Open to all - Popcorn room

Nov 29, 2006 06:03

The floor of the popcorning room was rather cold. He blinked owlishly down at his hand... wait. Stone? It'd been a long time since he'd seen a stone floor like this; so old, trafficked by feet so long it was smooth as marble ( Read more... )

jayne cobb, rory gilmore, rp, simon tam, stephen maturin, kaylee frye, susan sto helit

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estebanmd November 29 2006, 06:45:24 UTC
Stephen had come to the popcorn room to pay his respects to Jack Aubrey -- only to find his friend's name had vanished from the plaque. Incredulous, he entered the room anyway, as though the kernels could give some sign to confirm the disappearance, unlabeled and inaccessible though they were.

So stunned he was at the absence of Jack's name, he did not notice that another name had also disappeared from the plaque, indicating a new unpopcorning.


igotahamster November 29 2006, 06:48:57 UTC
... well, he seems like a decent gent. Much more likely that Simon could manage to put the right questions together to ask him. Simon approached, and for a moment he got the slightest twinge. "...excuse me," he interjected, politely. "You look very familiar."


estebanmd November 29 2006, 07:01:23 UTC
... Oh, bloody hell.

"Dr Tam," he said, perhaps more curtly than he intended. "This is ... quite a surprise."


igotahamster November 29 2006, 13:16:24 UTC
"It is?" He pushes his hair out of his eyes, raking his fingers through it. "For me as well. I'm afraid I don't know who you are."


estebanmd November 29 2006, 17:47:32 UTC
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

"Does the name Maturin mean anything to you?" Possibly your sister's surname?


igotahamster November 29 2006, 17:52:17 UTC
"... only in the vaguest sense. I know I've heard it before." He frowns and wrinkles his forehead. "It's all familiar, but I can't put my finger on any of it."


estebanmd November 29 2006, 20:06:10 UTC
Stephen's heart sank. He had no personal regrets regarding Simon's lapse in memory as far as it concerned himself. If River's brother did not remember her, though, she would be devastated.

None of this was apparent from his demeanor as he said, amiably, "Perhaps your sister can help you fill in what memories you have lost."


igotahamster November 29 2006, 20:07:26 UTC
"Someone said River was here, but they couldn't tell me where... do you know?" He looked a bit hopeful, at that. He knew she was better, but he still worried when she was off on her own. "I'd be very greatful."


estebanmd November 29 2006, 20:12:16 UTC
Stephen hesitated. Here would lie the problem.

"She is likely still in our quarters," he said.


igotahamster November 29 2006, 20:14:52 UTC
Simon was very quick to pick up on that one. "...which 'our' are you referring to?"


estebanmd November 29 2006, 22:41:01 UTC
"I had been under the impression," said Stephen, choosing his words carefully, "that it was still customary in your time for married couples to cohabit."

Way to go, Stephen. Double barrels: the news Simon's sister had apparently gotten married to someone Simon did not know; the news Simon himself was not only in a strange place but a different time.

Wonder which will unsettle Simon more?


igotahamster November 29 2006, 22:45:10 UTC
It hit Simon like a shotgun, too; he actually took a half - step backwards and peered at Stephen as if he were a long distance away.

In your time?


He was very silent for a considerable amount of time, and then he opened his mouth.

And closed it again.

He looked baffled, like a dog that's just been shown a card trick. He knows something miraculous has happened.. but what?

" long? When?" he finally asks with slightly wide eyes.


estebanmd November 29 2006, 23:02:14 UTC
Stephen had expected an immediate objection. Quite unreasonably, Simon Tam had never approved of his sister's marriage to a 19th-century physician twice her age. Simon's reaction surprised him.

Perhaps he is a different Simon altogether. Stephen had long known people who unpopcorned often reappeared with memories of Hogwarts completely gone, and with their personalities altered -- as though they were an entirely different iteration of the same entity. Susan's recent return with memories of Stephen and their friendship intact had caused him to reconsider his belief that popcorning was tantamount to the death of the person popcorned, and then River had returned, his own River, remembering him and their marriage. It came almost as a shock to have his own former theories of popcorn lent credence again after so much close evidence to the contrary ( ... )


igotahamster November 30 2006, 00:29:29 UTC
He perked up a little at that. "I was there?" That, at least, was something. If only he could remember it -- he'd be crushed if he hadn't been at River's wedding. And it sounds as if she'd made a special point to tell him. He relaxed, just a little.

"Eight months." And they'd each been popcorn for some of that time... if he followed her each time, then at least he'd been protecting her. He took a breath, nodded, and then met Stephen's eye. "My name is Dr. Simon Tam." He offers his hand. "And you are?"


estebanmd November 30 2006, 00:55:16 UTC
Had Stephen been aware of the misconception he had created, he would have corrected it at once. Simon had not been present at River's wedding because there had been no wedding proper, only signing of paperwork at the Ministry of Magic. River had become popcorn before they could hold the public ceremony she had wanted, an event that took much planning and help. She had indeed made a special point to tell her brother once the marriage had become a legal fact, though. That much was true.

All Stephen knew at present was that Simon seemed to be accepting the news with grace, which was a good deal more than he could say for Simon's previous incarnation, and for this he found himself incredibly grateful, more grateful than he really felt comfortable admitting. He shook the hand offered. "Dr Stephen Maturin."


igotahamster November 30 2006, 01:07:06 UTC
Simon's mind had already conjured up his sister looking like a princess, all in white, flowers everywhere, something that his Mother would have planned, if she had known. Hm. And likely, she would not have worn shoes.

His grip was possibly more firm than it needed to be. "You'll forgive me if we have already settled this, but I'm afraid I'll have to insist we discuss your intentions with my sister -- later, of course, and in private."

It wasn't quite as ridiculous as it sounds -- there are many cynical reasons for marriage, and he knows them all.


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