06:04:27 UTC
Oh, thank Bacchus. Eagerly bounding up the stairs, Robin's eyes glittered as he studied Tyrion. "Am I?" he pouted breathlessly, one hand tracing absently across Tyrion's chest. "You'll have to help me, then."

Shrugging off the the dress as soon as he was free of the bindings, Robin let the fabric pool down around his feet. Stepping back, letting his own hands wander lightly over his new body, he gave Tyrion a fully suggestive look. "Is this better?" Slowly turning in order to display every inch and dip and curve, Robin then walked over to the bed, hips swaying most deliciously. Damn, he'd love to fuck himself, this body was so sweet and fresh, but the next best thing would be to make this lovely boy he'd picked up pant.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, legs crossed and chest thrust out slightly, unabashed in his nakedness, Robin looked over at Tyrion. "Now, darling, you seem to be the one overdressed."


ugly_imp December 15 2006, 19:58:54 UTC
((My apologies if this sucks. I'm about to walk out the door, but I wanted smut to reply to when I got home sooo...))

Tyrion watched not-Sansa as she ran her hands lightly over her body, and displayed herself for him. His heart was racing, and his blood seemed to have been transported to his groin.

"I am overdressed at that," he said, removing his clothing with alacrity.

He glanced down at his nude body and noted that Salamander wasn't nearly, in his own opinion, as well-endowed as he himself was. Oh, well. The pretty face made up for it, and Tyrion was used to working with what he had.

Once he'd divested himself of his clothing he strode over to the bed, rejoining not-Sansa, pulling her to him for another kiss, letting his hands wander over her lovely young body.


robinthepuck December 16 2006, 01:14:13 UTC
Arching into his touch, Robin moaned softly. "Gods, yes," he mumbled against the other man's lips. His own fingers stroked down Tyrion's chest and dipped lower, seeking out the most sensitive areas.

Lips tracing across Tyrion's neck, Robin concentrated on the unique sensations of the other man's hands on curves and crannies he most certainly did not have in his usual form. Returning to Tyrion's lips in a deep, hungry kiss, Robin pulled the man down on top of him as he lay back on the bed. One long, graceful leg wrapped around Tyrion and Robin pulled back long enough to smile seductively. "Now that we are both more adequately clothed for the occasion," he whispered in a husky voice, "what shall we do?" One finger lightly traced the outline of Tyrion's ear and Robin laughed, sofly, in the back of his throat. Oh, he liked this bloke. Knew what he wanted and was hell-bent on getting there. Brilliant way of thinking.


ugly_imp December 18 2006, 02:27:55 UTC
Tyrion did know exactly what he wanted. His hands moved with a surety of purpose over not-Sansa's body, cupping one of her breasts until the nipple pebbled beneath his touch. His other hand traced along the flat plane of his lover's stomach until he could dip a finger between her legs. She was so responsive to him, something that bespoke of actual experience at this sort of thing, which the real Sansa lacked. For a moment he allowed himself to forget, as he touched her, that he was only touching the body, that the person beneath him wasn't Sansa. He was probably going to regret this later, as he had with Cersei, but she was driving him madd, and he wanted her--whever she really was.


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