Jill, from Katherine Kerr's Deverry books

Nov 26, 2006 07:52

A young woman with short blonde hair walks in, stops, and looks around in surprise. She is wearing worn baggy trousers, a slightly stained linen shirt, boots, and a swordbelt from which hang a sword and a silver dagger.

"By the Lord of Hell's black hairy balls! Since when did Brin Toraedic have a room that looked like this(OOC: This Jill is from ( Read more... )

application, jill

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maid_brienne November 26 2006, 09:36:37 UTC
Brienne listens, and nods slowly. It makes sense, somewhat: she do not know what a 'silver dagger' meant in this context, only that it signifies some sort of band of men, but it sounds as though low birth has meant some measure of freedom for Jill, and that is not entirely unlike the way things worked in Westeros.

How can she explain what she is, without resorting to terms that would mean as little to this woman as 'Wyrd' means to Brienne? "I am the trueborn daughter of a lord," she says, haltingly. "I learned to fight because I wished it and argued for it. I am good for nothing else." She indicates her awkward, tall, muscular frame, unable to articulate what an unlikely lady she made, how wrong she looked in a gown, how stupid she felt when doing anything but fighting or riding or sailing.

Her face lights up at the compliment to Oathkeeper. "The blade is Valyrian steel, very rare," she said. "It was given me by -- " the man I love, or do I? " -- someone to whom I owe a great debt, as token of an oath I swore, and means by which that oath is to be kept. So it is called Oathkeeper, as all blades of Valyrian steel have their own name."

Even as she evinces clear pride in the blade, she cannot help a note of sadness creeping into her voice as she speaks of oaths.


turtledove_jill November 26 2006, 10:55:28 UTC
Jill nods in understanding. She likewise feels stupid doing 'ladylike' activities, or trying to dress in women's clothes.

"Don't put yourself down like that," she says. "I used to think the same, then found a few other things I was good at. It was good of your father to let you learn because ye gods, men and their cursed pride! I've known and known of a good few lords who've made their daughters and sisters marry regardless of their wishes. Even in the life when I was Lady Gweniver I would never have become a Moon-sworn warrior if my father and brother had still been alive."

She listens with interest to what Brienne says about Oathkeeper. "I've never heard of Valyrian steel, but the way you talk makes them sound like very good weapons indeed. This person you're oathsworn to must honour you highly to give you such a weapon."

She holds out her hand. "What little manners a silver dagger's bastard like me has must have gone to the dogs. I'm Jill -- well, it's actually Gilyan, but everyone calls me Jill."


maid_brienne November 26 2006, 11:21:08 UTC
Brienne looks at Jill's hand and tentatively takes it in her own for a handshake that ought to be firmer, properly. She isn't used to this custom though she's seen other people do it at Sortings and knows what's expected. Her own hand is calloused and hard, as capable as Jill's. It feels strange, as though she were shaking hands with herself. "Brienne of Tarth," she names herself in answer. Everyone calls me Jill, the woman says, and what echoes in Brienne's mind are the other names by which she herself been known. Everyone calls me wench? No, only Jaime calls me that now. He'll not suffer anyone else to use it, he said so.

Being told not to put herself down is something Brienne is beginning to get used to, at Hogwarts, but something she's never been able to internalise or act upon. It's just another way in which she disappoints people.

"I would have married," she says. "The man I was to marry died. It may be expected that I marry one day; I am my father's only living child. Still, he is only fifty-and-four, and not too old to sire an heir." She shrugs; what goes without saying is that she is not exactly a prize on the marriage market, not where she comes from.


turtledove_jill November 26 2006, 11:43:17 UTC
Noting the tentative handshake, Jill raises an eyebrow, wondering what makes Brienne lack confidence. Then again, as the daughter of a noble lord who didn't act like a lass she'd probably had a tough time from others during her life.

"Good to meet you, Brienne," she says, then sighs. "There was a man I almost married, too. I'm sorry your man died. Did you love him?"

Jill's grey gnome appears next to Brienne, and looks up at her mournfully. Jill gives it a wistful smile. "Mayhap your Da will sire another heir. It'll take pressure from you, I'm sure, if you don't wish to marry."


maid_brienne November 26 2006, 11:57:30 UTC
Brienne shook her head. "I didn't love him, but I am sorry for your loss." She'd been betrothed twice more, and after she'd broken the collarbone and ribs of the last one, her father had not tried to marry her off again. The one she'd have been willing to marry was the first one, and even so, to think of him as 'her man' struck her as surreal. It was strange and almost touching, the natural way Jill seemed to assume that Brienne could have loved and been loved by someone once.

"I think my father will be at some pains to ensure he does get an heir," she said. "For all he knows I could be dead now. It's certain he does not know where I am now --" and that made her think. "Do you know where you are, Jill? Did you come here on purpose?"


turtledove_jill November 26 2006, 12:10:37 UTC
"I...," a flash of pain crosses Jill's face, quickly suppressed. "I left him. I had to. He was nobleborn, the ruler of a powerful rhan, and it would have hurt his position to have married a silver dagger's bastard, let alone one who studied dweomer. He wouldn't see it, though, so I had to lie to him...." Her voice trails off. "He's married now. A colourless slip of a lass that I could break in half. It surprised me how much it hurt when I found out."

She tosses her head. "But that's in the past. I suppose if you didn't love him it wouldn't have ached your heart when he died as much as if you had." She gives a pained smile. "Have you found anyone you love?"

Even as she says it, she realises that that's a somewhat personal question, but talking about Rhodry has made her more tactless than usual. "I...I'm sorry. I don't mean to pry. Don't answer if you don't want to." She sighs. "As for me being here, it wasn't on purpose, no. I was at Brin Toraedic -- where I live now -- and just ended up in here when I walked through one of the doorways. Laura said this was a castle steeped in magic, but beyond that I'm not truely sure where I am."


vote: Gryffindor maid_brienne November 26 2006, 12:25:38 UTC
A colourless slip of a lass that I could break in half. It reminded her of Renly's queen. It was first to the queen regent that her thoughts strayed, though. Brienne's mouth twisted in sympathetic pain for Jill. She wanted to offer something in return. "I loved my king," she ventured. "I loved him before he became king. He was the first man ever to -- be nice to me, I suppose. He's dead now too." That was bitter to say, still. The circumstances of Renly's death she could not discuss even now. The first oath I could not keep.

"Dead people can come back, here, I'm told. It is a magical castle, yes, and it's also a school where people can learn magic. I did not come here purposely either. I was looking for the people I'd sworn to find. Instead I found someone I was hoping not to find -- but then the girls I was looking for, they showed up here too, not long after. The school is called Hogwarts, and that's why you're in this room: the other people who live here get to come and ask you questions, and decide which part of the school you should live in. My part, my House, is called Gryffindor. It's supposed to be for the brave, so I think that's where you should be, too. I only live there because a kind man asked the Sorting Hat to allow me to live in the same House as the girl I needed to protect. The other of the girls hadn't arrived yet," she explained parenthetically, almost anxiously.


Re: vote: Gryffindor turtledove_jill November 26 2006, 12:45:16 UTC
"I'm sorry," Jill says. Ye gods, why is it always lasses who have to suffer this sort of pain? "He must have been a good man indeed for a lass as honourable as you to have loved him. If people can come back from the dead here, then maybe he will, too?"

She nods along to Brienne's explanation of Hogwarts. "That makes a lot more sense now, thank-you. I'm glad you think that I should be in the same House as you, and that someone got you put with the girl you need to protect. If the other girl has arrived now, where is she? Is she in Gryffindor as well?"


Re: vote: Gryffindor maid_brienne November 26 2006, 13:01:55 UTC
Renly Baratheon, come back to life? Brienne inhaled sharply at the thought, half intrigued, half frightened. She was sure Renly would have some harsh words for the woman who'd failed to protect his life, but, by the Seven, to see him live again! "King Renly was a good man," she agreed, and left it at that. "The other girl of whom I spoke lives in Slytherin with her lord husband. You'll meet him too, like as not. Many people from my country arrived here almost at once. Indeed, all of house Lannister is here." Why did she have to go and blurt that out? Jill didn't know any Lannisters.


Re: vote: Gryffindor turtledove_jill November 26 2006, 13:08:01 UTC
"I don't know if anyone from my land is here," Jill says. "I haven't met many people here. It would be nice if I'm not the only one."

She looks at Brienne curiously. "House Lannister? Is that like Gryffindor and the other Houses that Laura was telling me about?"


Re: vote: Gryffindor maid_brienne November 26 2006, 13:15:01 UTC
Brienne colored and looked down. "No, I misspoke. The Lannisters are a noble house in Westeros, like my own of Tarth. Gryffindor is a sort of residence within the school of Hogwarts." She made herself explain it. "Some people say there are four Houses in Hogwarts, and some say there are eight. The four main ones are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. The other four are places no one would want to go."


Re: vote: Gryffindor turtledove_jill November 26 2006, 13:21:55 UTC
"Ah, like a clan in Deverry and Eldidd," Jill says, nodding. "I understand now. And the whole clan...I mean House...has turned up here at Hogwarts?" She frowns slightly. "There's another four houses here? What are they, and why would no-one want to go to them? Are they haunted?"


Re: vote: Gryffindor turtledove_jill November 26 2006, 13:23:10 UTC
(OOC: Ack, mun's just realised it's past midnight for her and she has work tomorrow. Had a blast RPing with you, and would love to continue tomorrow.)


Re: vote: Gryffindor maid_brienne November 26 2006, 13:28:19 UTC
(( OOC: Ah, it's morning where I am. Jill's wonderful -- admittedly I only have vague memories of the one or two books of her canon I'd read, many moons ago -- more to the point for me, she's such a good influence for poor Brienne! I'd love to continue as well, and my contact info's in the contact info post if you'd like to discuss. ))


Re: vote: Gryffindor turtledove_jill November 27 2006, 02:49:32 UTC
(OOC: I've loved Jill ever since first reading the books years ago. I think she and Brinne could get along wonderfully ^_^ I'll look up the contact info post and give you a buzz.)


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