I went through and stamped those who have applied this year. Yes, all the way back to January. If you were one of those applicants that applied a while ago and would still like to be apart of the community, please leave me a comment to your official stamping that I left on your applications. You will then be invited to your common rooms.
Those of you who have applied recently, you have been stamped and will find yourself below. Your prefects will be inviting you to your common rooms shortly, so keep an eye out on
your invites page. If you still have not been invited by tomorrow, comment here and I'll fix it for you.
Please say hello/check in at your common rooms. Prefects will think you are no longer willing to join if they do not hear from you and may prune you from their member list.
highlighterrrrhappy_fan Slytherin
the_opheliaccaustic_core Hufflepuff
don_t_hold_backaoineko Squibbed
tragicromance88coffeybeanz POINTS FOR SORTING
Points were only counted on applicants voted on since the revamp. Just a reminder! Some of you did not include your house in your signature OR your vote in the subject line of your comment. Next time I will not award you points OR count your vote. Five points were awarded for every vote.
Gryffindor :: 3 votes = 15 points
Slytherin :: 7 votes + 1 referral by
starbucks5721 = 45 points
Ravenclaw :: 19 votes = 95 points
Hufflepuff :: 8 votes = 40 points
Points will be recorded in
THIS POST. You may see them as they are logged. The official point total will be updated by me and located at the bottom of this community's